.regressionignore 990 bytes
# .test-regression.ignore contains the list of topic/variables produces by
# documentation examples that should be ignore in the regression test
# The format of this file is: 5 lines of comments followed by one line by
# ignored variable : [Topic]<SPACE>[Variable] or *<SPACE>[Variable] for every variable whatever the topic
# Example for ignoring OutputsModel variable produced by example("RunModel_GR2M"): RunModel_GR2M OutputsModel
* RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
* RunOptions$Outputs_Cal
* RunOptions$FeatFUN_MOD
* RunOptions$FortranOutputs
RunModel_CemaNeige RunOptions$Outputs_Cal
Param_Sets_GR4J RunOptions_Cal
Param_Sets_GR4J RunOptions_Val
* OutputsModel$Param
* OutputsModel$WarmUpQsim
* OutputsModel$StateEnd
Param_Sets_GR4J OutputsModel_Val
RunModel_Lag InputsModel
RunModel_Lag OutputsModel
RunModel_Lag OutputsModelDown
SeriesAggreg SimulatedMonthlyRegime
* InputsCrit$FUN_CRIT
* InputsCritSingle$FUN_CRIT
* InputsCritCompo
* InputsCritMulti
Param_Sets_GR4J InputsCrit_Val$FUN_CRIT