

Showing with 2357 additions and 2015 deletions
+2357 -2015
CreateRunOptions <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IndPeriod_WarmUp = NULL, IndPeriod_Run, IniStates = NULL, IniResLevels = NULL,
Outputs_Cal = NULL, Outputs_Sim = "all", RunSnowModule, MeanAnSolidPrecip = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
if (!missing(RunSnowModule)) {
warning("argument RunSnowModule is deprecated; please adapt FUN_MOD instead.", call. = FALSE)
CreateRunOptions <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel,
IndPeriod_WarmUp = NULL, IndPeriod_Run,
IniStates = NULL, IniResLevels = NULL, Imax = NULL,
Outputs_Cal = NULL, Outputs_Sim = "all",
MeanAnSolidPrecip = NULL, IsHyst = FALSE,
warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
if (!is.null(Imax)) {
if (!is.numeric(Imax) | length(Imax) != 1L) {
stop("'Imax' must be a non negative 'numeric' value of length 1")
} else {
if (Imax < 0) {
stop("'Imax' must be a non negative 'numeric' value of length 1")
IsIntStore <- TRUE
} else {
IsIntStore <- FALSE
ObjectClass <- NULL
## check FUN_MOD
FeatFUN_MOD <- .GetFeatModel(FUN_MOD = FUN_MOD, DatesR = InputsModel$DatesR)
ObjectClass <- FeatFUN_MOD$Class
TimeStepMean <- FeatFUN_MOD$TimeStepMean
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","hourly");
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J)){
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","daily");
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","monthly");
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","yearly");
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"CemaNeige","daily");
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","CemaNeige","daily");
## Model output variable list
FortranOutputs <- .FortranOutputs(GR = FeatFUN_MOD$CodeModHydro,
isCN = "CemaNeige" %in% FeatFUN_MOD$Class)
## manage class
if (IsIntStore) {
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "interception")
if ("CemaNeige" %in% FeatFUN_MOD$Class) {
FeatFUN_MOD$IsHyst <- IsHyst
if (IsHyst) {
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "hysteresis")
FeatFUN_MOD$NbParam <- FeatFUN_MOD$NbParam + 2
if(!BOOL){ stop("incorrect FUN_MOD for use in CreateRunOptions \n"); return(NULL); }
## SD model
FeatFUN_MOD$IsSD <- inherits(InputsModel, "SD")
if (FeatFUN_MOD$IsSD) {
FeatFUN_MOD$NbParam <- FeatFUN_MOD$NbParam + 1
if (!"CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & "hysteresis" %in% ObjectClass) {
stop("'IsHyst' cannot be TRUE for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'")
if (!(identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) & "interception" %in% ObjectClass) {
stop("'IMax' cannot be set for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'")
stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"GR")){
stop("InputsModel must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"CemaNeige")){
stop("InputsModel must be of class 'CemaNeige' \n"); return(NULL); }
if("hourly" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"hourly")){
stop("InputsModel must be of class 'hourly' \n"); return(NULL); }
if("daily" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"daily")){
stop("InputsModel must be of class 'daily' \n"); return(NULL); }
if("monthly" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"monthly")){
stop("InputsModel must be of class 'monthly' \n"); return(NULL); }
if("yearly" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"yearly")){
stop("InputsModel must be of class 'yearly' \n"); return(NULL); }
if (!inherits(InputsModel, "InputsModel")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'InputsModel'")
if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel, "GR")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'GR'")
if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass &
!inherits(InputsModel, "CemaNeige")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'CemaNeige'")
if ("hourly" %in% ObjectClass &
!inherits(InputsModel, "hourly")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'hourly'")
if ("daily" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel, "daily")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'daily'")
if ("monthly" %in% ObjectClass &
!inherits(InputsModel, "monthly")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'monthly'")
if ("yearly" %in% ObjectClass &
!inherits(InputsModel, "yearly")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'yearly'")
if(!is.vector( IndPeriod_Run)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(IndPeriod_Run)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a continuous sequence of integers \n"); return(NULL); }
if(storage.mode(IndPeriod_Run)!="integer"){ stop("IndPeriod_Run should be of type integer \n"); return(NULL); }
if (!is.vector(IndPeriod_Run)) {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' must be a vector of numeric values")
if (!is.numeric(IndPeriod_Run)) {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' must be a vector of numeric values")
if (!identical(as.integer(IndPeriod_Run), as.integer(seq(from = IndPeriod_Run[1], to = tail(IndPeriod_Run, 1), by = 1)))) {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' must be a continuous sequence of integers")
if (storage.mode(IndPeriod_Run) != "integer") {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' should be of type integer")
WTxt <- NULL;
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t Model warm up period not defined -> default configuration used \n",sep="");
IndPeriod_WarmUp <- as.integer(0);
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t No data were found for model warm up! \n",sep="");
WTxt <- NULL
if (is.null(IndPeriod_WarmUp)) {
WTxt <- paste(WTxt, "model warm up period not defined: default configuration used", sep = "")
if (IndPeriod_Run[1L] == 1L) {
IndPeriod_WarmUp <- 0L
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt,"\n no data were found for model warm up!")
} else {
TmpDateR0 <- InputsModel$DatesR[IndPeriod_Run[1]]
TmpDateR <- TmpDateR0 - 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
### minimal date to start the warmup
if (format(TmpDateR, format = "%d") != format(TmpDateR0, format = "%d")) {
### leap year
TmpDateR <- TmpDateR - 1 * 24 * 60 * 60
IndPeriod_WarmUp <- which(InputsModel$DatesR == max(InputsModel$DatesR[1], TmpDateR)):(IndPeriod_Run[1] - 1)
if (length(IndPeriod_WarmUp) * TimeStepMean / (365 * 24 * 60 * 60) >= 1) {
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, "\n the year preceding the run period is used \n")
} else {
TmpDateR <- InputsModel$DatesR[IndPeriod_Run[1]] - 365*24*60*60; ### minimal date to start the warmup
IndPeriod_WarmUp <- which(InputsModel$DatesR==max(InputsModel$DatesR[1],TmpDateR)) : (IndPeriod_Run[1]-1);
if("hourly" %in% ObjectClass){ TimeStep <- as.integer( 60*60); }
if("daily" %in% ObjectClass){ TimeStep <- as.integer( 24*60*60); }
if("monthly" %in% ObjectClass){ TimeStep <- as.integer( 30.44*24*60*60); }
if("yearly" %in% ObjectClass){ TimeStep <- as.integer(365.25*24*60*60); }
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t The year preceding the run period is used \n",sep="");
} else {
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t Less than a year (without missing values) was found for model warm up: \n",sep="");
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t (",length(IndPeriod_WarmUp)," time-steps are used for initialisation) \n",sep="");
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, "\n less than a year (without missing values) was found for model warm up:")
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, "\n (", length(IndPeriod_WarmUp), " time-steps are used for initialisation)")
if(!is.vector( IndPeriod_WarmUp)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(IndPeriod_WarmUp)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(storage.mode(IndPeriod_WarmUp)!="integer"){ stop("IndPeriod_Run should be of type integer \n"); return(NULL); }
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t No warm up period is used! \n",sep=""); }
if((IndPeriod_Run[1]-1)!=tail(IndPeriod_WarmUp,1) & !identical(IndPeriod_WarmUp,as.integer(0))){
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t Model warm up period is not directly before the model run period \n",sep=""); }
if(!is.null(WTxt) & verbose){ warning(WTxt); }
## check IniResLevels
if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass & ("monthly" %in% ObjectClass | "daily" %in% ObjectClass | "hourly" %in% ObjectClass)) {
if (!is.null(IniResLevels)) {
if (!is.vector(IniResLevels) | !is.numeric(IniResLevels) | any( {
stop("IniResLevels must be a vector of numeric values \n")
if ((identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4H) |
identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J) |
identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) |
identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR2M)) &
length(IniResLevels) != 2) {
stop("The length of IniResLevels must be 2 for the chosen FUN_MOD \n")
if ((identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) &
length(IniResLevels) != 3) {
stop("The length of IniResLevels must be 3 for the chosen FUN_MOD \n")
} else if (is.null(IniStates)) {
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) {
IniResLevels <- as.double(c(0.3, 0.5, 0))
} else {
IniResLevels <- as.double(c(0.3, 0.5, NA))
} else {
if (!is.null(IniResLevels)) {
stop("IniResLevels can only be used with monthly or daily or hourly GR models \n")
if (!is.null(IndPeriod_WarmUp)) {
if (!is.vector(IndPeriod_WarmUp)) {
stop("'IndPeriod_WarmUp' must be a vector of numeric values")
## check IniStates
if (is.null(IniStates) & is.null(IniResLevels) & verbose) {
warning("\t Model states initialisation not defined -> default configuration used \n")
if (!is.null(IniStates) & !is.null(IniResLevels) & verbose) {
warning("\t IniStates and IniResLevels are both defined -> Store levels are taken from IniResLevels \n")
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){ NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip); } else { NLayers <- 0; }
NState <- NULL;
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass | "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
if("hourly" %in% ObjectClass){ NState <- 7 + 3*24*20 }
if("daily" %in% ObjectClass){ NState <- 7 + 3*20 + 2*NLayers }
if("monthly" %in% ObjectClass){ NState <- 2; }
if("yearly" %in% ObjectClass){ NState <- 1; }
if (!is.null(IniStates)) {
if (!inherits(IniStates, "IniStates")) {
stop("IniStates must be an object of class IniStates\n")
if (!is.numeric(IndPeriod_WarmUp)) {
stop("'IndPeriod_WarmUp' must be a vector of numeric values")
if (storage.mode(IndPeriod_WarmUp) != "integer") {
stop("'IndPeriod_WarmUp' should be of type integer")
if (identical(IndPeriod_WarmUp, 0L) & verbose) {
message(paste0(WTxt, " No warm up period is used"))
if ((IndPeriod_Run[1] - 1) != tail(IndPeriod_WarmUp, 1) & !identical(IndPeriod_WarmUp, 0L)) {
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, " Model warm up period is not directly before the model run period")
if (!is.null(WTxt) & warnings) {
## check IniResLevels
if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass & ("monthly" %in% ObjectClass | "daily" %in% ObjectClass | "hourly" %in% ObjectClass)) {
if (!is.null(IniResLevels)) {
# if (!is.vector(IniResLevels) | !is.numeric(IniResLevels) | any( {
if (!is.vector(IniResLevels) | is.character(IniResLevels) | is.factor(IniResLevels) | length(IniResLevels) != 4) {
stop("'IniResLevels' must be a vector of 4 numeric values")
if (sum(ObjectClass %in% class(IniStates)) < 2) {
stop(paste0("Non convenient IniStates for this FUN_MOD\n"))
# if ((identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4H) |
# # (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) & !IsIntStore) |
# identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) |
# identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J) |
# identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) |
# identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR2M)) &
# length(IniResLevels) != 2) {
# stop("the length of 'IniResLevels' must be 2 for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'")
# }
if (any([1:2]))) {
stop("the first 2 values of 'IniResLevels' cannot be missing values for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'")
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR1A) & !is.null(IniStates)) { ## GR1A
stop(paste0("IniStates is not available for this FUN_MOD\n"))
# if ((identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J) |
# (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) & IsIntStore)) &
# length(IniResLevels) != 3) {
# stop("the length of 'IniResLevels' must be 3 for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'")
# }
if ((identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J))) {
if ([3L])) {
stop("the third value of 'IniResLevels' cannot be a missing value for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'")
} else {
if (![3L])) {
warning("the third value of 'IniResLevels' is set to NA value for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'. Only GR6J presents an exponential store")
IniResLevels[3L] <- NA
if ((identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J)) & !all($UH$UH1))) { ## GR5J
stop(paste0("Non convenient IniStates for this FUN_MOD. In IniStates, UH1 has to be a vector of NA for GR5J \n"))
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) {
if (IsIntStore &[4L])) {
stop("the fourth value of 'IniResLevels' cannot be a missing value for the chosen 'FUN_MOD' (GR5H with an interception store)")
if (!IsIntStore & ![4L])) {
warning("the fourth value of 'IniResLevels' is set to NA value for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'. Only GR5H used with an 'Imax' value presents an interception store")
