Commit b5e51b81 authored by unknown's avatar unknown
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The argument "OptimParam" is deleted

Showing with 8 additions and 24 deletions
+8 -24
CreateCalibOptions <- function(FUN_MOD,FUN_CALIB=Calibration_Michel,FUN_TRANSFO=NULL,OptimParam=NULL,FixedParam=NULL,SearchRanges=NULL,
CreateCalibOptions <- function(FUN_MOD, FUN_CALIB = Calibration_Michel, FUN_TRANSFO = NULL, FixedParam = NULL,SearchRanges = NULL,
StartParam = NULL, StartParamList = NULL, StartParamDistrib = NULL){
ObjectClass <- NULL;
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4H )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR4H" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4H )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR4H" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR4J" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR5J" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR6J" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR2M )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR2M" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR1A )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR1A" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR2M )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR2M" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR1A )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR1A" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeige )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"CemaNeige" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"CemaNeigeGR4J"); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J)){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"CemaNeigeGR5J"); BOOL <- TRUE; }
......@@ -69,23 +69,13 @@ CreateCalibOptions <- function(FUN_MOD,FUN_CALIB=Calibration_Michel,FUN_TRANSFO=
if("CemaNeigeGR5J" %in% ObjectClass){ NParam <- 7; }
if("CemaNeigeGR6J" %in% ObjectClass){ NParam <- 8; }
OptimParam <- rep(TRUE,NParam);
} else {
if(!is.vector(OptimParam) ){ stop("OptimParam must be a vector of booleans \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(OptimParam)!=NParam){ stop("Incompatibility between OptimParam length and FUN_MOD \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.logical(OptimParam) ){ stop("OptimParam must be a vector of booleans \n"); return(NULL); }
FixedParam <- rep(NA,NParam);
} else {
if(!is.vector(FixedParam) ){ stop("FixedParam must be a vector \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(FixedParam)!=NParam ){ stop("Incompatibility between OptimParam length and FUN_MOD \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(FixedParam[!OptimParam])){ stop("if OptimParam[i]==FALSE, FixedParam[i] must be a numeric value \n"); return(NULL); } }
if(length(FixedParam)!=NParam ){ stop("Incompatibility between FixedParam length and FUN_MOD \n"); return(NULL); }
......@@ -165,7 +155,7 @@ CreateCalibOptions <- function(FUN_MOD,FUN_CALIB=Calibration_Michel,FUN_TRANSFO=
CalibOptions <- list(OptimParam=OptimParam,FixedParam=FixedParam,SearchRanges=SearchRanges);
CalibOptions <- list(FixedParam=FixedParam,SearchRanges=SearchRanges);
if(!is.null(StartParam )){ CalibOptions <- c(CalibOptions,list(StartParam=StartParam)); }
if(!is.null(StartParamList )){ CalibOptions <- c(CalibOptions,list(StartParamList=StartParamList)); }
if(!is.null(StartParamDistrib)){ CalibOptions <- c(CalibOptions,list(StartParamDistrib=StartParamDistrib)); }
......@@ -174,6 +164,3 @@ CreateCalibOptions <- function(FUN_MOD,FUN_CALIB=Calibration_Michel,FUN_TRANSFO=
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
\title{Creation of the CalibOptions object required but the Calibration functions}
CreateCalibOptions(FUN_MOD, FUN_CALIB = Calibration_Michel,
FUN_TRANSFO = NULL, OptimParam = NULL, FixedParam = NULL,
SearchRanges = NULL, StartParam = NULL, StartParamList = NULL,
StartParamDistrib = NULL)
......@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ CreateCalibOptions(FUN_MOD, FUN_CALIB = Calibration_Michel,
\item{FUN_TRANSFO}{(optional) [function] model parameters transformation function, if the FUN_MOD used is native in the package, FUN_TRANSFO is automatically defined}
\item{OptimParam}{(optional) [boolean] vector of booleans indicating which parameters must be optimised (NParam columns, 1 line)}
\item{FixedParam}{(optional) [numeric] vector giving the values set for the non-optimised parameter values (NParam columns, 1 line)}
\item{SearchRanges}{(optional) [numeric] matrix giving the ranges of real parameters (NParam columns, 2 lines)
......@@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ CreateCalibOptions(FUN_MOD, FUN_CALIB = Calibration_Michel,
[list] object of class \emph{CalibOptions} containing the data required to evaluate the model outputs; it can include the following:
\emph{$OptimParam } \tab [boolean] vector of booleans indicating which parameters must be optimised \cr
\emph{$FixedParam } \tab [numeric] vector giving the values to allocate to non-optimised parameter values \cr
\emph{$SearchRanges } \tab [numeric] matrix giving the ranges of raw parameters \cr
\emph{$StartParam } \tab [numeric] vector of parameter values used to start global search calibration procedure \cr
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