Commit 915f8c62 authored by Delaigue Olivier's avatar Delaigue Olivier
Browse files

test(vignette): add comparison between CaRamel vignette and Rda file objects

Refs #61
Showing with 3 additions and 0 deletions
+3 -0
......@@ -11,11 +11,14 @@ test_that("V02.1_param_optim works", {
rm(list = ls())
load(system.file("vignettesData/vignetteParamOptim.rda", package = "airGR"))
load(system.file("vignettesData/vignetteParamOptimCaramel.rda", package = "airGR"))
rda_resGLOB <- resGLOB
rda_resPORT <- resPORT
rda_optMO <- optMO
expect_equal(summary(resGLOB), summary(rda_resGLOB), tolerance = 1e-7)
expect_equal(resGLOB[, -1], rda_resGLOB[, -1], tolerance = 1e-2) # High tolerance due to randomisation in optimisations
expect_equal(summary(optMO$parameters), summary(rda_optMO$parameters), tolerance = 1e-7)
test_that("V02.2_param_mcmc works", {
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