IniResLevels[4L] <- NA
} else {
if (![4L])) {
warning("the fourth value of 'IniResLevels' is set to NA value for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'. Only GR5H used with an 'Imax' value presents an interception store")
IniResLevels[4L] <- NA
if ((identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) &$Store$Exp)) { ## GR6J
stop(paste0("Non convenient IniStates for this FUN_MOD. GR6J needs an exponential store value in IniStates \n"))
} else if (is.null(IniStates)) {
IniResLevels <- as.double(c(0.3, 0.5, NA, NA))
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) {
IniResLevels <- as.double(c(0.3, 0.5, 0, NA))
if (!(identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) & !$Store$Exp)) { ## except GR6J
stop(paste0("Non convenient IniStates for this FUN_MOD. No exponential store value needed in IniStates \n"))
if ((identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) & IsIntStore) {
IniResLevels <- as.double(c(0.3, 0.5, NA, 0))
# if (length(na.omit(unlist(IniStates))) != NState) {
# stop(paste0("The length of IniStates must be ", NState, " for the chosen FUN_MOD \n"))
# return(NULL)
# if (!identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J) & !identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J) &
# !identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) & !identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) {
# if (is.null(IniStates)) {
# IniResLevels <- as.double(c(0.3, 0.5, NA, NA))
# }
if (!"CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & any($CemaNeigeLayers$G ))) {
IniStates$CemaNeigeLayers$G <- NULL
if (!"CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & any($CemaNeigeLayers$eTG))) {
IniStates$CemaNeigeLayers$eTG <- NULL
IniStates$Store$Rest <- rep(NA, 4)
IniStates <- unlist(IniStates)
IniStates[] <- 0
if ("monthly" %in% ObjectClass) {
IniStates <- IniStates[seq_len(NState)]
} else {
IniStates <- as.double(rep(0.0, NState))
} else {
if (!is.null(IniResLevels)) {
stop("'IniResLevels' can only be used with monthly or daily or hourly GR models")
## check IniStates
if (is.null(IniStates) & is.null(IniResLevels) & warnings) {
warning("model states initialisation not defined: default configuration used")
if (!is.null(IniStates) & !is.null(IniResLevels) & warnings) {
warning("'IniStates' and 'IniResLevels' are both defined: store levels are taken from 'IniResLevels'")
if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) {
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip)
} else {
NLayers <- 0
NState <- NULL
if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass | "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) {
if ("hourly" %in% ObjectClass) {
NState <- 7 + 3 * 24 * 20 + 4 * NLayers
if ("daily" %in% ObjectClass) {
NState <- 7 + 3 * 20 + 4 * NLayers
if ("monthly" %in% ObjectClass) {
NState <- 2
if ("yearly" %in% ObjectClass) {
NState <- 1
if (!is.null(IniStates)) {
if (!inherits(IniStates, "IniStates")) {
stop("'IniStates' must be an object of class 'IniStates'")
if (sum(ObjectClass %in% class(IniStates)) < 2) {
stop(paste0("non convenient 'IniStates' for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'"))
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR1A) & !is.null(IniStates)) { ## GR1A
stop(paste0("'IniStates' is not available for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'"))
if ((identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) |
identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) &
!all($UH$UH1))) { ## GR5J or GR5H
stop(paste0("non convenient 'IniStates' for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'.' In 'IniStates', 'UH1' has to be a vector of NA for GR5J"))
if ((identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) &$Store$Exp)) { ## GR6J
stop(paste0("non convenient 'IniStates' for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'.' GR6J needs an exponential store value in 'IniStates'"))
if ((identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) &$Store$Int)) { ## GR5H interception
stop(paste0("non convenient 'IniStates' for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'.' GR5H (with interception store) needs an interception store value in 'IniStates'"))
if (!(identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) & !$Store$Exp)) { ## except GR6J
stop(paste0("non convenient 'IniStates' for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'.' No exponential store value needed in 'IniStates'"))
if (!(identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) & !$Store$Int)) { ## except GR5H interception
stop(paste0("non convenient 'IniStates' for the chosen 'FUN_MOD'.' No interception store value needed in 'IniStates'"))
# if (length(na.omit(unlist(IniStates))) != NState) {
# stop(paste0("the length of IniStates must be ", NState, " for the chosen FUN_MOD"))
# }
if ((!"CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & inherits(IniStates, "CemaNeige")) |
( "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(IniStates, "CemaNeige"))) {
stop("'FUN_MOD' and 'IniStates' must be both of class 'CemaNeige'")
if (( "hysteresis" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(IniStates, "hysteresis")) |
(!"hysteresis" %in% ObjectClass & inherits(IniStates, "hysteresis"))) {
stop("'IsHyst' and 'IniStates' are not consistent on the use of the hysteresis")
if (!"CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & any($CemaNeigeLayers$G ))) {
IniStates$CemaNeigeLayers$G <- NULL
if (!"CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & any($CemaNeigeLayers$eTG))) {
IniStates$CemaNeigeLayers$eTG <- NULL
if (!"CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & any($CemaNeigeLayers$Gthr))) {
IniStates$CemaNeigeLayers$Gthr <- NULL
if (!"CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & any($CemaNeigeLayers$Glocmax))) {
IniStates$CemaNeigeLayers$Glocmax <- NULL
IniStates$Store$Rest <- rep(NA, 3)
IniStates <- unlist(IniStates)
IniStates[] <- 0
if ("monthly" %in% ObjectClass) {
IniStates <- IniStates[seq_len(NState)]
} else {
IniStates <- as.double(rep(0.0, NState))
Outputs_all <- NULL;
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim"); }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)){
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
"AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QD", "Qsim"); }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J)){
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
"AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QD", "Qsim"); }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
"AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QRExp", "Exp", "QD", "Qsim"); }
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap", "Precip", "AE", "Pn", "Perc", "PR", "Exch", "Prod", "Rout", "Qsim"); }
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Qsim"); }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"Pliq","Psol","SnowPack","ThermalState","Gratio","PotMelt","Melt","PliqAndMelt", "Temp"); }
if(!is.vector( Outputs_Sim)){ stop("Outputs_Sim must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.character(Outputs_Sim)){ stop("Outputs_Sim must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!=0){ stop("Outputs_Sim must not contain NA \n"); return(NULL); }
if("all" %in% Outputs_Sim){ Outputs_Sim <- c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd"); }
Test <- which(Outputs_Sim %in% c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd") == FALSE); if(length(Test)!=0){
stop(paste("Outputs_Sim is incorrectly defined: ",paste(Outputs_Sim[Test],collapse=", ")," not found \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
Outputs_Sim <- Outputs_Sim[!duplicated(Outputs_Sim)];
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass ){ Outputs_Cal <- c("Qsim"); }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass ){ Outputs_Cal <- c("all"); }
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass & "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){ Outputs_Cal <- c("PliqAndMelt","Qsim"); }
} else {
if(!is.vector( Outputs_Cal)){ stop("Outputs_Cal must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.character(Outputs_Cal)){ stop("Outputs_Cal must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!=0){ stop("Outputs_Cal must not contain NA \n"); return(NULL); }
Outputs_all <- c("DatesR", unlist(FortranOutputs), "WarmUpQsim", "StateEnd", "Param")
if (FeatFUN_MOD$IsSD) {
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all, "QsimDown", "Qsim_m3")
if (!is.vector(Outputs_Sim)) {
stop("'Outputs_Sim' must be a vector of characters")
if (!is.character(Outputs_Sim)) {
stop("'Outputs_Sim' must be a vector of characters")
if (sum( != 0) {
stop("'Outputs_Sim' must not contain NA")
if ("all" %in% Outputs_Sim) {
Outputs_Sim <- Outputs_all
Test <- which(!Outputs_Sim %in% Outputs_all)
if (length(Test) != 0) {
stop(paste0( "'Outputs_Sim' is incorrectly defined: ",
paste(Outputs_Sim[Test], collapse = ", "), " not found"))
Outputs_Sim <- Outputs_Sim[!duplicated(Outputs_Sim)]
if (is.null(Outputs_Cal)) {
if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass) {
Outputs_Cal <- c("Qsim", "Param")
if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) {
Outputs_Cal <- c("PliqAndMelt", Outputs_Cal)
if("all" %in% Outputs_Cal){ Outputs_Cal <- c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd"); }
Test <- which(Outputs_Cal %in% c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd") == FALSE); if(length(Test)!=0){
stop(paste("Outputs_Cal is incorrectly defined: ",paste(Outputs_Cal[Test],collapse=", ")," not found \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
Outputs_Cal <- Outputs_Cal[!duplicated(Outputs_Cal)];
} else if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) {
Outputs_Cal <- c("all")
} else {
if (!is.vector(Outputs_Cal)) {
stop("'Outputs_Cal' must be a vector of characters")
if (!is.character(Outputs_Cal)) {
stop("'Outputs_Cal' must be a vector of characters")
if (sum( != 0) {
stop("'Outputs_Cal' must not contain NA")
if ("all" %in% Outputs_Cal) {
Outputs_Cal <- Outputs_all
Test <- which(!Outputs_Cal %in% Outputs_all)
if (length(Test) != 0) {
stop(paste0("'Outputs_Cal' is incorrectly defined: ",
paste(Outputs_Cal[Test], collapse = ", "), " not found"))
Outputs_Cal <- unique(Outputs_Cal)
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & is.null(MeanAnSolidPrecip)){
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip);
SolidPrecip <- NULL; for(iLayer in 1:NLayers){
if(iLayer==1){ SolidPrecip <- InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[1]]*InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]]/NLayers;
} else { SolidPrecip <- SolidPrecip + InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]]*InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]]/NLayers; } }
Factor <- NULL;
if(inherits(InputsModel,"hourly" )){ Factor <- 365.25*24; }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"daily" )){ Factor <- 365.25; }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"monthly")){ Factor <- 12; }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"yearly" )){ Factor <- 1; }
if(is.null(Factor)){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly' \n"); return(NULL); }
MeanAnSolidPrecip <- rep(mean(SolidPrecip)*Factor,NLayers); ### default value: same Gseuil for all layers
if(verbose){ warning("\t MeanAnSolidPrecip not defined -> it was automatically set to c(",paste(round(MeanAnSolidPrecip),collapse=","),") \n"); }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & !is.null(MeanAnSolidPrecip)){
if(!is.vector( MeanAnSolidPrecip) ){ stop(paste("MeanAnSolidPrecip must be a vector of numeric values \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(MeanAnSolidPrecip) ){ stop(paste("MeanAnSolidPrecip must be a vector of numeric values \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
if(length(MeanAnSolidPrecip)!=NLayers){ stop(paste("MeanAnSolidPrecip must be a numeric vector of length ",NLayers," \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & is.null(MeanAnSolidPrecip)) {
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip)
SolidPrecip <- NULL
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
if (iLayer == 1) {
SolidPrecip <-
InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[1]] * InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]] /
} else {
SolidPrecip <- SolidPrecip + InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]] * InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]] / NLayers
Factor <- NULL
if (inherits(InputsModel, "hourly")) {
Factor <- 365.25 * 24
if (inherits(InputsModel, "daily")) {
Factor <- 365.25
if (inherits(InputsModel, "monthly")) {
Factor <- 12
if (inherits(InputsModel, "yearly")) {
Factor <- 1
if (is.null(Factor)) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly'")
MeanAnSolidPrecip <- rep(mean(SolidPrecip) * Factor, NLayers)
### default value: same Gseuil for all layers
if (warnings) {
warning("'MeanAnSolidPrecip' not defined: it was automatically set to c(",
paste(round(MeanAnSolidPrecip), collapse = ","), ") from the 'InputsModel' given to the function. ",
"Be careful in case your application is (short-term) forecasting.\n")
if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & !is.null(MeanAnSolidPrecip)) {
if (!is.vector(MeanAnSolidPrecip)) {
stop(paste0("'MeanAnSolidPrecip' must be a vector of numeric values"))
if (!is.numeric(MeanAnSolidPrecip)) {
stop(paste0("'MeanAnSolidPrecip' must be a vector of numeric values"))
if (length(MeanAnSolidPrecip) != NLayers) {
stop(paste0("'MeanAnSolidPrecip' must be a numeric vector of length ", NLayers, ""))
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass & "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
if("PliqAndMelt" %in% Outputs_Cal == FALSE & "all" %in% Outputs_Cal == FALSE){
