Commit b56a2b34 authored by Delaigue Olivier's avatar Delaigue Olivier
Browse files

Merge branch '119-fix-broken-package-reverse-dependency' into 'dev'

Resolve "Fix broken package reverse dependency"

Closes #119

See merge request !45
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion
+1 -1
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
NameFunMod <- ifelse(test = FeatMod$Pkg %in% "airGR",
yes = paste("RunModel", FeatMod$NameMod, sep = "_"),
no = FeatMod$NameMod)
FunMod <- lapply(NameFunMod, FUN = get)
FunMod <- lapply(NameFunMod, FUN =
IdMod <- which(sapply(FunMod, FUN = function(x) identical(FUN_MOD, x)))
if (length(IdMod) < 1) {
stop("'FUN_MOD' must be one of ", paste(NameFunMod, collapse = ", "))
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