Commit 4d95f905 authored by unknown's avatar unknown
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v1.0.6.0 bug fixed in plot.OutputsModel() for the regime plot when the peridod...

v1.0.6.0 bug fixed in plot.OutputsModel() for the regime plot when the peridod is less than 1 year #4660
Showing with 22 additions and 11 deletions
+22 -11
Package: airGR Package: airGR
Type: Package Type: Package
Title: Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling Title: Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling
Version: Version:
Date: 2017-03-30 Date: 2017-03-31
Authors@R: c( Authors@R: c(
person("Laurent", "Coron", role = c("aut", "trl")), person("Laurent", "Coron", role = c("aut", "trl")),
person("Charles", "Perrin", role = c("aut", "ths")), person("Charles", "Perrin", role = c("aut", "ths")),
...@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ plot.OutputsModel <- function(x, Qobs = NULL, IndPeriod_Plot = NULL, BasinArea = ...@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ plot.OutputsModel <- function(x, Qobs = NULL, IndPeriod_Plot = NULL, BasinArea =
return(filter(x, rep(1/n, n), sides = 2)); } return(filter(x, rep(1/n, n), sides = 2)); }
MyRollMean2 <- function(x, n){ MyRollMean2 <- function(x, n){
return(filter(c(tail(x, n%/%2), x, x[1:(n%/%2)]), rep(1/n, n), sides = 2)[(n%/%2+1):(length(x)+n%/%2)]); } return(filter(c(tail(x, n%/%2), x, x[1:(n%/%2)]), rep(1/n, n), sides = 2)[(n%/%2+1):(length(x)+n%/%2)]); }
MyRollMean3 <- function(x, n){
return(filter(x, filter = rep(1/n, n), sides = 2, circular = TRUE))
TimeStep <- difftime(tail(OutputsModel$DatesR, 1), tail(OutputsModel$DatesR, 2), units = "secs")[[1]]; TimeStep <- difftime(tail(OutputsModel$DatesR, 1), tail(OutputsModel$DatesR, 2), units = "secs")[[1]];
if(inherits(OutputsModel, "hourly" ) & TimeStep %in% ( 60*60)){ BOOL_TS <- TRUE; NameTS <- "hour" ; plotunit <- "[mm/h]"; formatAxis <- "%m/%Y"; } if(inherits(OutputsModel, "hourly" ) & TimeStep %in% ( 60*60)){ BOOL_TS <- TRUE; NameTS <- "hour" ; plotunit <- "[mm/h]"; formatAxis <- "%m/%Y"; }
...@@ -308,19 +311,27 @@ plot.OutputsModel <- function(x, Qobs = NULL, IndPeriod_Plot = NULL, BasinArea = ...@@ -308,19 +311,27 @@ plot.OutputsModel <- function(x, Qobs = NULL, IndPeriod_Plot = NULL, BasinArea =
colnames(DataMonthly) <- c("Dates", "Precip", "Psol", "Qobs", "Qsim"); colnames(DataMonthly) <- c("Dates", "Precip", "Psol", "Qobs", "Qsim");
TxtDatesDataMonthly <- formatC(DataMonthly$Dates, format = "d", width = 6, flag = "0"); TxtDatesDataMonthly <- formatC(DataMonthly$Dates, format = "d", width = 6, flag = "0");
##Computation_of_interannual_mean_series ##Computation_of_interannual_mean_series
if(!is.null(DataDaily)){ if (!is.null(DataDaily)) {
DataDailyInterAn <-[, 2:5], by = list(as.numeric(substr(TxtDatesDataDaily , 5, 8))), FUN = mean, na.rm = T)); SeqY <- data.frame(Dates = as.numeric(format(seq(as.Date("1970-01-01", tz = "UTC"),
colnames(DataDailyInterAn) <- c("Dates", "Precip", "Psol", "Qobs", "Qsim"); } as.Date("1970-12-31", tz = "UTC"), "day"),
format = "%m%d")))
DataDailyInterAn <-[, 2:5], by = list(as.numeric(substr(TxtDatesDataDaily , 5, 8))), FUN = mean, na.rm = T));
colnames(DataDailyInterAn) <- c("Dates", "Precip", "Psol", "Qobs", "Qsim")
DataDailyInterAn <- merge(SeqY, DataDailyInterAn, by = "Dates", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
if(!is.null(DataMonthly)){ if(!is.null(DataMonthly)){
DataMonthlyInterAn <-[, 2:5], by = list(as.numeric(substr(TxtDatesDataMonthly, 5, 6))), FUN = mean, na.rm = T)); SeqM <- data.frame(Dates = 1:12)
colnames(DataMonthlyInterAn) <- c("Dates", "Precip", "Psol", "Qobs", "Qsim"); } DataMonthlyInterAn <-[, 2:5], by = list(as.numeric(substr(TxtDatesDataMonthly, 5, 6))), FUN = mean, na.rm = T));