WTxt <- NULL;
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t PliqAndMelt was not defined in Outputs_Cal but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow modele outputs \n",sep="");
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> it was automatically added \n",sep="");
if(!is.null(WTxt) & verbose){ warning(WTxt); }
Outputs_Cal <- c(Outputs_Cal,"PliqAndMelt"); }
if("PliqAndMelt" %in% Outputs_Sim == FALSE & "all" %in% Outputs_Sim == FALSE){
WTxt <- NULL;
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t PliqAndMelt was not defined in Outputs_Sim but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow modele outputs \n",sep="");
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> it was automatically added \n",sep="");
if(!is.null(WTxt) & verbose){ warning(WTxt); }
Outputs_Sim <- c(Outputs_Sim,"PliqAndMelt"); }
if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass & "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) {
if (!"PliqAndMelt" %in% Outputs_Cal & !"all" %in% Outputs_Cal) {
WTxt <- NULL
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, "'PliqAndMelt' was not defined in 'Outputs_Cal' but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow modele outputs \n")
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, ": it was automatically added \n")
if (!is.null(WTxt) & warnings) {
Outputs_Cal <- c(Outputs_Cal, "PliqAndMelt")
if (!"PliqAndMelt" %in% Outputs_Sim & !"all" %in% Outputs_Sim) {
WTxt <- NULL
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, "'PliqAndMelt' was not defined in 'Outputs_Sim' but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow modele outputs \n")
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, ": it was automatically added \n")
if (!is.null(WTxt) & warnings) {
Outputs_Sim <- c(Outputs_Sim, "PliqAndMelt")
if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass) {
if (!"Qsim" %in% Outputs_Cal & !"all" %in% Outputs_Cal) {
WTxt <- NULL
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, "'Qsim' was not defined in 'Outputs_Cal' \n")
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, ": it was automatically added \n")
if (!is.null(WTxt) & warnings) {
Outputs_Cal <- c(Outputs_Cal, "Qsim")
if (!"Qsim" %in% Outputs_Sim & !"all" %in% Outputs_Sim) {
WTxt <- NULL
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, "'Qsim' was not defined in 'Outputs_Sim' \n")
WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, ": it was automatically added \n")
if (!is.null(WTxt) & warnings) {
Outputs_Sim <- c(Outputs_Sim, "Qsim")
RunOptions <- list(IndPeriod_WarmUp=IndPeriod_WarmUp,IndPeriod_Run=IndPeriod_Run,IniStates=IniStates,IniResLevels=IniResLevels,
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
RunOptions <- c(RunOptions,list(MeanAnSolidPrecip=MeanAnSolidPrecip)); }
class(RunOptions) <- c("RunOptions",ObjectClass);
RunOptions <- list(IndPeriod_WarmUp = IndPeriod_WarmUp,
IndPeriod_Run = IndPeriod_Run,
IniStates = IniStates,
IniResLevels = IniResLevels,
Outputs_Cal = Outputs_Cal,
Outputs_Sim = Outputs_Sim,
FortranOutputs = FortranOutputs,
if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) {
RunOptions <- c(RunOptions, list(MeanAnSolidPrecip = MeanAnSolidPrecip))
if ("interception" %in% ObjectClass) {
RunOptions <- c(RunOptions, list(Imax = Imax))
class(RunOptions) <- c("RunOptions", ObjectClass)
......@@ -3,543 +3,171 @@ DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery <- function(DatesR,
TempMean, TempMin = NULL, TempMax = NULL,
ZInputs, HypsoData, NLayers,
verbose = TRUE) {
GradP_Valery2010 <- function() {
return(0.00041) ### value from Valery PhD thesis page 126
GradT_Valery2010 <- function() {
RESULT <- matrix(c(
01, 01, 0.434, 0.366, 0.498,
02, 01, 0.434, 0.366, 0.500,
03, 01, 0.435, 0.367, 0.501,
04, 01, 0.436, 0.367, 0.503,
05, 01, 0.437, 0.367, 0.504,
06, 01, 0.439, 0.367, 0.506,
07, 01, 0.440, 0.367, 0.508,
08, 01, 0.441, 0.368, 0.510,
09, 01, 0.442, 0.368, 0.512,
10, 01, 0.444, 0.368, 0.514,
11, 01, 0.445, 0.368, 0.517,
12, 01, 0.446, 0.368, 0.519,
13, 01, 0.448, 0.369, 0.522,
14, 01, 0.450, 0.369, 0.525,
15, 01, 0.451, 0.369, 0.527,
16, 01, 0.453, 0.370, 0.530,
17, 01, 0.455, 0.370, 0.533,
18, 01, 0.456, 0.370, 0.537,
19, 01, 0.458, 0.371, 0.540,
20, 01, 0.460, 0.371, 0.543,
21, 01, 0.462, 0.371, 0.547,
22, 01, 0.464, 0.372, 0.550,
23, 01, 0.466, 0.372, 0.554,
24, 01, 0.468, 0.373, 0.558,
25, 01, 0.470, 0.373, 0.561,
26, 01, 0.472, 0.374, 0.565,
27, 01, 0.474, 0.374, 0.569,
28, 01, 0.476, 0.375, 0.573,
29, 01, 0.478, 0.375, 0.577,
30, 01, 0.480, 0.376, 0.582,
31, 01, 0.483, 0.376, 0.586,
01, 02, 0.485, 0.377, 0.590,
02, 02, 0.487, 0.377, 0.594,
03, 02, 0.489, 0.378, 0.599,
04, 02, 0.492, 0.379, 0.603,
05, 02, 0.494, 0.379, 0.607,
06, 02, 0.496, 0.380, 0.612,
07, 02, 0.498, 0.381, 0.616,
08, 02, 0.501, 0.381, 0.621,
09, 02, 0.503, 0.382, 0.625,
10, 02, 0.505, 0.383, 0.630,
11, 02, 0.508, 0.384, 0.634,
12, 02, 0.510, 0.384, 0.639,
13, 02, 0.512, 0.385, 0.643,
14, 02, 0.515, 0.386, 0.648,
15, 02, 0.517, 0.387, 0.652,
16, 02, 0.519, 0.387, 0.657,
17, 02, 0.522, 0.388, 0.661,
18, 02, 0.524, 0.389, 0.666,
19, 02, 0.526, 0.390, 0.670,
20, 02, 0.528, 0.391, 0.674,
21, 02, 0.530, 0.392, 0.679,
22, 02, 0.533, 0.393, 0.683,
23, 02, 0.535, 0.393, 0.687,
24, 02, 0.537, 0.394, 0.691,
25, 02, 0.539, 0.395, 0.695,
26, 02, 0.541, 0.396, 0.699,
27, 02, 0.543, 0.397, 0.703,
28, 02, 0.545, 0.398, 0.707,
29, 02, 0.546, 0.399, 0.709,
01, 03, 0.547, 0.399, 0.711,
02, 03, 0.549, 0.400, 0.715,
03, 03, 0.551, 0.401, 0.718,
04, 03, 0.553, 0.402, 0.722,
05, 03, 0.555, 0.403, 0.726,
06, 03, 0.557, 0.404, 0.729,
07, 03, 0.559, 0.405, 0.732,
08, 03, 0.560, 0.406, 0.736,
09, 03, 0.562, 0.406, 0.739,
10, 03, 0.564, 0.407, 0.742,
11, 03, 0.566, 0.408, 0.745,
12, 03, 0.567, 0.409, 0.748,
13, 03, 0.569, 0.410, 0.750,
14, 03, 0.570, 0.411, 0.753,
15, 03, 0.572, 0.412, 0.756,
16, 03, 0.573, 0.413, 0.758,
17, 03, 0.575, 0.414, 0.761,
18, 03, 0.576, 0.415, 0.763,
19, 03, 0.577, 0.416, 0.765,
20, 03, 0.579, 0.417, 0.767,
21, 03, 0.580, 0.417, 0.769,
22, 03, 0.581, 0.418, 0.771,
23, 03, 0.582, 0.419, 0.773,
24, 03, 0.583, 0.420, 0.774,
25, 03, 0.584, 0.421, 0.776,
26, 03, 0.585, 0.422, 0.777,
27, 03, 0.586, 0.422, 0.779,
28, 03, 0.587, 0.423, 0.780,
29, 03, 0.588, 0.424, 0.781,
30, 03, 0.589, 0.425, 0.782,
31, 03, 0.590, 0.425, 0.783,
01, 04, 0.591, 0.426, 0.784,
02, 04, 0.591, 0.427, 0.785,
03, 04, 0.592, 0.427, 0.785,
04, 04, 0.593, 0.428, 0.786,
05, 04, 0.593, 0.429, 0.787,
06, 04, 0.594, 0.429, 0.787,
07, 04, 0.595, 0.430, 0.787,
08, 04, 0.595, 0.431, 0.788,
09, 04, 0.596, 0.431, 0.788,
10, 04, 0.596, 0.432, 0.788,
11, 04, 0.597, 0.432, 0.788,
12, 04, 0.597, 0.433, 0.788,
13, 04, 0.597, 0.433, 0.788,
14, 04, 0.598, 0.434, 0.788,
15, 04, 0.598, 0.434, 0.788,
16, 04, 0.598, 0.435, 0.787,
17, 04, 0.599, 0.435, 0.787,
18, 04, 0.599, 0.436, 0.787,
19, 04, 0.599, 0.436, 0.786,
20, 04, 0.599, 0.436, 0.786,
21, 04, 0.600, 0.437, 0.785,
22, 04, 0.600, 0.437, 0.785,
23, 04, 0.600, 0.437, 0.784,
24, 04, 0.600, 0.438, 0.784,
25, 04, 0.600, 0.438, 0.783,
26, 04, 0.601, 0.438, 0.783,
27, 04, 0.601, 0.438, 0.782,
28, 04, 0.601, 0.439, 0.781,
29, 04, 0.601, 0.439, 0.781,
30, 04, 0.601, 0.439, 0.780,
01, 05, 0.601, 0.439, 0.779,
02, 05, 0.601, 0.439, 0.778,
03, 05, 0.601, 0.439, 0.778,
04, 05, 0.601, 0.440, 0.777,
05, 05, 0.601, 0.440, 0.776,
06, 05, 0.601, 0.440, 0.775,
07, 05, 0.601, 0.440, 0.775,
08, 05, 0.601, 0.440, 0.774,
09, 05, 0.601, 0.440, 0.773,
10, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.772,
11, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.772,
12, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.771,
13, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.770,
14, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.770,
15, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.769,
16, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.768,
17, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.768,
18, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.767,
19, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.767,
20, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.766,
21, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.766,
22, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.765,
23, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.765,
24, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.764,
25, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.764,
26, 05, 0.602, 0.440, 0.764,
27, 05, 0.602, 0.439, 0.763,
28, 05, 0.602, 0.439, 0.763,
29, 05, 0.602, 0.439, 0.763,
30, 05, 0.602, 0.439, 0.762,
31, 05, 0.602, 0.439, 0.762,
01, 06, 0.602, 0.439, 0.762,
02, 06, 0.602, 0.439, 0.762,
03, 06, 0.602, 0.439, 0.762,
04, 06, 0.602, 0.439, 0.762,
05, 06, 0.602, 0.439, 0.762,
06, 06, 0.602, 0.438, 0.761,
07, 06, 0.602, 0.438, 0.761,
08, 06, 0.602, 0.438, 0.761,
09, 06, 0.602, 0.438, 0.761,
10, 06, 0.602, 0.438, 0.761,
11, 06, 0.602, 0.438, 0.762,
12, 06, 0.602, 0.438, 0.762,
13, 06, 0.602, 0.438, 0.762,
14, 06, 0.602, 0.438, 0.762,
15, 06, 0.602, 0.437, 0.762,
16, 06, 0.602, 0.437, 0.762,
17, 06, 0.602, 0.437, 0.762,
18, 06, 0.602, 0.437, 0.762,
19, 06, 0.602, 0.437, 0.763,
20, 06, 0.602, 0.437, 0.763,
21, 06, 0.602, 0.437, 0.763,
22, 06, 0.602, 0.436, 0.763,
23, 06, 0.602, 0.436, 0.763,
24, 06, 0.602, 0.436, 0.764,
25, 06, 0.602, 0.436, 0.764,
26, 06, 0.601, 0.436, 0.764,
27, 06, 0.601, 0.436, 0.764,
28, 06, 0.601, 0.436, 0.764,
29, 06, 0.601, 0.435, 0.765,
30, 06, 0.601, 0.435, 0.765,
01, 07, 0.601, 0.435, 0.765,
02, 07, 0.600, 0.435, 0.765,
03, 07, 0.600, 0.435, 0.765,
04, 07, 0.600, 0.434, 0.766,
05, 07, 0.600, 0.434, 0.766,
06, 07, 0.599, 0.434, 0.766,
07, 07, 0.599, 0.434, 0.766,
08, 07, 0.599, 0.434, 0.766,
09, 07, 0.598, 0.433, 0.766,
10, 07, 0.598, 0.433, 0.766,
11, 07, 0.598, 0.433, 0.766,
12, 07, 0.597, 0.433, 0.766,
13, 07, 0.597, 0.432, 0.767,
14, 07, 0.597, 0.432, 0.767,
15, 07, 0.596, 0.432, 0.767,
16, 07, 0.596, 0.432, 0.766,
17, 07, 0.595, 0.431, 0.766,
18, 07, 0.595, 0.431, 0.766,
19, 07, 0.594, 0.431, 0.766,
20, 07, 0.594, 0.430, 0.766,
21, 07, 0.593, 0.430, 0.766,
22, 07, 0.593, 0.430, 0.766,
23, 07, 0.592, 0.429, 0.765,
24, 07, 0.592, 0.429, 0.765,
25, 07, 0.591, 0.428, 0.765,
26, 07, 0.590, 0.428, 0.765,
27, 07, 0.590, 0.428, 0.764,
28, 07, 0.589, 0.427, 0.764,
29, 07, 0.588, 0.427, 0.764,
30, 07, 0.588, 0.426, 0.763,
31, 07, 0.587, 0.426, 0.763,
01, 08, 0.586, 0.425, 0.762,
02, 08, 0.586, 0.425, 0.762,
03, 08, 0.585, 0.424, 0.761,
04, 08, 0.584, 0.424, 0.761,
05, 08, 0.583, 0.423, 0.760,
06, 08, 0.583, 0.423, 0.760,
07, 08, 0.582, 0.422, 0.759,
08, 08, 0.581, 0.421, 0.758,
09, 08, 0.580, 0.421, 0.758,
10, 08, 0.579, 0.420, 0.757,
11, 08, 0.578, 0.420, 0.756,
12, 08, 0.578, 0.419, 0.755,
13, 08, 0.577, 0.418, 0.754,
14, 08, 0.576, 0.418, 0.754,
15, 08, 0.575, 0.417, 0.753,
16, 08, 0.574, 0.416, 0.752,
17, 08, 0.573, 0.415, 0.751,
18, 08, 0.572, 0.415, 0.750,
19, 08, 0.571, 0.414, 0.749,
20, 08, 0.570, 0.413, 0.748,
21, 08, 0.569, 0.413, 0.747,
22, 08, 0.569, 0.412, 0.746,
23, 08, 0.568, 0.411, 0.745,
24, 08, 0.567, 0.410, 0.744,
25, 08, 0.566, 0.409, 0.743,
26, 08, 0.565, 0.409, 0.742,
27, 08, 0.564, 0.408, 0.741,
28, 08, 0.563, 0.407, 0.740,
29, 08, 0.562, 0.406, 0.738,
30, 08, 0.561, 0.405, 0.737,
31, 08, 0.560, 0.405, 0.736,
01, 09, 0.558, 0.404, 0.735,
02, 09, 0.557, 0.403, 0.734,
03, 09, 0.556, 0.402, 0.732,
04, 09, 0.555, 0.401, 0.731,
05, 09, 0.554, 0.401, 0.730,
06, 09, 0.553, 0.400, 0.728,
07, 09, 0.552, 0.399, 0.727,
08, 09, 0.551, 0.398, 0.725,
09, 09, 0.550, 0.397, 0.724,
10, 09, 0.549, 0.396, 0.723,
11, 09, 0.548, 0.396, 0.721,
12, 09, 0.546, 0.395, 0.720,
13, 09, 0.545, 0.394, 0.718,
14, 09, 0.544, 0.393, 0.717,
15, 09, 0.543, 0.392, 0.715,
16, 09, 0.542, 0.391, 0.713,
17, 09, 0.541, 0.391, 0.712,
18, 09, 0.540, 0.390, 0.710,
19, 09, 0.538, 0.389, 0.709,
20, 09, 0.537, 0.388, 0.707,
21, 09, 0.536, 0.388, 0.705,
22, 09, 0.535, 0.387, 0.703,
23, 09, 0.533, 0.386, 0.702,
24, 09, 0.532, 0.385, 0.700,
25, 09, 0.531, 0.385, 0.698,
26, 09, 0.530, 0.384, 0.696,
27, 09, 0.528, 0.383, 0.694,
28, 09, 0.527, 0.383, 0.692,
29, 09, 0.526, 0.382, 0.690,
30, 09, 0.525, 0.381, 0.688,
01, 10, 0.523, 0.381, 0.686,
02, 10, 0.522, 0.380, 0.684,
03, 10, 0.521, 0.379, 0.682,
04, 10, 0.519, 0.379, 0.680,
05, 10, 0.518, 0.378, 0.678,
06, 10, 0.517, 0.377, 0.676,
07, 10, 0.515, 0.377, 0.674,
08, 10, 0.514, 0.376, 0.671,
09, 10, 0.512, 0.376, 0.669,
10, 10, 0.511, 0.375, 0.667,
11, 10, 0.510, 0.375, 0.664,
12, 10, 0.508, 0.374, 0.662,
13, 10, 0.507, 0.374, 0.659,
14, 10, 0.505, 0.373, 0.657,
15, 10, 0.504, 0.373, 0.654,
16, 10, 0.502, 0.372, 0.652,
17, 10, 0.501, 0.372, 0.649,
18, 10, 0.499, 0.372, 0.647,
19, 10, 0.498, 0.371, 0.644,
20, 10, 0.496, 0.371, 0.641,
21, 10, 0.495, 0.371, 0.639,
22, 10, 0.493, 0.370, 0.636,
23, 10, 0.492, 0.370, 0.633,
24, 10, 0.490, 0.370, 0.630,
25, 10, 0.489, 0.369, 0.628,
26, 10, 0.487, 0.369, 0.625,
27, 10, 0.485, 0.369, 0.622,
28, 10, 0.484, 0.368, 0.619,
29, 10, 0.482, 0.368, 0.616,
30, 10, 0.481, 0.368, 0.613,
31, 10, 0.479, 0.368, 0.610,
01, 11, 0.478, 0.368, 0.607,
02, 11, 0.476, 0.367, 0.604,
03, 11, 0.475, 0.367, 0.601,
04, 11, 0.473, 0.367, 0.598,
05, 11, 0.471, 0.367, 0.595,
06, 11, 0.470, 0.367, 0.592,
07, 11, 0.468, 0.367, 0.589,
08, 11, 0.467, 0.366, 0.586,
09, 11, 0.465, 0.366, 0.583,
10, 11, 0.464, 0.366, 0.580,
11, 11, 0.462, 0.366, 0.577,
12, 11, 0.461, 0.366, 0.574,
13, 11, 0.459, 0.366, 0.571,
14, 11, 0.458, 0.366, 0.568,
15, 11, 0.456, 0.366, 0.565,
16, 11, 0.455, 0.366, 0.562,
17, 11, 0.454, 0.366, 0.559,
18, 11, 0.452, 0.365, 0.556,
19, 11, 0.451, 0.365, 0.553,
20, 11, 0.450, 0.365, 0.550,
21, 11, 0.448, 0.365, 0.547,
22, 11, 0.447, 0.365, 0.544,
23, 11, 0.446, 0.365, 0.542,
24, 11, 0.445, 0.365, 0.539,
25, 11, 0.443, 0.365, 0.536,
26, 11, 0.442, 0.365, 0.533,
