#' @param FUN_TRANSFO (optional) [function] model parameters transformation function, if the FUN_MOD used is native in the package FUN_TRANSFO is automatically defined
#' @param quiet (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#' @param FUN_TRANSFO (optional) [function] model parameters transformation function, if the FUN_MOD used is native in the package FUN_TRANSFO is automatically defined
#' @param OptimParam (optional) [boolean] vector of booleans indicating which parameters must be optimised (NParam columns, 1 line)
#' @param FixedParam (optional) [numeric] vector giving the values to allocate to non-optimised parameter values (NParam columns, 1 line)
#' @param StartParam (optional) [numeric] vector of parameter values used to start global search calibration procedure (this argument is used by Calibration_optim but not by Calibration_HBAN)
#' @param StartParam (optional) [numeric] vector of parameter values used to start global search calibration procedure (this argument is used by Calibration_optim but not by Calibration_Michel)
#' @param StartParamList (optional) [numeric] matrix of parameter sets used for grid-screening calibration procedure (values in columns, sets in line) (this argument is used by Calibration_HBAN but not by Calibration_optim)
#' @param StartParamList (optional) [numeric] matrix of parameter sets used for grid-screening calibration procedure (values in columns, sets in line) (this argument is used by Calibration_Michel but not by Calibration_optim)