\item{BoolCrit}{(optional) [boolean (atomic or list)] boolean (the same length as \code{Obs}) giving the time steps to consider in the computation (all time steps are considered by default. See details)}
\item{BoolCrit}{(optional) [boolean (atomic or list)] boolean (the same length as \code{Obs}) giving the time steps to consider in the computation (all time steps are considered by default. See details)}
\item{transfo}{(optional) [character (atomic or list)] name of the transformation applied to the variables (e.g. \code{""}, \code{"sqrt"}, \code{"log"}, \code{"inv"}, \code{"sort"}, \code{"boxcox"} or a numeric value for power transformation (see details))}
\item{transfo}{(optional) [character (atomic or list)] name of the transformation applied to the variables (e.g. \code{""}, \code{"sqrt"}, \code{"log"}, \code{"inv"}, \code{"sort"}, \code{"boxcox"} or a numeric value for power transformation . See details)}
\item{Weights}{(optional) [numeric (atomic or list)] vector of weights necessary to calculate a composite criterion (the same length as \code{FUN_CRIT}) giving the weights to use for elements of \code{FUN_CRIT} [-]. See details}
\item{Weights}{(optional) [numeric (atomic or list)] vector of weights necessary to calculate a composite criterion (the same length as \code{FUN_CRIT}) giving the weights to use for elements of \code{FUN_CRIT} [-]. See details}
\item{verbose}{(optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in verbose mode or not, default = \code{TRUE}}
\item{verbose}{(optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in verbose mode or not, default = \code{TRUE}}
\item{Qupstream}{(optional) [numerical matrix] time series of upstream flows (catchment average) [mm/time step or m3/time step, see details], required to create the SD model inputs (see details)}
\item{Qupstream}{(optional) [numerical matrix] time series of upstream flows (catchment average) [mm/time step or m3/time step, see details], required to create the SD model inputs . See details}
\item{LengthHydro}{(optional) [numeric] real giving the distance between the downstream outlet and each upstream inlet of the sub-catchment [m], required to create the SD model inputs (see details)}
\item{LengthHydro}{(optional) [numeric] real giving the distance between the downstream outlet and each upstream inlet of the sub-catchment [m], required to create the SD model inputs . See details}
\item{BasinAreas}{(optional) [numeric] real giving the area of each upstream sub-catchment [km2] and the area of the downstream sub-catchment in the last item, required to create the SD model inputs (see details)}
\item{BasinAreas}{(optional) [numeric] real giving the area of each upstream sub-catchment [km2] and the area of the downstream sub-catchment in the last item, required to create the SD model inputs . See details}
\item{x}{[InputsModel] object of class InputsModel}
\item{x}{[InputsModel] object of class InputsModel}
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ PEdaily_Oudin(JD, Temp, LatRad, Lat, LatUnit)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ PEdaily_Oudin(JD, Temp, LatRad, Lat, LatUnit)
Function which computes PE using the formula from Oudin et al. (2005). PE can be computed at the daily time step from hourly or daily temperature and at the hourly time step with hourly or daily temperature through a disaggregation of daily PE (see details).
Function which computes PE using the formula from Oudin et al. (2005). PE can be computed at the daily time step from hourly or daily temperature and at the hourly time step with hourly or daily temperature through a disaggregation of daily PE . See details.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Warning: on the aggregated outputs, the dates correspond to the beginning of the
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Warning: on the aggregated outputs, the dates correspond to the beginning of the
\item{NewTimeFormat}{(deprecated) [character] output time step format (i.e. \code{"hourly"}, \code{"daily"}, \code{"monthly"} or \code{"yearly"}). Use the \code{Format} argument instead}
\item{NewTimeFormat}{(deprecated) [character] output time step format (i.e. \code{"hourly"}, \code{"daily"}, \code{"monthly"} or \code{"yearly"}). Use the \code{Format} argument instead}
\item{ConvertFun}{[character] names of aggregation functions (e.g. for P[mm], T[degC], Q[mm]: \code{ConvertFun = c("sum", "mean", "sum"})) or name of aggregation function to apply to all elements if the parameter 'x' is a [list] (See details)}
\item{ConvertFun}{[character] names of aggregation functions (e.g. for P[mm], T[degC], Q[mm]: \code{ConvertFun = c("sum", "mean", "sum"})) or name of aggregation function to apply to all elements if the parameter 'x' is a [list] . See details}
\item{YearFirstMonth}{(optional) [numeric] integer used when \code{Format = "\%Y"} to set when the starting month of the year (e.g. 01 for calendar year or 09 for hydrological year starting in September)}
\item{YearFirstMonth}{(optional) [numeric] integer used when \code{Format = "\%Y"} to set when the starting month of the year (e.g. 01 for calendar year or 09 for hydrological year starting in September)}