27, 11, 0.441, 0.365, 0.531,
28, 11, 0.440, 0.365, 0.528,
29, 11, 0.439, 0.365, 0.526,
30, 11, 0.438, 0.365, 0.523,
01, 12, 0.437, 0.365, 0.521,
02, 12, 0.436, 0.365, 0.519,
03, 12, 0.435, 0.365, 0.517,
04, 12, 0.434, 0.365, 0.515,
05, 12, 0.434, 0.365, 0.513,
06, 12, 0.433, 0.365, 0.511,
07, 12, 0.432, 0.365, 0.509,
08, 12, 0.431, 0.365, 0.507,
09, 12, 0.431, 0.365, 0.505,
10, 12, 0.430, 0.365, 0.504,
11, 12, 0.430, 0.365, 0.502,
12, 12, 0.429, 0.365, 0.501,
13, 12, 0.429, 0.365, 0.500,
14, 12, 0.429, 0.365, 0.498,
15, 12, 0.428, 0.365, 0.497,
16, 12, 0.428, 0.365, 0.496,
17, 12, 0.428, 0.365, 0.496,
18, 12, 0.428, 0.365, 0.495,
19, 12, 0.428, 0.365, 0.494,
20, 12, 0.428, 0.365, 0.494,
21, 12, 0.428, 0.365, 0.494,
22, 12, 0.428, 0.365, 0.493,
23, 12, 0.429, 0.365, 0.493,
24, 12, 0.429, 0.366, 0.493,
25, 12, 0.429, 0.366, 0.493,
26, 12, 0.430, 0.366, 0.494,
27, 12, 0.430, 0.366, 0.494,
28, 12, 0.431, 0.366, 0.495,
29, 12, 0.431, 0.366, 0.495,
30, 12, 0.432, 0.366, 0.496,
31, 12, 0.433, 0.366, 0.497), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
dimnames(RESULT) <- list(1:366, c("day", "month", "grad_Tmean", "grad_Tmin", "grad_Tmax"))
GradP_Valery2010 <- 0.00041 ### value from Valery PhD thesis page 126
HypsoData <- as.double(HypsoData)
ZInputs <- as.double(ZInputs)
HypsoData <- as.double(HypsoData)
ZInputs <- as.double(ZInputs)
ZLayers <- as.double(rep(NA, NLayers))
if (!identical(HypsoData, as.double(rep(NA, 101)))) {
nmoy <- 100 %/% NLayers
nreste <- 100 %% NLayers
ncont <- 0
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
if (nreste > 0) {
nn <- nmoy + 1
nreste <- nreste - 1
} else {
nn <- nmoy
if (nn == 1) {
ZLayers[iLayer] <- HypsoData[ncont + 1]
if (nn == 2) {
ZLayers[iLayer] <- 0.5 * (HypsoData[ncont + 1] + HypsoData[ncont + 2])
if (nn > 2) {
ZLayers[iLayer] <- HypsoData[ncont + nn / 2]
ncont <- ncont + nn
ZLayers <- as.double(rep(NA, NLayers))
if (!identical(HypsoData, as.double(rep(NA, 101)))) {
nmoy <- 100 %/% NLayers
nreste <- 100 %% NLayers
ncont <- 0
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
if (nreste > 0) {
nn <- nmoy + 1
nreste <- nreste - 1
} else {
nn <- nmoy
if (nn == 1) {
ZLayers[iLayer] <- HypsoData[ncont + 1]
if (nn == 2) {
ZLayers[iLayer] <- 0.5 * (HypsoData[ncont + 1] + HypsoData[ncont + 2])
if (nn > 2) {
ZLayers[iLayer] <- HypsoData[ncont + nn / 2 + 1]
ncont <- ncont + nn
if (identical(ZInputs, HypsoData[51]) & NLayers == 1) {
LayerPrecip <- list(as.double(Precip))
} else {
GradP <- GradP_Valery2010() ### single value
TabGradP <- rep(GradP, length(Precip))
Zthreshold <- 4000
LayerPrecip_mat <- sapply(1:NLayers, function(iLayer) {
if (ZLayers[iLayer] <= Zthreshold) {
prcp <- as.double(Precip * exp(TabGradP * (ZLayers[iLayer] - ZInputs)))
if (identical(ZInputs, HypsoData[51]) & NLayers == 1) {
LayerPrecip <- list(as.double(Precip))
} else {
GradP <- GradP_Valery2010 ### single value
TabGradP <- rep(GradP, length(Precip))
Zthreshold <- 4000
LayerPrecip_mat <- sapply(1:NLayers, function(iLayer) {
if (ZLayers[iLayer] <= Zthreshold) {
prcp <- as.double(Precip * exp(TabGradP * (ZLayers[iLayer] - ZInputs)))
} else {
if (ZInputs <= Zthreshold) {
prcp <- as.double(Precip * exp(TabGradP * (Zthreshold - ZInputs)))
} else {
if (ZInputs <= Zthreshold) {
prcp <- as.double(Precip * exp(TabGradP * (Zthreshold - ZInputs)))
} else {
prcp <- as.double(Precip)
prcp <- as.double(Precip)
if (PrecipScale) {
LayerPrecip_mat <- LayerPrecip_mat / rowMeans(LayerPrecip_mat) * Precip
LayerPrecip_mat[is.nan(LayerPrecip_mat)] <- 0
LayerPrecip <- as.list(
if (PrecipScale) {
LayerPrecip_mat <- LayerPrecip_mat / rowMeans(LayerPrecip_mat) * Precip
LayerPrecip_mat[is.nan(LayerPrecip_mat)] <- 0
LayerPrecip <- as.list(
LayerTempMean <-
LayerTempMin <- list()
LayerTempMax <- list()
if (identical(ZInputs, HypsoData[51]) & NLayers == 1) {
LayerTempMean[[1]] <- as.double(TempMean)
if (!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)) {
LayerTempMin[[1]] <- as.double(TempMin)
LayerTempMax[[1]] <- as.double(TempMax)
} else {
GradT <-
iday <- match(format(DatesR, format = "%d%m"),
sprintf("%02i%02i", GradT[, "day"], GradT[, "month"]))
TabGradT <-
GradT[iday, c("grad_Tmean", "grad_Tmin", "grad_Tmax")]
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
LayerTempMean[[iLayer]] <- as.double(TempMean + (ZInputs - ZLayers[iLayer]) * abs(TabGradT[, "grad_Tmean"]) / 100)
if (!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)) {
LayerTempMin[[iLayer]] <- as.double(TempMin + (ZInputs - ZLayers[iLayer]) * abs(TabGradT[, "grad_Tmin"]) / 100)
LayerTempMax[[iLayer]] <- as.double(TempMax + (ZInputs - ZLayers[iLayer]) * abs(TabGradT[, "grad_Tmax"]) / 100)
LayerTempMean <- list()
LayerTempMin <- list()
LayerTempMax <- list()
if (identical(ZInputs, HypsoData[51]) & NLayers == 1) {
LayerTempMean[[1]] <- as.double(TempMean)
if (!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)) {
LayerTempMin[[1]] <- as.double(TempMin)
LayerTempMax[[1]] <- as.double(TempMax)
LayerFracSolidPrecip <- list()
Zthreshold <- 1500
} else {
GradT <- .GradT_Valery2010
iday <- match(format(DatesR, format = "%d%m"),
sprintf("%02i%02i", GradT[, "day"], GradT[, "month"]))
TabGradT <- GradT[iday, c("grad_Tmean", "grad_Tmin", "grad_Tmax")]
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
Option <- "USACE"
if (! {
if (ZInputs < Zthreshold & !is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)) {
Option <- "Hydrotel"
if (Option == "Hydrotel") {
TempMin <- LayerTempMin[[iLayer]]
TempMax <- LayerTempMax[[iLayer]]
SolidFraction <- 1 - TempMax / (TempMax - TempMin)
SolidFraction[TempMin >= 0] <- 0
SolidFraction[TempMax <= 0] <- 1
if (Option == "USACE") {
USACE_Tmin <- -1.0
USACE_Tmax <- 3.0
TempMean <- LayerTempMean[[iLayer]]
SolidFraction <- 1 - (TempMean - USACE_Tmin) / (USACE_Tmax - USACE_Tmin)
SolidFraction[TempMean > USACE_Tmax] <- 0
SolidFraction[TempMean < USACE_Tmin] <- 1
LayerTempMean[[iLayer]] <- as.double(TempMean + (ZInputs - ZLayers[iLayer]) * abs(TabGradT[, "grad_Tmean"]) / 100)
if (!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)) {
LayerTempMin[[iLayer]] <- as.double(TempMin + (ZInputs - ZLayers[iLayer]) * abs(TabGradT[, "grad_Tmin"]) / 100)
LayerTempMax[[iLayer]] <- as.double(TempMax + (ZInputs - ZLayers[iLayer]) * abs(TabGradT[, "grad_Tmax"]) / 100)
LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]] <- as.double(SolidFraction)
LayerFracSolidPrecip <- list()
Zthreshold <- 1500
Option <- "USACE"
if (! {
if (ZInputs < Zthreshold & !is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)) {
Option <- "Hydrotel"
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
if (Option == "Hydrotel") {
TempMin <- LayerTempMin[[iLayer]]
TempMax <- LayerTempMax[[iLayer]]
SolidFraction <- 1 - TempMax / (TempMax - TempMin)
SolidFraction[TempMin >= 0] <- 0
SolidFraction[TempMax <= 0] <- 1
if (Option == "USACE") {
USACE_Tmin <- -1.0
USACE_Tmax <- 3.0
TempMean <- LayerTempMean[[iLayer]]
SolidFraction <- 1 - (TempMean - USACE_Tmin) / (USACE_Tmax - USACE_Tmin)
SolidFraction[TempMean > USACE_Tmax] <- 0
SolidFraction[TempMean < USACE_Tmin] <- 1
LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]] <- as.double(SolidFraction)
namesLayer <- sprintf("L%i", seq_along(LayerPrecip))
names(LayerPrecip) <- namesLayer
names(LayerTempMean) <- namesLayer
if (!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)) {
names(LayerTempMin) <- namesLayer
names(LayerTempMax) <- namesLayer
names(LayerFracSolidPrecip) <- namesLayer
return(list(LayerPrecip = LayerPrecip,
LayerTempMean = LayerTempMean,
LayerTempMin = LayerTempMin,
LayerTempMax = LayerTempMax,
LayerFracSolidPrecip = LayerFracSolidPrecip,
ZLayers = ZLayers))
return(list(LayerPrecip = LayerPrecip,
LayerTempMean = LayerTempMean,
LayerTempMin = LayerTempMin,
LayerTempMax = LayerTempMax,
LayerFracSolidPrecip = LayerFracSolidPrecip,
ZLayers = ZLayers))
ErrorCrit <- function(InputsCrit,OutputsModel,FUN_CRIT, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
return( FUN_CRIT(InputsCrit,OutputsModel, warnings = warnings, verbose = verbose) )
ErrorCrit <- function(InputsCrit, OutputsModel, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
## ---------- Arguments check
if (!inherits(InputsCrit, "InputsCrit")) {
stop("InputsCrit must be of class 'InputsCrit'")
if (!inherits(OutputsModel, "OutputsModel")) {
stop("OutputsModel must be of class 'OutputsModel'")
## ---------- Criterion computation
## ----- Single criterion
if (inherits(InputsCrit, "Single")) {
OutputsCrit <- FUN_CRIT(InputsCrit = InputsCrit,
OutputsModel = OutputsModel,
warnings = warnings,
verbose = verbose)
## ----- Multiple criteria or Composite criterion
if (inherits(InputsCrit, "Multi") | inherits(InputsCrit, "Compo")) {
listOutputsCrit <- lapply(InputsCrit, FUN = function(iInputsCrit) {
FUN_CRIT(InputsCrit = iInputsCrit,
OutputsModel = OutputsModel,
warnings = warnings,
verbose = verbose)
listValCrit <- sapply(listOutputsCrit, function(x) x[["CritValue"]])
listNameCrit <- sapply(listOutputsCrit, function(x) x[["CritName"]])
listweights <- unlist(lapply(InputsCrit, function(x) x[["Weights"]]))
listweights <- listweights / sum(listweights)
if (inherits(InputsCrit, "Compo")) {
CritValue <- sum(listValCrit * listweights)
OutputsCritCompo <- list(MultiCritValues = listValCrit,
MultiCritNames = listNameCrit,
MultiCritWeights = listweights)
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue = CritValue,
CritName = "Composite",
CritBestValue = +1,
Multiplier = -1,
Ind_notcomputed = NULL,
CritCompo = OutputsCritCompo,
MultiCrit = listOutputsCrit)
class(OutputsCrit) <- c("Compo", "ErrorCrit")
if (verbose) {
message("Crit. Composite = ", sprintf("%.4f", CritValue))
msgForm <- paste(sprintf("%.2f", listweights), listNameCrit, sep = " * ", collapse = ", ")
msgForm <- unlist(strsplit(msgForm, split = ","))
msgFormSep <- rep(c(",", ",", ",\n\t\t "), times = ceiling(length(msgForm)/3))[1:length(msgForm)]
msgForm <- paste(msgForm, msgFormSep, sep = "", collapse = "")
msgForm <- gsub("\\,\\\n\\\t\\\t $|\\,$", "", msgForm)
message("\tFormula: sum(", msgForm, ")\n")
} else {
OutputsCrit <- listOutputsCrit
class(OutputsCrit) <- c("Multi", "ErrorCrit")
ErrorCrit_KGE <- function(InputsCrit,OutputsModel, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
if(inherits(InputsCrit,"InputsCrit")==FALSE){ stop("InputsCrit must be of class 'InputsCrit' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"OutputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("OutputsModel must be of class 'OutputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
CritName <- NA;
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="" ){ CritName <- "KGE[Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ CritName <- "KGE[sqrt(Q)]"; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ CritName <- "KGE[log(Q)]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ CritName <- "KGE[1/Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sort"){ CritName <- "KGE[sort(Q)]"; }
CritValue <- NA;
CritBestValue <- +1;
Multiplier <- -1; ### must be equal to -1 or +1 only
VarObs <- InputsCrit$Qobs ; VarObs[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
VarSim <- OutputsModel$Qsim; VarSim[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
if("Ind_zeroes" %in% names(InputsCrit) & "epsilon" %in% names(InputsCrit)){ if(length(InputsCrit$Ind_zeroes)>0){
VarObs <- VarObs + InputsCrit$epsilon;
VarSim <- VarSim + InputsCrit$epsilon;
} }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ VarObs <- sqrt(VarObs); VarSim <- sqrt(VarSim); }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ VarObs <- log(VarObs) ; VarSim <- log(VarSim) ; VarSim[VarSim < -1E100] <- NA; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ VarObs <- 1/VarObs ; VarSim <- 1/VarSim ; VarSim[abs(VarSim) > 1E+100] <- NA; }
VarSim[] <- NA
VarSim <- sort(VarSim, na.last = TRUE)
VarObs <- sort(VarObs, na.last = TRUE)
InputsCrit$BoolCrit <- sort(InputsCrit$BoolCrit, decreasing = TRUE)
ErrorCrit_KGE <- function(InputsCrit, OutputsModel, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
## Arguments check
if (!inherits(OutputsModel, "OutputsModel")) {
stop("'OutputsModel' must be of class 'OutputsModel'")
TS_ignore <- !is.finite(VarObs) | !is.finite(VarSim) | !InputsCrit$BoolCrit ;
Ind_TS_ignore <- which(TS_ignore); if(length(Ind_TS_ignore)==0){ Ind_TS_ignore <- NULL; }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)==0){ OutputsCrit <- list(NA); names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue"); return(OutputsCrit); }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)==1){ OutputsCrit <- list(NA); names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue"); return(OutputsCrit); } ### to avoid a problem in standard deviation computation
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"hourly" )){ WarningTS <- 365; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"daily" )){ WarningTS <- 365; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"monthly")){ WarningTS <- 12; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"yearly" )){ WarningTS <- 3; }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)<WarningTS & warnings){ warning("\t criterion computed on less than ", WarningTS, " time-steps ") }
meanVarObs <- mean(VarObs[!TS_ignore]);
meanVarSim <- mean(VarSim[!TS_ignore]);
iCrit <- 0
SubCritPrint <- NULL
SubCritNames <- NULL
SubCritValues <- NULL
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritPrint[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," cor(sim, obs, \"pearson\") =", sep = "")
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- "r"
Numer <- sum( (VarObs[!TS_ignore]-meanVarObs)*(VarSim[!TS_ignore]-meanVarSim) );
Deno1 <- sqrt( sum((VarObs[!TS_ignore]-meanVarObs)^2) );
Deno2 <- sqrt( sum((VarSim[!TS_ignore]-meanVarSim)^2) );
if(Numer==0){ if(Deno1==0 & Deno2==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- 0; }
