Commit 7ca82704 authored by Delaigue Olivier's avatar Delaigue Olivier
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docs(NEWS): review text

Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion
+1 -1
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- Fixed bug in `RunModel`. The `RunModel_Lag()` can now be passed to the `FUN_MOD` argument. ([#108](
- Fixed bug in `RunModel_Lag()`. The function no longer returns two values for a single time step run. ([#102](
- Fixed bug in `RunModel_Lag()`. The `StateEnd` value is now correct when there are more than a single upstream basin. ([#103](
- Fixed bug in `RunModel_Lag()`. The `StateEnd` value is now correct if upstream flow units is the mm/time step. ([#104](
- Fixed bug in `RunModel_Lag()`. The `StateEnd` value is now correct when the upstream flow unit is the mm/time step. ([#104](
- Fixed bug in `RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H()`. The solid precipitation are now take into account in the GR5H model. ([#105](
- Fixed bug in `RunModel_CemaNeige()` and `CreateInputsModel()`. `RunModel_CemaNeige()` now runs at the hourly time step. ([#106](
- Fixed the 'param_optim' vignette. The starting points used for the multi-start approach are now in the transformed space.([#101](
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