Commit 72389f6f authored by fbourgin's avatar fbourgin Committed by Delaigue Olivier
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docs(vignette): adding caramel for multiobjective optimization

parent 6856f67d
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  • @francois.bourgin, I would prefer that your name appears in the vignettes you have written. I think it's normal to notify your contribution, and it's a way to thank you for it. I think it's also good idea for the tracking history. But if you do not agree, I will respect your wishes. Tell me what you think about.

    David's name is on the SD vignette. And I think I'll add the missing names of the writers of the other vignettes.

  • I see it as a small contribution to a team effort and I think it is better if the vignettes are endorsed by the authors of the package and do not appear as some personal contribution. But I don't really care, it's up to you.

  • I agree with @francois.bourgin.

    I didn't think that we could be possible to have several authors on a vignette. But yes, we can :flag_us: :

  • In fact, Laurent noted the contributors of each functions in the help pages and we continue to do this. I think we can do it for each vignette as well. For the "param_optim" vignette we can note both François and @guillaume.thirel.

  • By the way François, your name has been in the list of package contributors for a long time (in the DESCRPTION file.)

  • Ok, great. If I may, I would suggest to also consider the more substancial contributions of Andrea and Philippe.

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