} else { Crit <- Numer/(Deno1*Deno2); }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritPrint[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," sd(sim)/sd(obs) =", sep = "")
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- "alpha"
Numer <- sd(VarSim[!TS_ignore]);
Denom <- sd(VarObs[!TS_ignore]);
if(Numer==0 & Denom==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- Numer/Denom ; }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritPrint[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," mean(sim)/mean(obs) =", sep = "")
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- "beta"
if(meanVarSim==0 & meanVarObs==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- meanVarSim/meanVarObs ; }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
CritValue <- ( 1 - sqrt( (SubCritValues[1]-1)^2 + (SubCritValues[2]-1)^2 + (SubCritValues[3]-1)^2 ) );
EC <- .ErrorCrit(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, Crit = "KGE", OutputsModel = OutputsModel, warnings = warnings)
CritValue <- NA
SubCritValues <- rep(NA, 3)
SubCritNames <- c("r", "alpha", "beta")
SubCritPrint <- rep(NA, 3)
if (EC$CritCompute) {
## Other variables preparation
meanVarObs <- mean(EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore])
meanVarSim <- mean(EC$VarSim[!EC$TS_ignore])
## SubErrorCrit KGE rPearson
SubCritPrint[1L] <- paste0(EC$CritName, " cor(sim, obs, \"pearson\") =")
Numer <- sum((EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore] - meanVarObs) * (EC$VarSim[!EC$TS_ignore] - meanVarSim))
Deno1 <- sqrt(sum((EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore] - meanVarObs) ^ 2))
Deno2 <- sqrt(sum((EC$VarSim[!EC$TS_ignore] - meanVarSim) ^ 2))
if (Numer == 0) {
if (Deno1 == 0 & Deno2 == 0) {
Crit <- 1
} else {
Crit <- 0
} else {
Crit <- Numer / (Deno1 * Deno2)
if (is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)) {
SubCritValues[1L] <- Crit
## SubErrorCrit KGE alpha
SubCritPrint[2L] <- paste0(EC$CritName, " sd(sim)/sd(obs) =")
Numer <- sd(EC$VarSim[!EC$TS_ignore])
Denom <- sd(EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore])
if (Numer == 0 & Denom == 0) {
Crit <- 1
} else {
Crit <- Numer / Denom
if (is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)) {
SubCritValues[2L] <- Crit
## SubErrorCrit KGE beta
SubCritPrint[3L] <- paste0(EC$CritName, " mean(sim)/mean(obs) =")
if (meanVarSim == 0 & meanVarObs == 0) {
Crit <- 1
} else {
Crit <- meanVarSim / meanVarObs
if (is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)) {
SubCritValues[3L] <- Crit
## ErrorCrit
if (sum( == 0) {
CritValue <- (1 - sqrt((SubCritValues[1L] - 1)^2 + (SubCritValues[2L] - 1)^2 + (SubCritValues[3L] - 1)^2))
## Verbose
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("Crit. %s = %.4f", EC$CritName, CritValue))
message(paste("\tSubCrit.", SubCritPrint, sprintf("%.4f", SubCritValues), "\n", sep = " "))
if(verbose) {
message("Crit. ", CritName, " = ", sprintf("%.4f", CritValue))
message(paste("\tSubCrit.", SubCritPrint, sprintf("%.4f", SubCritValues), "\n", sep = " "))
## Output
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue = CritValue,
CritName = EC$CritName,
SubCritValues = SubCritValues,
SubCritNames = SubCritNames,
CritBestValue = EC$CritBestValue,
Multiplier = EC$Multiplier,
Ind_notcomputed = EC$Ind_TS_ignore)
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue = CritValue, CritName = CritName,
SubCritValues = SubCritValues, SubCritNames = SubCritNames, CritBestValue = CritBestValue,
Multiplier = Multiplier, Ind_notcomputed = Ind_TS_ignore)
class(OutputsCrit) <- c("KGE", "ErrorCrit")
class(ErrorCrit_KGE) <- c("FUN_CRIT", class(ErrorCrit_KGE))
ErrorCrit_KGE2 <- function(InputsCrit,OutputsModel, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
if(inherits(InputsCrit,"InputsCrit")==FALSE){ stop("InputsCrit must be of class 'InputsCrit' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"OutputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("OutputsModel must be of class 'OutputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
CritName <- NA;
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="" ){ CritName <- "KGE'[Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ CritName <- "KGE'[sqrt(Q)]"; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ CritName <- "KGE'[log(Q)]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ CritName <- "KGE'[1/Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sort"){ CritName <- "KGE'[sort(Q)]"; }
CritValue <- NA;
CritBestValue <- +1;
Multiplier <- -1; ### must be equal to -1 or +1 only
VarObs <- InputsCrit$Qobs ; VarObs[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
VarSim <- OutputsModel$Qsim; VarSim[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
if("Ind_zeroes" %in% names(InputsCrit) & "epsilon" %in% names(InputsCrit)){ if(length(InputsCrit$Ind_zeroes)>0){
VarObs <- VarObs + InputsCrit$epsilon;
VarSim <- VarSim + InputsCrit$epsilon;
} }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ VarObs <- sqrt(VarObs); VarSim <- sqrt(VarSim); }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ VarObs <- log(VarObs) ; VarSim <- log(VarSim) ; VarSim[VarSim < -1E100] <- NA; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ VarObs <- 1/VarObs ; VarSim <- 1/VarSim ; VarSim[abs(VarSim) > 1E+100] <- NA; }
VarSim[] <- NA
VarSim <- sort(VarSim, na.last = TRUE)
VarObs <- sort(VarObs, na.last = TRUE)
InputsCrit$BoolCrit <- sort(InputsCrit$BoolCrit, decreasing = TRUE)
TS_ignore <- !is.finite(VarObs) | !is.finite(VarSim) | !InputsCrit$BoolCrit ;
Ind_TS_ignore <- which(TS_ignore); if(length(Ind_TS_ignore)==0){ Ind_TS_ignore <- NULL; }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)==0){ OutputsCrit <- list(NA); names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue"); return(OutputsCrit); }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)==1){ OutputsCrit <- list(NA); names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue"); return(OutputsCrit); } ### to avoid a problem in standard deviation computation
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"hourly" )){ WarningTS <- 365; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"daily" )){ WarningTS <- 365; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"monthly")){ WarningTS <- 12; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"yearly" )){ WarningTS <- 3; }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)<WarningTS & warnings){ warning("\t criterion computed on less than ", WarningTS, " time-steps") }
meanVarObs <- mean(VarObs[!TS_ignore]);
meanVarSim <- mean(VarSim[!TS_ignore]);
iCrit <- 0
SubCritPrint <- NULL
SubCritNames <- NULL
SubCritValues <- NULL
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritPrint[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," cor(sim, obs, \"pearson\") =", sep = "")
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- "r"
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
Numer <- sum( (VarObs[!TS_ignore]-meanVarObs)*(VarSim[!TS_ignore]-meanVarSim) );
Deno1 <- sqrt( sum((VarObs[!TS_ignore]-meanVarObs)^2) );
Deno2 <- sqrt( sum((VarSim[!TS_ignore]-meanVarSim)^2) );
if(Numer==0){ if(Deno1==0 & Deno2==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- 0; }
} else { Crit <- Numer/(Deno1*Deno2); }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritPrint[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," cv(sim)/cv(obs) =", sep = "")
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- "gamma"
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
if(meanVarSim==0){ if(sd(VarSim[!TS_ignore])==0){ CVsim <- 1; } else { CVsim <- 99999; } } else { CVsim <- sd(VarSim[!TS_ignore])/meanVarSim; }
if(meanVarObs==0){ if(sd(VarObs[!TS_ignore])==0){ CVobs <- 1; } else { CVobs <- 99999; } } else { CVobs <- sd(VarObs[!TS_ignore])/meanVarObs; }
if(CVsim==0 & CVobs==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- CVsim/CVobs ; }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritPrint[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," mean(sim)/mean(obs) =", sep = "")
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- "beta"
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
if(meanVarSim==0 & meanVarObs==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- meanVarSim/meanVarObs ; }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
CritValue <- ( 1 - sqrt( (SubCritValues[1]-1)^2 + (SubCritValues[2]-1)^2 + (SubCritValues[3]-1)^2 ) );
ErrorCrit_KGE2 <- function(InputsCrit, OutputsModel, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
## Arguments check
if (!inherits(OutputsModel, "OutputsModel")) {
stop("'OutputsModel' must be of class 'OutputsModel'")
if(verbose) {
message("Crit. ", CritName, " = ", sprintf("%.4f", CritValue))
message(paste("\tSubCrit.", SubCritPrint, sprintf("%.4f", SubCritValues), "\n", sep = " "))
EC <- .ErrorCrit(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, Crit = "KGE2", OutputsModel = OutputsModel, warnings = warnings)
CritValue <- NA
SubCritValues <- rep(NA, 3)
SubCritNames <- c("r", "gamma", "beta")
SubCritPrint <- rep(NA, 3)
if (EC$CritCompute) {
## Other variables preparation
meanVarObs <- mean(EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore])
meanVarSim <- mean(EC$VarSim[!EC$TS_ignore])
## SubErrorCrit KGE rPearson
SubCritPrint[1L] <- paste0(EC$CritName, " cor(sim, obs, \"pearson\") =")
Numer <- sum((EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore] - meanVarObs) * (EC$VarSim[!EC$TS_ignore] - meanVarSim))
Deno1 <- sqrt(sum((EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore] - meanVarObs)^2))
Deno2 <- sqrt(sum((EC$VarSim[!EC$TS_ignore] - meanVarSim)^2))
if (Numer == 0) {
if (Deno1 == 0 & Deno2 == 0) {
Crit <- 1
} else {
Crit <- 0
} else {
Crit <- Numer / (Deno1 * Deno2)
if (is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)) {
SubCritValues[1L] <- Crit
## SubErrorCrit KGE gamma
SubCritPrint[2L] <- paste0(EC$CritName, " cv(sim)/cv(obs) =")
if (meanVarSim == 0) {
if (sd(EC$VarSim[!EC$TS_ignore]) == 0) {
CVsim <- 1
} else {
CVsim <- 99999
} else {
CVsim <- sd(EC$VarSim[!EC$TS_ignore]) / meanVarSim
if (meanVarObs == 0) {
if (sd(EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore]) == 0) {
CVobs <- 1
} else {
CVobs <- 99999
} else {
CVobs <- sd(EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore]) / meanVarObs
if (CVsim == 0 &
CVobs == 0) {
Crit <- 1
} else {
Crit <- CVsim / CVobs
if (is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)) {
SubCritValues[2L] <- Crit
## SubErrorCrit KGE beta
SubCritPrint[3L] <- paste0(EC$CritName, " mean(sim)/mean(obs) =")
if (meanVarSim == 0 & meanVarObs == 0) {
Crit <- 1
} else {
Crit <- meanVarSim / meanVarObs
if (is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)) {
SubCritValues[3L] <- Crit
## ErrorCrit
if (sum( == 0) {
CritValue <- (1 - sqrt((SubCritValues[1L] - 1)^2 + (SubCritValues[2L] - 1)^2 + (SubCritValues[3L] - 1)^2))
## Verbose
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("Crit. %s = %.4f", EC$CritName, CritValue))
message(paste("\tSubCrit.", SubCritPrint, sprintf("%.4f", SubCritValues), "\n", sep = " "))
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue = CritValue, CritName = CritName,
SubCritValues = SubCritValues, SubCritNames = SubCritNames, CritBestValue = CritBestValue,
Multiplier = Multiplier, Ind_notcomputed = Ind_TS_ignore)
## Output
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue = CritValue,
CritName = EC$CritName,
SubCritValues = SubCritValues,
SubCritNames = SubCritNames,
CritBestValue = EC$CritBestValue,
Multiplier = EC$Multiplier,
Ind_notcomputed = EC$Ind_TS_ignore)
class(OutputsCrit) <- c("KGE2", "ErrorCrit")
class(ErrorCrit_KGE2) <- c("FUN_CRIT", class(ErrorCrit_KGE2))
ErrorCrit_NSE <- function(InputsCrit,OutputsModel, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
ErrorCrit_NSE <- function(InputsCrit, OutputsModel, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
## Arguments check
if (!inherits(OutputsModel, "OutputsModel")) {
stop("'OutputsModel' must be of class 'OutputsModel'")
if(inherits(InputsCrit,"InputsCrit")==FALSE){ stop("InputsCrit must be of class 'InputsCrit' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"OutputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("OutputsModel must be of class 'OutputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
EC <- .ErrorCrit(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, Crit = "NSE", OutputsModel = OutputsModel, warnings = warnings)
CritValue <- NA
CritName <- NA;
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="" ){ CritName <- "NSE[Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ CritName <- "NSE[sqrt(Q)]"; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ CritName <- "NSE[log(Q)]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ CritName <- "NSE[1/Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sort"){ CritName <- "NSE[sort(Q)]"; }
CritValue <- NA;
CritBestValue <- +1;
Multiplier <- -1; ### must be equal to -1 or +1 only
if (EC$CritCompute) {
## ErrorCrit
Emod <- sum((EC$VarSim[!EC$TS_ignore] - EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore])^2)
Eref <- sum((EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore] - mean(EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore]))^2)
if (Emod == 0 & Eref == 0) {
Crit <- 0
} else {
Crit <- (1 - Emod / Eref)
if (is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)) {
CritValue <- Crit
VarObs <- InputsCrit$Qobs ; VarObs[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
VarSim <- OutputsModel$Qsim; VarSim[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
if("Ind_zeroes" %in% names(InputsCrit) & "epsilon" %in% names(InputsCrit)){ if(length(InputsCrit$Ind_zeroes)>0){
VarObs <- VarObs + InputsCrit$epsilon;
VarSim <- VarSim + InputsCrit$epsilon;