colnames(DataMonthlyInterAn) <- c("Dates", "Precip", "Psol", "Qobs", "Qsim")
DataMonthlyInterAn <- merge(SeqM, DataMonthlyInterAn, by = "Dates", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
##Smoothing_of_daily_series_and_scale_conversion_to_make_them_become_a_monthly_regime ##Smoothing_of_daily_series_and_scale_conversion_to_make_them_become_a_monthly_regime
if(!is.null(DataDaily)){ if(!is.null(DataDaily)){
##Smoothing ##Smoothing
NDaysWindow <- 30; NDaysWindow <- 30;
DataDailyInterAn <-$Dates, DataDailyInterAn <-$Dates,
MyRollMean2(DataDailyInterAn$Precip, NDaysWindow), MyRollMean2(DataDailyInterAn$Psol, NDaysWindow), MyRollMean3(DataDailyInterAn$Precip, NDaysWindow), MyRollMean3(DataDailyInterAn$Psol, NDaysWindow),
MyRollMean2(DataDailyInterAn$Qobs , NDaysWindow), MyRollMean2(DataDailyInterAn$Qsim, NDaysWindow))); MyRollMean3(DataDailyInterAn$Qobs , NDaysWindow), MyRollMean3(DataDailyInterAn$Qsim, NDaysWindow)));
colnames(DataDailyInterAn) <- c("Dates", "Precip", "Psol", "Qobs", "Qsim"); colnames(DataDailyInterAn) <- c("Dates", "Precip", "Psol", "Qobs", "Qsim");
##Scale_conversion_to_make_them_become_a_monthly_regime ##Scale_conversion_to_make_them_become_a_monthly_regime
if(plotunitregime != "[mm/month]"){ stop(paste("incorrect unit for regime plot \n", sep = "")); return(NULL); } if(plotunitregime != "[mm/month]"){ stop(paste("incorrect unit for regime plot \n", sep = "")); return(NULL); }
...@@ -346,12 +357,12 @@ plot.OutputsModel <- function(x, Qobs = NULL, IndPeriod_Plot = NULL, BasinArea = ...@@ -346,12 +357,12 @@ plot.OutputsModel <- function(x, Qobs = NULL, IndPeriod_Plot = NULL, BasinArea =
txtleg <- NULL; colleg <- NULL; lwdleg <- NULL; lwdP = 10; txtleg <- NULL; colleg <- NULL; lwdleg <- NULL; lwdP = 10;
##Plot_forcings ##Plot_forcings
if(BOOL_Pobs){ if(BOOL_Pobs){
plot(SeqX2, DataPlotP$Precip[seq_along(SeqX2)], type = "h", xlim = range(SeqX1), ylim = c(3*ylimP[1], ylimP[2]), lwd = lwdP, lend = 1, lty = 1, col = "royalblue", xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", yaxs = "i", bty = "n", ...) plot(SeqX2[DataMonthlyInterAn$Dates], DataPlotP$Precip, type = "h", xlim = range(SeqX1), ylim = c(3*ylimP[1], ylimP[2]), lwd = lwdP, lend = 1, lty = 1, col = "royalblue", xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", yaxs = "i", bty = "n", ...)
txtleg <- c(txtleg, "Ptot" ); colleg <- c(colleg, "royalblue"); lwdleg <- c(lwdleg, lwdP/3); txtleg <- c(txtleg, "Ptot" ); colleg <- c(colleg, "royalblue"); lwdleg <- c(lwdleg, lwdP/3);
axis(side = 2, at = pretty(0.8*ylimP, n = 3), labels = pretty(0.8*ylimP, n = 3), cex.axis = cexaxis, col.axis = "royalblue", col.ticks = "royalblue"); axis(side = 2, at = pretty(0.8*ylimP, n = 3), labels = pretty(0.8*ylimP, n = 3), cex.axis = cexaxis, col.axis = "royalblue", col.ticks = "royalblue");
par(new = TRUE); } par(new = TRUE); }
if(BOOL_Psol){ if(BOOL_Psol){
plot(SeqX2, DataPlotP$Psol[seq_along(SeqX2)], type = "h", xlim = range(SeqX1), ylim = c(3*ylimP[1], ylimP[2]), lwd = lwdP, lend = 1, lty = 1, col = "lightblue", xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", yaxs = "i", bty = "n", ...); plot(SeqX2, DataPlotP$Psol[DataMonthlyInterAn$Dates], type = "h", xlim = range(SeqX1), ylim = c(3*ylimP[1], ylimP[2]), lwd = lwdP, lend = 1, lty = 1, col = "lightblue", xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", yaxs = "i", bty = "n", ...);
txtleg <- c(txtleg, "Psol" ); colleg <- c(colleg, "lightblue"); lwdleg <- c(lwdleg, lwdP/3); txtleg <- c(txtleg, "Psol" ); colleg <- c(colleg, "lightblue"); lwdleg <- c(lwdleg, lwdP/3);
par(new = TRUE); } par(new = TRUE); }
##Plot_flows ##Plot_flows
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