Commit 6e652f11 authored by Hban Mesure's avatar Hban Mesure
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v1.4.0.6 NEW: add arguments (IsHyst and IntSore) to CreateIniStates fun to...

v1.4.0.6 NEW: add arguments (IsHyst and IntSore) to CreateIniStates fun to take into account interception store with GR5H #13
Showing with 37 additions and 10 deletions
+37 -10
Package: airGR
Type: Package
Title: Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling
Date: 2019-12-04
Date: 2019-12-05
Authors@R: c(
person("Laurent", "Coron", role = c("aut", "trl"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-1503-6204")),
person("Olivier", "Delaigue", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-7668-8468"), email = ""),
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
### Release Notes (2019-12-04)
### Release Notes (2019-12-05)
#### New features
CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
ProdStore = 350, RoutStore = 90, ExpStore = NULL,
CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE, IsIntStore = NULL,
ProdStore = 350, RoutStore = 90, ExpStore = NULL, IntStore = NULL,
GCemaNeigeLayers = NULL, eTGCemaNeigeLayers = NULL,
GthrCemaNeigeLayers = NULL, GlocmaxCemaNeigeLayers = NULL,
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
## check FUN_MOD
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4H)) {
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H))) {
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "GR", "hourly")
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "CemaNeige", "daily")
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4H)) {
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) {
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "GR", "CemaNeige", "hourly")
......@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
if (!"CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & IsHyst) {
stop("'IsHyst' cannot be TRUE if CemaNeige is not used in 'FUN_MOD'")
if (!(identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) & !(identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H))) & IsIntStore) {
stop("'IsIntStore' cannot be TRUE if GR5H is not used in 'FUN_MOD'")
## check InputsModel
if (!inherits(InputsModel, "InputsModel")) {
......@@ -103,6 +106,12 @@ CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
warning(sprintf("'%s' does not require 'UH1'. Values set to NA", nameFUN_MOD))
UH1 <- rep(Inf, UH1n)
if ((!identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) & !identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) & !is.null(IntStore)) {
if (verbose) {
warning(sprintf("'%s' does not require 'IntStore'. Values set to NA", nameFUN_MOD))
IntStore <- Inf
if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & ! "GR" %in% ObjectClass) {
......@@ -124,6 +133,12 @@ CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
ExpStore <- Inf
if (!is.null(IntStore)) {
if (verbose) {
warning(sprintf("'%s' does not require 'IntStore'. Values set to NA", nameFUN_MOD))
IntStore <- Inf
if (!is.null(UH1)) {
if (verbose) {
warning(sprintf("'%s' does not require 'UH1'. Values set to NA", nameFUN_MOD))
......@@ -137,6 +152,9 @@ CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
UH2 <- rep(Inf, UH2n)
if(IsIntStore & is.null(IntStore)) {
stop(sprintf("'%s' need values for 'IntStore'", nameFUN_MOD))
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & !IsHyst &
(is.null(GCemaNeigeLayers) | is.null(eTGCemaNeigeLayers))) {
stop(sprintf("'%s' need values for 'GCemaNeigeLayers' and 'GCemaNeigeLayers'", nameFUN_MOD))
......@@ -178,6 +196,9 @@ CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
if (is.null(ExpStore)) {
ExpStore <- Inf
if (is.null(IntStore)) {
IntStore <- Inf
if (is.null(UH1)) {
if ("hourly" %in% ObjectClass) {
k <- 24
......@@ -214,10 +235,10 @@ CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
# check negative values
if (any(ProdStore < 0) | any(RoutStore < 0) |
if (any(ProdStore < 0) | any(RoutStore < 0) | any(IntStore < 0) |
any(UH1 < 0) | any(UH2 < 0) |
any(GCemaNeigeLayers < 0)) {
stop("Negative values are not allowed for any of 'ProdStore', 'RoutStore', 'UH1', 'UH2', 'GCemaNeigeLayers'")
stop("Negative values are not allowed for any of 'ProdStore', 'RoutStore', 'IntStore', 'UH1', 'UH2', 'GCemaNeigeLayers'")
......@@ -231,6 +252,9 @@ CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
if (!is.numeric(ExpStore) || length(ExpStore) != 1L) {
stop("'ExpStore' must be numeric of length one")
if (!is.numeric(IntStore) || length(IntStore) != 1L) {
stop("'IntStore' must be numeric of length one")
if ( "hourly" %in% ObjectClass & (!is.numeric(UH1) || length(UH1) != UH1n * 24)) {
stop(sprintf("'UH1' must be numeric of length 480 (%i * 24)", UH1n))
......@@ -260,7 +284,7 @@ CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
## format output
IniStates <- list(Store = list(Prod = ProdStore, Rout = RoutStore, Exp = ExpStore),
IniStates <- list(Store = list(Prod = ProdStore, Rout = RoutStore, Exp = ExpStore, Int = IntStore),
UH = list(UH1 = UH1, UH2 = UH2),
CemaNeigeLayers = list(G = GCemaNeigeLayers, eTG = eTGCemaNeigeLayers,
Gthr = GthrCemaNeigeLayers, Glocmax = GlocmaxCemaNeigeLayers))
......@@ -272,6 +296,9 @@ CreateIniStates <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IsHyst = FALSE,
if(IsHyst) {
class(IniStatesNA) <- c(class(IniStatesNA), "hysteresis")
if(IsIntStore) {
class(IniStatesNA) <- c(class(IniStatesNA), "interception")
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