} }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ VarObs <- sqrt(VarObs); VarSim <- sqrt(VarSim); }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ VarObs <- log(VarObs) ; VarSim <- log(VarSim) ; VarSim[VarSim < -1E100] <- NA; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ VarObs <- 1/VarObs ; VarSim <- 1/VarSim ; VarSim[abs(VarSim) > 1E+100] <- NA; }
VarSim[] <- NA
VarSim <- sort(VarSim, na.last = TRUE)
VarObs <- sort(VarObs, na.last = TRUE)
InputsCrit$BoolCrit <- sort(InputsCrit$BoolCrit, decreasing = TRUE)
## Verbose
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("Crit. %s = %.4f", EC$CritName, CritValue))
TS_ignore <- !is.finite(VarObs) | !is.finite(VarSim) | !InputsCrit$BoolCrit ;
Ind_TS_ignore <- which(TS_ignore); if(length(Ind_TS_ignore)==0){ Ind_TS_ignore <- NULL; }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)==0){ OutputsCrit <- list(NA); names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue"); return(OutputsCrit); }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"hourly" )){ WarningTS <- 365; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"daily" )){ WarningTS <- 365; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"monthly")){ WarningTS <- 12; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"yearly" )){ WarningTS <- 3; }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)<WarningTS & warnings){ warning("\t criterion computed on less than ", WarningTS, " time-steps") }
meanVarObs <- mean(VarObs[!TS_ignore]);
meanVarSim <- mean(VarSim[!TS_ignore]);
Emod <- sum((VarSim[!TS_ignore]-VarObs[!TS_ignore])^2);
Eref <- sum((VarObs[!TS_ignore]-mean(VarObs[!TS_ignore]))^2);
if(Emod==0 & Eref==0){ Crit <- 0; } else { Crit <- (1-Emod/Eref); }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ CritValue <- Crit; }
if(verbose) {
message("Crit. ", CritName, " = ", sprintf("%.4f", CritValue))
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue = CritValue, CritName = CritName,
CritBestValue = CritBestValue,
Multiplier = Multiplier, Ind_notcomputed = Ind_TS_ignore)
## Output
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue = CritValue,
CritName = EC$CritName,
CritBestValue = EC$CritBestValue,
Multiplier = EC$Multiplier,
Ind_notcomputed = EC$Ind_TS_ignore)
class(OutputsCrit) <- c("NSE", "ErrorCrit")
class(ErrorCrit_NSE) <- c("FUN_CRIT", class(ErrorCrit_NSE))
ErrorCrit_RMSE <- function(InputsCrit,OutputsModel, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
ErrorCrit_RMSE <- function(InputsCrit, OutputsModel, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
## Arguments check
if (!inherits(OutputsModel, "OutputsModel")) {
stop("'OutputsModel' must be of class 'OutputsModel'")
if(inherits(InputsCrit,"InputsCrit")==FALSE){ stop("InputsCrit must be of class 'InputsCrit' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"OutputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("OutputsModel must be of class 'OutputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
EC <- .ErrorCrit(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, Crit = "RMSE", OutputsModel = OutputsModel, warnings = warnings)
CritName <- NA;
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="" ){ CritName <- "RMSE[Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ CritName <- "RMSE[sqrt(Q)]"; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ CritName <- "RMSE[log(Q)]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ CritName <- "RMSE[1/Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sort"){ CritName <- "RMSE[sort(Q)]"; }
CritValue <- NA
CritValue <- NA;
CritBestValue <- +1;
Multiplier <- +1; ### must be equal to -1 or +1 only
if (EC$CritCompute) {
## ErrorCrit
Numer <- sum((EC$VarSim - EC$VarObs)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
Denom <- sum(!$VarObs))
if (Numer == 0) {
Crit <- 0
} else {
Crit <- sqrt(Numer / Denom)
if (is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)) {
CritValue <- Crit
VarObs <- InputsCrit$Qobs ; VarObs[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
VarSim <- OutputsModel$Qsim; VarSim[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
if("Ind_zeroes" %in% names(InputsCrit) & "epsilon" %in% names(InputsCrit)){ if(length(InputsCrit$Ind_zeroes)>0){
VarObs <- VarObs + InputsCrit$epsilon;
VarSim <- VarSim + InputsCrit$epsilon;
} }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ VarObs <- sqrt(VarObs); VarSim <- sqrt(VarSim); }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ VarObs <- log(VarObs) ; VarSim <- log(VarSim) ; VarSim[VarSim < -1E100] <- NA; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ VarObs <- 1/VarObs ; VarSim <- 1/VarSim ; VarSim[abs(VarSim) > 1E+100] <- NA; }
VarSim[] <- NA
VarSim <- sort(VarSim, na.last = TRUE)
VarObs <- sort(VarObs, na.last = TRUE)
InputsCrit$BoolCrit <- sort(InputsCrit$BoolCrit, decreasing = TRUE)
## Verbose
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("Crit. %s = %.4f", EC$CritName, CritValue))
TS_ignore <- !is.finite(VarObs) | !is.finite(VarSim) | !InputsCrit$BoolCrit ;
Ind_TS_ignore <- which(TS_ignore); if(length(Ind_TS_ignore)==0){ Ind_TS_ignore <- NULL; }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)==0){ OutputsCrit <- list(NA); names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue"); return(OutputsCrit); }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"hourly" )){ WarningTS <- 365; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"daily" )){ WarningTS <- 365; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"monthly")){ WarningTS <- 12; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"yearly" )){ WarningTS <- 3; }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)<WarningTS & warnings){ warning("\t criterion computed on less than ", WarningTS, " time-steps") }
Numer <- sum((VarSim-VarObs)^2,na.rm=TRUE);
Denom <- sum(!;
if(Numer==0){ Crit <- 0; } else { Crit <- sqrt(Numer/Denom); }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ CritValue <- Crit; }
if(verbose) {
message("Crit. ", CritName, " = ", sprintf("%.4f", CritValue))
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue = CritValue, CritName = CritName, CritBestValue = CritBestValue,
Multiplier = Multiplier, Ind_notcomputed = Ind_TS_ignore)
## Output
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue = CritValue,
CritName = EC$CritName,
CritBestValue = EC$CritBestValue,
Multiplier = EC$Multiplier,
Ind_notcomputed = EC$Ind_TS_ignore)
class(OutputsCrit) <- c("RMSE", "ErrorCrit")
class(ErrorCrit_RMSE) <- c("FUN_CRIT", class(ErrorCrit_RMSE))
Imax <- function(InputsModel,
TestedValues = seq(from = 0.1, to = 3, by = 0.1)) {
## ---------- check arguments
## InputsModel
if (!inherits(InputsModel, "InputsModel")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'InputsModel'")
if (!inherits(InputsModel, "hourly")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'hourly'")
## IndPeriod_Run
if (!is.vector(IndPeriod_Run)) {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' must be a vector of numeric values")
if (!inherits(IndPeriod_Run, "integer")) {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' must be of type integer")
if (!identical(as.integer(IndPeriod_Run), IndPeriod_Run[1]:IndPeriod_Run[length(IndPeriod_Run)])) {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' must be a continuous sequence of integers")
## TestedValues
if (!(is.numeric(TestedValues))) {
stop("'TestedValues' must be 'numeric'")
## ---------- hourly inputs aggregation
## aggregate data at the daily time step
daily_data <- SeriesAggreg(InputsModel[IndPeriod_Run], Format = "%Y%m%d")
## ---------- calculate interception
## calculate total interception of daily GR models on the period
cum_daily <- sum(pmin(daily_data$Precip, daily_data$PotEvap))
if (anyNA(cum_daily)) {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' must be set to select 24 hours by day")
## calculate total interception of the GR5H interception store on the period
## and compute difference with daily values
differences <- array(NA, c(length(TestedValues)))
for (Imax in TestedValues) {
C0 <- 0
cum_hourly <- 0
for (i in IndPeriod_Run) {
Ec <- min(InputsModel$PotEvap[i], InputsModel$Precip[i] + C0)
Pth <- max(0, InputsModel$Precip[i] - (Imax-C0) - Ec)
C0 <- C0 + InputsModel$Precip[i] - Ec - Pth
cum_hourly <- cum_hourly + Ec
differences[which(Imax == TestedValues)] <- abs(cum_hourly - cum_daily)
## return the Imax value that minimises the difference
PE_Oudin <- function(JD, Temp,
Lat, LatUnit = c("rad", "deg"),
TimeStepIn = "daily", TimeStepOut = "daily",
RunFortran = FALSE) {
## ---------- check arguments
if (!(inherits(JD, "numeric") | inherits(JD, "integer"))) {
stop("'JD' must be of class 'numeric'")
if (!(inherits(Temp, "numeric") | inherits(Temp, "integer"))) {
stop("'Temp' must be of class 'numeric'")
if (length(JD) != length(Temp)) {
stop("'JD' and 'Temp' must have the same length")
if (!RunFortran & (!inherits(Lat, "numeric") | length(Lat) != 1)) {
stop("'Lat' must be a 'numeric' of length one")
if (RunFortran & (!inherits(Lat, "numeric") | (!length(Lat) %in% c(1, length(Temp))))) {
stop("'Lat' must be a 'numeric' of length one or of the same length as 'Temp'")
LatUnit <- match.arg(LatUnit, choices = c("rad", "deg"))
if (LatUnit[1L] == "rad" & (all(Lat >= pi/2) | all(Lat <= -pi/2))) {
stop("'Lat' must be comprised between -pi/2 and +pi/2 degrees")
if (LatUnit[1L] == "deg" & (all(Lat >= 90) | all(Lat <= -90))) {
stop("'Lat' must be comprised between -90 and +90 degrees")
if (LatUnit[1L] == "rad") {
FI <- Lat
if (LatUnit[1L] == "deg") {
FI <- Lat / (180 / pi)
if (any(JD < 0) | any(JD > 366)) {
stop("'JD' must only contain integers from 1 to 366")
TimeStep <- c("daily", "hourly")
TimeStepIn <- match.arg(TimeStepIn , choices = TimeStep)
TimeStepOut <- match.arg(TimeStepOut, choices = TimeStep)
rleJD <- rle(JD)
msgDaliy <- "each day should have only one identical value of Julian days. The time series is not sorted, or contains duplicate or missing dates"
msgHourly <- "each day must have 24 identical values of Julian days (one for each hour). The time series is not sorted, or contains duplicate or missing dates"
if (TimeStepIn == "daily" & any(rleJD$lengths != 1)) {
## ---------- hourly inputs aggregation
if (TimeStepIn == "hourly") {
JD <- rleJD$values
idJD <- rep(seq_along(JD), each = rleJD$lengths[1L])
if (length(Temp) != length(idJD)) {
} else {
Temp <- as.vector(tapply(X = Temp, INDEX = idJD, FUN = mean))
if (TimeStepIn == "hourly" & any(rleJD$lengths != 24)) {
## ---------- Oudin's formula
if (RunFortran) {
LInputs = as.integer(length(Temp))
if (length(FI) == 1) {
FI <- rep(FI, LInputs)
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_pe_oudin", PACKAGE = "airGR",
LInputs = LInputs,
InputsLAT = as.double(FI),
InputsTT = as.double(Temp),
InputsJJ = as.double(JD),
PE_Oudin_D = rep(as.double(-99e9), LInputs)
PE_Oudin_D = RESULTS$PE_Oudin_D
} else {
PE_Oudin_D <- rep(NA, length(Temp))
COSFI <- cos(FI)
for (k in seq_along(Temp)) {
TETA <- 0.4093 * sin(JD[k] / 58.1 - 1.405)
COSGZ <- max(0.001, cos(FI - TETA))
GZ <- acos(COSGZ)
if (COSOM < -1) {
COSOM <- -1
if (COSOM > 1) {
COSOM <- 1
if (COSOM2 >= 1) {
SINOM <- 0
} else {
SINOM <- sqrt(1 - COSOM2)
OM <- acos(COSOM)
if (COSPZ < 0.001) {
COSPZ <- 0.001
ETA <- 1 + cos(JD[k] / 58.1) / 30
GE <- 446 * OM * COSPZ * ETA
if ([k])) {
PE_Oudin_D[k] <- NA
} else {
if (Temp[k] >= -5.0) {
PE_Oudin_D[k] <- GE * (Temp[k] + 5) / 100 / 28.5
} else {
PE_Oudin_D[k] <- 0
## ---------- disaggregate PE from daily to hourly
if (TimeStepOut == "hourly") {
parab_D2H <- c(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
0.035, 0.062, 0.079, 0.097, 0.110, 0.117,
0.117, 0.110, 0.097, 0.079, 0.062, 0.035,
0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
PE_Oudin_H <- rep(PE_Oudin_D, each = 24) * rep(parab_D2H, times = length(PE_Oudin_D))
## ---------- outputs warnings
if (any( {
if (any( {
warning("'Temp' time series, and therefore the returned 'PE' time series, contain missing value(s)")
} else {
warning("'Temp' time series contains missing value(s)")
if (!any( & any( {
warning("returned 'PE' time series contains missing value(s)")
if (TimeStepOut == "daily") {
PE_Oudin <- PE_Oudin_D
} else {
PE_Oudin <- PE_Oudin_H
PEdaily_Oudin <- function(JD, Temp, LatRad, Lat, LatUnit = c("rad", "deg")) {
if (!missing(LatRad)) {
warning("Deprecated \"LatRad\" argument. Please, use \"Lat\" instead.")
if (missing(Lat)) {
Lat <- LatRad
if (!any(LatUnit %in%c("rad", "deg"))) {
stop("\"LatUnit\" must be \"rad\" or \"deg\".")
PE_Oudin_D <- rep(NA, length(Temp))
if (LatUnit[1L] == "rad") {
FI <- Lat
if (LatUnit[1L] == "deg") {
FI <- Lat / (180 / pi)
COSFI <- cos(FI)
AFI <- abs(FI / 42)
for (k in seq_along(Temp)) {
TETA <- 0.4093 * sin(JD[k] / 58.1 - 1.405)
COSGZ <- max(0.001, cos(FI - TETA))
GZ <- acos(COSGZ)
if (COSOM < -1) {
COSOM <- -1
if (COSOM > 1) {
COSOM <- 1
if (COSOM2 >= 1) {
SINOM <- 0
} else {
SINOM <- sqrt(1 - COSOM2)
OM <- acos(COSOM)
if (COSPZ < 0.001) {
COSPZ <- 0.001
ETA <- 1 + cos(JD[k] / 58.1) / 30
GE <- 446 * OM * COSPZ * ETA
if (Temp[k] >= -5.0) {
PE_Oudin_D[k] <- GE * (Temp[k] + 5) / 100 / 28.5
} else {
PE_Oudin_D[k] <- 0
RunModel <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param, FUN_MOD) {
return(FUN_MOD(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param))
RunModel <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param, FUN_MOD, ...) {
if (inherits(InputsModel, "SD") && !identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_Lag)) {
# Lag model take one parameter at the beginning of the vector
iFirstParamRunOffModel <- 2
RunOptions$FeatFUN_MOD$NbParam <- RunOptions$FeatFUN_MOD$NbParam - 1
} else {
# All parameters
iFirstParamRunOffModel <- 1
OutputsModel <- FUN_MOD(InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions,
Param = Param[iFirstParamRunOffModel:length(Param)], ...)
