Commit a76751be authored by Delaigue Olivier's avatar Delaigue Olivier
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Modification de référence bibliographique dans la documentation générale #3833

Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion
+1 -1
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ These models can be called within airGR using the following functions: \cr
- \code{\link{RunModel_GR4H}}: four-parameter hourly lumped conceptual model (Mathevet, 2005) \cr
- \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}}: four-parameter daily lumped conceptual model (Perrin et al., 2003) \cr
- \code{\link{RunModel_GR5J}}: five-parameter daily lumped conceptual model (Le Moine, 2008) \cr
- \code{\link{RunModel_GR6J}}: six-parameter daily lumped conceptual model (Pushpalatha et al., 201) \cr
- \code{\link{RunModel_GR6J}}: six-parameter daily lumped conceptual model (Pushpalatha et al., 2011) \cr
- \code{\link{RunModel_GR2M}}: two-parameter monthly lumped conceptual model (Mouelhi, 2003) \cr
- \code{\link{RunModel_GR1A}}: one-parameter yearly lumped conceptual model (Mouelhi, 2003, 2006) \cr
- \code{\link{RunModel_CemaNeige}}: two-parameter degree-day snow melt and accumulation daily module (Valéry et al., 2014) \cr
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