Commit 56b35a51 authored by Delaigue Olivier's avatar Delaigue Olivier
Browse files

v1.3.2.8 NEW: PEdaily_Oudin is deprecated

Showing with 16 additions and 4 deletions
+16 -4
Package: airGR
Type: Package
Title: Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling
Date: 2019-05-23
Authors@R: c(
person("Laurent", "Coron", role = c("aut", "trl"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-1503-6204")),
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ output:
### Release Notes (2019-05-22)
### Release Notes (2019-05-23)
#### New features
......@@ -23,12 +23,17 @@ output:
- Added <code>RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4H()</code> function to run the hourly model GR4H with the CemaNeige module.
- Added <code>PE_Oudin()</code> function to compute Oudin's potential evapotranspiration for hourly or daily tim steps.
- Added <code>PE_Oudin()</code> function to compute Oudin's potential evapotranspiration for hourly or daily time steps.
#### Deprecated and defunct
- The <code>PEdaily_Oudin()</code> function is deprecated and his use has been replaced by the use of <code>PE_Oudin()</code>.
#### Major user-visible changes
- <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> can now draw PET or error time series if the <code>which</code> argument is set to <code>"all"</code> or <code>"PotEvap"</code> or <code>"Error"</code>.
- <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> can now draw PE or error time series if the <code>which</code> argument is set to <code>"all"</code> or <code>"PotEvap"</code> or <code>"Error"</code>.
- <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> now allows new values for the which argument: <code>"all"</code> corresponds to all graphs, <code>"synth"</code> corresponds to the main graphs (default value; corresponding to <code>"all"</code> in the previous versions of the package) (i.e. <code>c("Precip", "Temp", "SnowPack", "Flows", "Regime", "CumFreq", "CorQQ")</code>), <code>"ts"</code> corresponds to the time series graphs (i.e. <code>c("Precip", "PotEvap", "Temp", "SnowPack", "Flows")</code>) and "perf" corresponds to the performance graphs (i.e. <code>c("Error", "Regime", "CumFreq", "CorQQ")</code>).
PEdaily_Oudin <- function(JD, Temp, LatRad, Lat, LatUnit = c("rad", "deg")) {
## ---------- deprecated function
.Deprecated(new = "PEdaily_Oudin", package = NULL,
msg = "deprecated function\nplease, use PE_Oudin() instead",
old = as.character([1L])
## ---------- check arguments
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