if (inherits(InputsModel, "SD") && !identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_Lag)) {
OutputsModel <- RunModel_Lag(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param[1], OutputsModel)
RunModel_CemaNeige <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
RunModel_CemaNeige <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param) {
NParam <- 2;
FortranOutputsCemaNeige <- c("Pliq","Psol","SnowPack","ThermalState","Gratio","PotMelt","Melt","PliqAndMelt", "Temp");
if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"daily" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'daily' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"CemaNeige" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'CemaNeige' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"RunOptions" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'RunOptions' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"CemaNeige" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'CemaNeige' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector(Param) | !is.numeric(Param)){ stop("Param must be a numeric vector \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!!=NParam){ stop(paste("Param must be a vector of length ",NParam," and contain no NA \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
Param <- as.double(Param);
if(identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,0)){ RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL; }
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run);
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):length(IndPeriod1);
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
ParamCemaNeige <- Param;
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip);
if(sum(!=0){ stop("Param contains missing values \n"); return(NULL); }
if("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ IndOutputsCemaNeige <- as.integer(1:length(FortranOutputsCemaNeige));
} else { IndOutputsCemaNeige <- which(FortranOutputsCemaNeige %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim); }
CemaNeigeLayers <- list(); CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL; NameCemaNeigeLayers <- "CemaNeigeLayers";
for(iLayer in 1:NLayers){
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7+20+40) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers)]
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_CemaNeige",PACKAGE="airGR",
LInputs=as.integer(length(IndPeriod1)), ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip=InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsFracSolidPrecip=InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of fraction of solid precipitation [0-1]
InputsTemp=InputsModel$LayerTemp[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of air mean temperature [degC]
MeanAnSolidPrecip=RunOptions$MeanAnSolidPrecip[iLayer], ### value of annual mean solid precip [mm/y]
NParam=as.integer(2), ### number of model parameter = 2
Param=ParamCemaNeige, ### parameter set
NStates=as.integer(2), ### number of state variables used for model initialising = 2
StateStart=StateStartCemaNeige, ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs=as.integer(length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs=IndOutputsCemaNeige, ### indices of output series
Outputs=matrix(as.double(-999.999),nrow=length(IndPeriod1),ncol=length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### output series [mm]
StateEnd=rep(as.double(-999.999),as.integer(2)) ### state variables at the end of the model run (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
RESULTS$Outputs[ round(RESULTS$Outputs ,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
RESULTS$StateEnd[round(RESULTS$StateEnd,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]] <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]);
names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) <- FortranOutputsCemaNeige[IndOutputsCemaNeige];
if(ExportStateEnd){ CemaNeigeStateEnd <- c(CemaNeigeStateEnd,RESULTS$StateEnd); }
} ###ENDFOR_iLayer
names(CemaNeigeLayers) <- paste("Layer",formatC(1:NLayers,width=2,flag="0"),sep="");
if (ExportStateEnd) {
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_CemaNeige, InputsModel = InputsModel,
ProdStore = NULL, RoutStore = NULL, ExpStore = NULL,
GCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(2*NLayers)[seq_len(2*NLayers) %% 2 == 1]],
eTGCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(2*NLayers)[seq_len(2*NLayers) %% 2 == 0]],
verbose = FALSE)
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- list(CemaNeigeLayers);
names(OutputsModel) <- NameCemaNeigeLayers; }
if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
list(CemaNeigeLayers) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",NameCemaNeigeLayers); }
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(CemaNeigeLayers),
names(OutputsModel) <- c(NameCemaNeigeLayers,"StateEnd"); }
if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",NameCemaNeigeLayers,"StateEnd"); }
## Initialization of variables
IsHyst <- inherits(RunOptions, "hysteresis")
NParamCN <- ifelse(test = IsHyst, yes = 4L, no = 2L)
NStates <- 4L
FortranOutputsCemaNeige <- .FortranOutputs(GR = NULL, isCN = TRUE)$CN
## Arguments check
if (!inherits(InputsModel, "InputsModel")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'InputsModel'")
if (!inherits(InputsModel, "daily") & !inherits(InputsModel, "hourly")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'daily' or 'hourly'")
if (!inherits(InputsModel, "CemaNeige")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'CemaNeige'")
if (!inherits(RunOptions, "RunOptions")) {
stop("'RunOptions' must be of class 'RunOptions'")
if (!inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige")) {
stop("'RunOptions' must be of class 'CemaNeige'")
if (!is.vector(Param) | !is.numeric(Param)) {
stop("'Param' must be a numeric vector")
if (sum(! != NParamCN) {
stop(sprintf("'Param' must be a vector of length %i and contain no NA", NParamCN))
if (inherits(InputsModel, "daily")) {
time_step <- "daily"
time_mult <- 1
if (inherits(InputsModel, "hourly")) {
time_step <- "hourly"
time_mult <- 24
class(OutputsModel) <- c("OutputsModel","daily","CemaNeige");
## Input data preparation
if (identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, 0L)) {
RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run)
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):length(IndPeriod1)
## Output data preparation
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
## CemaNeige________________________________________________________________________________
ParamCemaNeige <- Param
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip)
if (sum( != 0) {
stop("Param contains missing values")
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- 1:length(FortranOutputsCemaNeige)
} else {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- which(FortranOutputsCemaNeige %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
CemaNeigeLayers <- list()
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL
NameCemaNeigeLayers <- "CemaNeigeLayers"
## Call CemaNeige Fortran_________________________
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
if (!IsHyst) {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20*time_mult + 40*time_mult) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers)]
} else {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20*time_mult + 40*time_mult) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers, iLayer+2*NLayers, iLayer+3*NLayers)]
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_cemaneige", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = as.integer(length(IndPeriod1)), ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/time step]
InputsFracSolidPrecip = InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of fraction of solid precipitation [0-1]
InputsTemp = InputsModel$LayerTemp[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of air mean temperature [degC]
MeanAnSolidPrecip = RunOptions$MeanAnSolidPrecip[iLayer], ### value of annual mean solid precip [mm/y]
NParam = as.integer(NParamCN), ### number of model parameters = 2 or 4
Param = as.double(ParamCemaNeige), ### parameter set
NStates = as.integer(NStates), ### number of state variables used for model initialising = 4
StateStart = StateStartCemaNeige, ### state variables used when the model run starts
IsHyst = as.integer(IsHyst), ### use of hysteresis
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputsCemaNeige, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = length(IndPeriod1), ncol = length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### output series [mm, mm/time step or degC]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), NStates) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
## Data storage
CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]] <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2, i])
names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) <- FortranOutputsCemaNeige[IndOutputsCemaNeige]
if (ExportStateEnd) {
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- c(CemaNeigeStateEnd, RESULTS$StateEnd)
} ### ENDFOR iLayer
names(CemaNeigeLayers) <- sprintf("Layer%02i", seq_len(NLayers))
if (ExportStateEnd) {
idNStates <- seq_len(NStates*NLayers) %% NStates
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_CemaNeige, InputsModel = InputsModel, IsHyst = IsHyst,
ProdStore = NULL, RoutStore = NULL, ExpStore = NULL,
GCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 1]],
eTGCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 2]],
GthrCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 3]],
GlocmaxCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 0]],
verbose = FALSE)
## Output data preparation
## OutputsModel only
if (!ExportDatesR & !ExportStateEnd) {
OutputsModel <- list(CemaNeigeLayers)
names(OutputsModel) <- NameCemaNeigeLayers
## DatesR and OutputsModel only
if (ExportDatesR & !ExportStateEnd) {
OutputsModel <- c(list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR", NameCemaNeigeLayers)
## OutputsModel and StateEnd only
if (!ExportDatesR & ExportStateEnd) {
OutputsModel <- c(list(CemaNeigeLayers),
names(OutputsModel) <- c(NameCemaNeigeLayers, "StateEnd")
## DatesR and OutputsModel and StateEnd
if (ExportDatesR & ExportStateEnd) {
OutputsModel <- c(list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR", NameCemaNeigeLayers, "StateEnd")
## End
class(OutputsModel) <- c("OutputsModel", time_step, "CemaNeige")
if (IsHyst) {
class(OutputsModel) <- c(class(OutputsModel), "hysteresis")
RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4H <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param) {
## Initialization of variables
IsHyst <- inherits(RunOptions, "hysteresis")
NParamCN <- RunOptions$FeatFUN_MOD$NbParam - 4L
NStates <- 4L
.ArgumentsCheckGR(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param)
Param <- as.double(Param)
Param_X1X3_threshold <- 1e-2
Param_X4_threshold <- 0.5
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[3L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[3] (X3: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X3 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[3L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[4L] < Param_X4_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[4] (X4: unit hydrograph time constant [h]) < %.2f\n X4 set to %.2f", Param_X4_threshold, Param_X4_threshold))
Param[4L] <- Param_X4_threshold
## Input data preparation
if (identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, 0L)) {
RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run)
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries
ParamCemaNeige <- Param[(length(Param) - 1 - 2 * as.integer(IsHyst)):length(Param)]
NParamMod <- as.integer(length(Param) - (2 + 2 * as.integer(IsHyst)))
ParamMod <- Param[1:NParamMod]
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip)
NStatesMod <- as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates) - NStates * NLayers)
## Output data preparation
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
## CemaNeige________________________________________________________________________________
if (inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige")) {
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN))
} else {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
CemaNeigeLayers <- list()
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL
NameCemaNeigeLayers <- "CemaNeigeLayers"
## Call CemaNeige Fortran_________________________
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
if (!IsHyst) {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20*24 + 40*24) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers)]
} else {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20*24 + 40*24) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers, iLayer+2*NLayers, iLayer+3*NLayers)]
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_cemaneige", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/h]
InputsFracSolidPrecip = InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of fraction of solid precipitation [0-1]
InputsTemp = InputsModel$LayerTemp[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of air mean temperature [degC]
MeanAnSolidPrecip = RunOptions$MeanAnSolidPrecip[iLayer], ### value of annual mean solid precip [mm/y]
NParam = as.integer(NParamCN), ### number of model parameters = 2 or 4
Param = as.double(ParamCemaNeige), ### parameter set
NStates = as.integer(NStates), ### number of state variables used for model initialising = 4
StateStart = StateStartCemaNeige, ### state variables used when the model run starts
IsHyst = as.integer(IsHyst), ### use of hysteresis
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputsCemaNeige, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### output series [mm, mm/h or degC]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), as.integer(NStates)) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
## Data storage
CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]] <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2, i])
names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) <- RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN[IndOutputsCemaNeige]
IndPliqAndMelt <- which(names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) == "PliqAndMelt")
if (iLayer == 1) {
CatchMeltAndPliq <- RESULTS$Outputs[, IndPliqAndMelt] / NLayers
if (iLayer > 1) {
CatchMeltAndPliq <- CatchMeltAndPliq + RESULTS$Outputs[, IndPliqAndMelt] / NLayers
if (ExportStateEnd) {
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- c(CemaNeigeStateEnd, RESULTS$StateEnd)
} ### ENDFOR iLayer
names(CemaNeigeLayers) <- sprintf("Layer%02i", seq_len(NLayers))
} ### ENDIF RunSnowModule
if (!inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige")) {
CemaNeigeLayers <- list()
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL
NameCemaNeigeLayers <- NULL
CatchMeltAndPliq <- InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1]
## GR model
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputsMod <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR))
} else {
IndOutputsMod <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
## Use of IniResLevels
if (!is.null(RunOptions$IniResLevels)) {
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1] * ParamMod[1] ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2] * ParamMod[3] ### routing store level (mm)
## Call GR model Fortan
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_gr4h", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = CatchMeltAndPliq, ### input series of total precipitation [mm/h]
InputsPE = InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/h]
NParam = NParamMod, ### number of model parameter
Param = ParamMod, ### parameter set
NStates = NStatesMod, ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart = RunOptions$IniStates[1:NStatesMod], ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputsMod)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputsMod, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputsMod)), ### output series [mm or mm/h]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), NStatesMod) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] <- ifelse(RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] < 0, 0, RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L]) ### remove negative values except for the ExpStore location
idNStates <- seq_len(NStates*NLayers) %% NStates
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4H, InputsModel = InputsModel, IsHyst = IsHyst,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = NULL,
UH1 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:(20*24)) + 7],
UH2 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:(40*24)) + (7+20*24)],
GCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 1]],
eTGCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 2]],
GthrCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 3]],
GlocmaxCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 0]],
verbose = FALSE)
if (inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige") & "Precip" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
RESULTS$Outputs[, which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR[IndOutputsMod] == "Precip")] <-
## OutputsModel generation
RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
NParam <- 6;
FortranOutputsCemaNeige <- c("Pliq","Psol","SnowPack","ThermalState","Gratio","PotMelt","Melt","PliqAndMelt", "Temp");
FortranOutputsMod <- c("PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
"AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QD", "Qsim");
if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"daily" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'daily' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"CemaNeige" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'CemaNeige' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"RunOptions" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'RunOptions' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"CemaNeige" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'CemaNeige' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector(Param) | !is.numeric(Param)){ stop("Param must be a numeric vector \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!!=NParam){ stop(paste("Param must be a vector of length ",NParam," and contain no NA \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
Param <- as.double(Param);
Param_X1X3_threshold <- 1e-2
Param_X4_threshold <- 0.5
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param) {
## Initialization of variables
IsHyst <- inherits(RunOptions, "hysteresis")
NParamCN <- RunOptions$FeatFUN_MOD$NbParam - 4L
NStates <- 4L
.ArgumentsCheckGR(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param)
Param <- as.double(Param)
Param_X1X3_threshold <- 1e-2
Param_X4_threshold <- 0.5
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[3L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[3] (X3: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X3 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[3L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[4L] < Param_X4_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[4] (X4: unit hydrograph time constant [d]) < %.2f\n X4 set to %.2f", Param_X4_threshold, Param_X4_threshold))
Param[4L] <- Param_X4_threshold
## Input data preparation
if (identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, 0L)) {
RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run)
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries
ParamCemaNeige <- Param[(length(Param) - 1 - 2 * as.integer(IsHyst)):length(Param)]
NParamMod <- as.integer(length(Param) - (2 + 2 * as.integer(IsHyst)))
ParamMod <- Param[1:NParamMod]
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip)
NStatesMod <- as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates) - NStates * NLayers)
## Output data preparation
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
## CemaNeige________________________________________________________________________________
if (inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige")) {
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN))
} else {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
CemaNeigeLayers <- list()
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL
NameCemaNeigeLayers <- "CemaNeigeLayers"
## Call CemaNeige Fortran_________________________
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
if (!IsHyst) {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20 + 40) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers)]
} else {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20 + 40) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers, iLayer+2*NLayers, iLayer+3*NLayers)]
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_cemaneige", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsFracSolidPrecip = InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of fraction of solid precipitation [0-1]
InputsTemp = InputsModel$LayerTemp[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of air mean temperature [degC]
MeanAnSolidPrecip = RunOptions$MeanAnSolidPrecip[iLayer], ### value of annual mean solid precip [mm/y]
NParam = as.integer(NParamCN), ### number of model parameters = 2 or 4
Param = as.double(ParamCemaNeige), ### parameter set
NStates = as.integer(NStates), ### number of state variables used for model initialising = 4
StateStart = StateStartCemaNeige, ### state variables used when the model run starts
IsHyst = as.integer(IsHyst), ### use of hysteresis
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputsCemaNeige, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### output series [mm, mm/d or degC]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), as.integer(NStates)) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
## Data storage
CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]] <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2, i])
names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) <- RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN[IndOutputsCemaNeige]
IndPliqAndMelt <- which(names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) == "PliqAndMelt")
if (iLayer == 1) {
CatchMeltAndPliq <- RESULTS$Outputs[, IndPliqAndMelt] / NLayers
if (Param[3L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[3] (X3: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X3 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[3L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (iLayer > 1) {
CatchMeltAndPliq <- CatchMeltAndPliq + RESULTS$Outputs[, IndPliqAndMelt] / NLayers
if (Param[4L] < Param_X4_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[4] (X4: unit hydrograph time constant [d]) < %.2f\n X4 set to %.2f", Param_X4_threshold, Param_X4_threshold))
Param[4L] <- Param_X4_threshold
if(identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,as.integer(0))){ RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL; }
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run);
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries;
ParamCemaNeige <- Param[(length(Param)-1):length(Param)];
NParamMod <- as.integer(length(Param)-2);
ParamMod <- Param[1:NParamMod];
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip);
NStatesMod <- as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates)-2*NLayers);
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
if("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ IndOutputsCemaNeige <- as.integer(1:length(FortranOutputsCemaNeige));
} else { IndOutputsCemaNeige <- which(FortranOutputsCemaNeige %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim); }
CemaNeigeLayers <- list(); CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL; NameCemaNeigeLayers <- "CemaNeigeLayers";
for(iLayer in 1:NLayers){
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7+20+40) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers)]
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_CemaNeige",PACKAGE="airGR",
LInputs=LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip=InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsFracSolidPrecip=InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of fraction of solid precipitation [0-1]
InputsTemp=InputsModel$LayerTemp[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of air mean temperature [degC]
MeanAnSolidPrecip=RunOptions$MeanAnSolidPrecip[iLayer], ### value of annual mean solid precip [mm/y]
NParam=as.integer(2), ### number of model parameter = 2
Param=ParamCemaNeige, ### parameter set
NStates=as.integer(2), ### number of state variables used for model initialising = 2
StateStart=StateStartCemaNeige, ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs=as.integer(length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs=IndOutputsCemaNeige, ### indices of output series
Outputs=matrix(as.double(-999.999),nrow=LInputSeries,ncol=length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### output series [mm]
StateEnd=rep(as.double(-999.999),as.integer(2)) ### state variables at the end of the model run (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
RESULTS$Outputs[ round(RESULTS$Outputs ,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
RESULTS$StateEnd[round(RESULTS$StateEnd,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]] <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]);
names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) <- FortranOutputsCemaNeige[IndOutputsCemaNeige];
IndPliqAndMelt <- which(names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) == "PliqAndMelt");
if(iLayer==1){ CatchMeltAndPliq <- RESULTS$Outputs[,IndPliqAndMelt]/NLayers; }
if(iLayer >1){ CatchMeltAndPliq <- CatchMeltAndPliq + RESULTS$Outputs[,IndPliqAndMelt]/NLayers; }
if(ExportStateEnd){ CemaNeigeStateEnd <- c(CemaNeigeStateEnd,RESULTS$StateEnd); }
} ###ENDFOR_iLayer
names(CemaNeigeLayers) <- paste("Layer",formatC(1:NLayers,width=2,flag="0"),sep="");
} ###ENDIF_RunSnowModule
CemaNeigeLayers <- list(); CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL; NameCemaNeigeLayers <- NULL;
CatchMeltAndPliq <- InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1]; }
if("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ IndOutputsMod <- as.integer(1:length(FortranOutputsMod));
} else { IndOutputsMod <- which(FortranOutputsMod %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim); }
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1]*ParamMod[1]; ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2]*ParamMod[3]; ### routing store level (mm)
if (ExportStateEnd) {
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- c(CemaNeigeStateEnd, RESULTS$StateEnd)
} ### ENDFOR iLayer
names(CemaNeigeLayers) <- sprintf("Layer%02i", seq_len(NLayers))
} ### ENDIF RunSnowModule
if (!inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige")) {
CemaNeigeLayers <- list()
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL
NameCemaNeigeLayers <- NULL
CatchMeltAndPliq <- InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1]
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_GR4J",PACKAGE="airGR",
LInputs=LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip=CatchMeltAndPliq, ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsPE=InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]
NParam=NParamMod, ### number of model parameter
Param=ParamMod, ### parameter set
NStates=NStatesMod, ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart=RunOptions$IniStates[1:NStatesMod], ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs=as.integer(length(IndOutputsMod)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs=IndOutputsMod, ### indices of output series
Outputs=matrix(as.double(-999.999),nrow=LInputSeries,ncol=length(IndOutputsMod)), ### output series [mm]
StateEnd=rep(as.double(-999.999),NStatesMod) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[ round(RESULTS$Outputs ,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
RESULTS$StateEnd[round(RESULTS$StateEnd,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J, InputsModel = InputsModel,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = NULL,
UH1 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:20)+7], UH2 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:40)+(7+20)],
GCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(2*NLayers)[seq_len(2*NLayers) %% 2 == 1]],
eTGCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(2*NLayers)[seq_len(2*NLayers) %% 2 == 0]],
verbose = FALSE)
if(inherits(RunOptions,"CemaNeige")==TRUE & "Precip" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ RESULTS$Outputs[,which(FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod]=="Precip")] <- InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1]; }
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- c( lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(CemaNeigeLayers) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c(FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers); }
if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(CemaNeigeLayers) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers); }
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
OutputsModel <- c( lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c(FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers,"StateEnd"); }
if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers,"StateEnd"); }
class(OutputsModel) <- c("OutputsModel","daily","GR","CemaNeige");
## GR model______________________________________________________________________________________
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputsMod <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR))
} else {
IndOutputsMod <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
## Use of IniResLevels
if (!is.null(RunOptions$IniResLevels)) {
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1] * ParamMod[1] ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2] * ParamMod[3] ### routing store level (mm)
## Call GR model Fortan
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_gr4j", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = CatchMeltAndPliq, ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsPE = InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]
NParam = NParamMod, ### number of model parameter
Param = ParamMod, ### parameter set
NStates = NStatesMod, ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart = RunOptions$IniStates[1:NStatesMod], ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputsMod)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputsMod, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputsMod)), ### output series [mm or mm/d]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), NStatesMod) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] <- ifelse(RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] < 0, 0, RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L]) ### remove negative values except for the ExpStore location
idNStates <- seq_len(NStates*NLayers) %% NStates
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J, InputsModel = InputsModel, IsHyst = IsHyst,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = NULL,
UH1 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:20) + 7],
UH2 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:40) + (7+20)],
GCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 1]],
eTGCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 2]],
GthrCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 3]],
GlocmaxCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 0]],
verbose = FALSE)
if (inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige") & "Precip" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
RESULTS$Outputs[, which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR[IndOutputsMod] == "Precip")] <-
## OutputsModel generation
RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param) {
## Initialization of variables
IsHyst <- inherits(RunOptions, "hysteresis")
NParamCN <- RunOptions$FeatFUN_MOD$NbParam - 5L
NStates <- 4L
IsIntStore <- inherits(RunOptions, "interception")
if (IsIntStore) {
Imax <- RunOptions$Imax
} else {
Imax <- -99
.ArgumentsCheckGR(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param)
Param <- as.double(Param)
Param_X1X3_threshold <- 1e-2
Param_X4_threshold <- 0.5
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[3L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[3] (X3: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X3 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[3L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[4L] < Param_X4_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[4] (X4: unit hydrograph time constant [h]) < %.2f\n X4 set to %.2f", Param_X4_threshold, Param_X4_threshold))
Param[4L] <- Param_X4_threshold
## Input data preparation
if (identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, 0L)) {
RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run)
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries
ParamCemaNeige <- Param[(length(Param) - 1 - 2 * as.integer(IsHyst)):length(Param)]
NParamMod <- as.integer(length(Param) - (2 + 2 * as.integer(IsHyst)))
ParamMod <- Param[1:NParamMod]
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip)
NStatesMod <- as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates) - NStates * NLayers)
## Output data preparation
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
## CemaNeige________________________________________________________________________________
if (inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige")) {
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN))
} else {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
CemaNeigeLayers <- list()
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL
NameCemaNeigeLayers <- "CemaNeigeLayers"
## Call CemaNeige Fortran_________________________
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
if (!IsHyst) {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20*24 + 40*24) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers)]
} else {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20*24 + 40*24) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers, iLayer+2*NLayers, iLayer+3*NLayers)]
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_cemaneige", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/h]
InputsFracSolidPrecip = InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of fraction of solid precipitation [0-1]
InputsTemp = InputsModel$LayerTemp[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of air mean temperature [degC]
MeanAnSolidPrecip = RunOptions$MeanAnSolidPrecip[iLayer], ### value of annual mean solid precip [mm/y]
NParam = as.integer(NParamCN), ### number of model parameters = 2 or 4
Param = as.double(ParamCemaNeige), ### parameter set
NStates = as.integer(NStates), ### number of state variables used for model initialising = 4
StateStart = StateStartCemaNeige, ### state variables used when the model run starts
IsHyst = as.integer(IsHyst), ### use of hysteresis
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputsCemaNeige, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### output series [mm, mm/h or degC]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), as.integer(NStates)) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
## Data storage
CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]] <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2, i])
names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) <- RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN[IndOutputsCemaNeige]
IndPliqAndMelt <- which(names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) == "PliqAndMelt")
if (iLayer == 1) {
CatchMeltAndPliq <- RESULTS$Outputs[, IndPliqAndMelt] / NLayers
if (iLayer > 1) {
CatchMeltAndPliq <- CatchMeltAndPliq + RESULTS$Outputs[, IndPliqAndMelt] / NLayers
if (ExportStateEnd) {
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- c(CemaNeigeStateEnd, RESULTS$StateEnd)
} ### ENDFOR iLayer
names(CemaNeigeLayers) <- sprintf("Layer%02i", seq_len(NLayers))
} ### ENDIF RunSnowModule
if (!inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige")) {
CemaNeigeLayers <- list()
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL
NameCemaNeigeLayers <- NULL
CatchMeltAndPliq <- InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1]
## GR model
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputsMod <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR))
} else {
IndOutputsMod <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
## Use of IniResLevels
if (!is.null(RunOptions$IniResLevels)) {
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1] * ParamMod[1] ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2] * ParamMod[3] ### routing store level (mm)
if (IsIntStore) {
RunOptions$IniStates[4] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[4] * Imax ### interception store level (mm)
## Call GR model Fortan
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_gr5h", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = CatchMeltAndPliq, ### input series of total precipitation [mm/h]
InputsPE = InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/h]
NParam = NParamMod, ### number of model parameter
Param = ParamMod, ### parameter set
NStates = NStatesMod, ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart = RunOptions$IniStates[1:NStatesMod], ### state variables used when the model run starts
Imax = Imax, ### maximal capacity of interception store
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputsMod)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputsMod, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputsMod)), ### output series [mm or mm/h]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), NStatesMod) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] <- ifelse(RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] < 0, 0, RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L]) ### remove negative values except for the ExpStore location
idNStates <- seq_len(NStates*NLayers) %% NStates
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H, InputsModel = InputsModel, IsHyst = IsHyst,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = NULL,
IntStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[4L],
UH2 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:(40*24)) + (7+20*24)],
GCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 1]],
eTGCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 2]],
GthrCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 3]],
GlocmaxCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 0]],
verbose = FALSE)
if (inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige") & "Precip" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
RESULTS$Outputs[, which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR[IndOutputsMod] == "Precip")] <-
## OutputsModel generation
RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
NParam <- 7;
FortranOutputsCemaNeige <- c("Pliq","Psol","SnowPack","ThermalState","Gratio","PotMelt","Melt","PliqAndMelt", "Temp");
FortranOutputsMod <- c("PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
"AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QD", "Qsim");
if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"daily" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'daily' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"CemaNeige" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'CemaNeige' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"RunOptions" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'RunOptions' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"CemaNeige" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'CemaNeige' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector(Param) | !is.numeric(Param)){ stop("Param must be a numeric vector \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!!=NParam){ stop(paste("Param must be a vector of length ",NParam," and contain no NA \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
Param <- as.double(Param);
Param_X1X3_threshold <- 1e-2
Param_X4_threshold <- 0.5
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param) {
## Initialization of variables
IsHyst <- inherits(RunOptions, "hysteresis")
NParamCN <- RunOptions$FeatFUN_MOD$NbParam - 5L
NStates <- 4L
.ArgumentsCheckGR(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param)
Param <- as.double(Param)
Param_X1X3_threshold <- 1e-2
Param_X4_threshold <- 0.5
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[3L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[3] (X3: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X3 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[3L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[4L] < Param_X4_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[4] (X4: unit hydrograph time constant [d]) < %.2f\n X4 set to %.2f", Param_X4_threshold, Param_X4_threshold))
Param[4L] <- Param_X4_threshold
## Input data preparation
if (identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, 0L)) {
RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run)
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries
ParamCemaNeige <- Param[(length(Param) - 1 - 2 * as.integer(IsHyst)):length(Param)]
NParamMod <- as.integer(length(Param) - (2 + 2 * as.integer(IsHyst)))
ParamMod <- Param[1:NParamMod]
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip)
NStatesMod <- as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates) - NStates * NLayers)
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
## CemaNeige________________________________________________________________________________
if (inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige")) {
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN))
} else {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
CemaNeigeLayers <- list()
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL
NameCemaNeigeLayers <- "CemaNeigeLayers"
## Call CemaNeige Fortran_________________________
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
if (!IsHyst) {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20 + 40) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers)]
} else {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20 + 40) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers, iLayer+2*NLayers, iLayer+3*NLayers)]
if (Param[3L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[3] (X3: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X3 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[3L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_cemaneige", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsFracSolidPrecip = InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of fraction of solid precipitation [0-1]
InputsTemp = InputsModel$LayerTemp[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of air mean temperature [degC]
MeanAnSolidPrecip = RunOptions$MeanAnSolidPrecip[iLayer], ### value of annual mean solid precip [mm/y]
NParam = as.integer(NParamCN), ### number of model parameters = 2 or 4
Param = as.double(ParamCemaNeige), ### parameter set
NStates = as.integer(NStates), ### number of state variables used for model initialising = 4
StateStart = StateStartCemaNeige, ### state variables used when the model run starts
IsHyst = as.integer(IsHyst), ### use of hysteresis
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputsCemaNeige, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### output series [mm, mm/d or degC]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), as.integer(NStates)) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
## Data storage
CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]] <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2, i])
names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) <- RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN[IndOutputsCemaNeige]
IndPliqAndMelt <- which(names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) == "PliqAndMelt")
if (iLayer == 1) {
CatchMeltAndPliq <- RESULTS$Outputs[, IndPliqAndMelt] / NLayers
if (Param[4L] < Param_X4_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[4] (X4: unit hydrograph time constant [d]) < %.2f\n X4 set to %.2f", Param_X4_threshold, Param_X4_threshold))
Param[4L] <- Param_X4_threshold
if(identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,as.integer(0))){ RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL; }
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run);
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries;
ParamCemaNeige <- Param[(length(Param)-1):length(Param)];
NParamMod <- as.integer(length(Param)-2);
ParamMod <- Param[1:NParamMod];
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip);
NStatesMod <- as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates)-2*NLayers);
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
if("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ IndOutputsCemaNeige <- as.integer(1:length(FortranOutputsCemaNeige));
} else { IndOutputsCemaNeige <- which(FortranOutputsCemaNeige %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim); }
CemaNeigeLayers <- list(); CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL; NameCemaNeigeLayers <- "CemaNeigeLayers";
for(iLayer in 1:NLayers){
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7+20+40) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers)]
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_CemaNeige",PACKAGE="airGR",
LInputs=LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip=InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsFracSolidPrecip=InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of fraction of solid precipitation [0-1]
InputsTemp=InputsModel$LayerTemp[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of air mean temperature [degC]
MeanAnSolidPrecip=RunOptions$MeanAnSolidPrecip[iLayer], ### value of annual mean solid precip [mm/y]
NParam=as.integer(2), ### number of model parameter = 2
Param=ParamCemaNeige, ### parameter set
NStates=as.integer(2), ### number of state variables used for model initialising = 2
StateStart=StateStartCemaNeige, ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs=as.integer(length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs=IndOutputsCemaNeige, ### indices of output series
Outputs=matrix(as.double(-999.999),nrow=LInputSeries,ncol=length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### output series [mm]
StateEnd=rep(as.double(-999.999),as.integer(2)) ### state variables at the end of the model run (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
RESULTS$Outputs[ round(RESULTS$Outputs ,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
RESULTS$StateEnd[round(RESULTS$StateEnd,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]] <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]);
names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) <- FortranOutputsCemaNeige[IndOutputsCemaNeige];
IndPliqAndMelt <- which(names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) == "PliqAndMelt");
if(iLayer==1){ CatchMeltAndPliq <- RESULTS$Outputs[,IndPliqAndMelt]/NLayers; }
if(iLayer >1){ CatchMeltAndPliq <- CatchMeltAndPliq + RESULTS$Outputs[,IndPliqAndMelt]/NLayers; }
if(ExportStateEnd){ CemaNeigeStateEnd <- c(CemaNeigeStateEnd,RESULTS$StateEnd); }
} ###ENDFOR_iLayer
names(CemaNeigeLayers) <- paste("Layer",formatC(1:NLayers,width=2,flag="0"),sep="");
} ###ENDIF_RunSnowModule
CemaNeigeLayers <- list(); CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL; NameCemaNeigeLayers <- NULL;
CatchMeltAndPliq <- InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1]; }
if("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ IndOutputsMod <- as.integer(1:length(FortranOutputsMod));
} else { IndOutputsMod <- which(FortranOutputsMod %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim); }
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1]*ParamMod[1]; ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2]*ParamMod[3]; ### routing store level (mm)
if (iLayer > 1) {
CatchMeltAndPliq <- CatchMeltAndPliq + RESULTS$Outputs[, IndPliqAndMelt] / NLayers
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_GR5J",PACKAGE="airGR",
LInputs=LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip=CatchMeltAndPliq, ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsPE=InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]
NParam=NParamMod, ### number of model parameter
Param=ParamMod, ### parameter set
NStates=NStatesMod, ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart=RunOptions$IniStates[1:NStatesMod], ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs=as.integer(length(IndOutputsMod)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs=IndOutputsMod, ### indices of output series
Outputs=matrix(as.double(-999.999),nrow=LInputSeries,ncol=length(IndOutputsMod)), ### output series [mm]
StateEnd=rep(as.double(-999.999),NStatesMod) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[ round(RESULTS$Outputs ,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
RESULTS$StateEnd[round(RESULTS$StateEnd,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J, InputsModel = InputsModel,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = NULL,
UH1 = NULL, UH2 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:40)+(7+20)],
GCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(2*NLayers)[seq_len(2*NLayers) %% 2 == 1]],
eTGCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(2*NLayers)[seq_len(2*NLayers) %% 2 == 0]],
verbose = FALSE)
if (ExportStateEnd) {
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- c(CemaNeigeStateEnd, RESULTS$StateEnd)
if(inherits(RunOptions,"CemaNeige")==TRUE & "Precip" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ RESULTS$Outputs[,which(FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod]=="Precip")] <- InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1]; }
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- c( lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(CemaNeigeLayers) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c(FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers); }
if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(CemaNeigeLayers) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers); }
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
OutputsModel <- c( lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c(FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers,"StateEnd"); }
if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers,"StateEnd"); }
class(OutputsModel) <- c("OutputsModel","daily","GR","CemaNeige");
} ### ENDFOR iLayer
names(CemaNeigeLayers) <- sprintf("Layer%02i", seq_len(NLayers))
} ### ENDIF RunSnowModule
if (!inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige")) {
CemaNeigeLayers <- list()
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL
NameCemaNeigeLayers <- NULL
CatchMeltAndPliq <- InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1]
## GR model______________________________________________________________________________________
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputsMod <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR))
} else {
IndOutputsMod <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
## Use of IniResLevels
if (!is.null(RunOptions$IniResLevels)) {
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1] * ParamMod[1] ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2] * ParamMod[3] ### routing store level (mm)
## Call GR model Fortan
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_gr5j", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = CatchMeltAndPliq, ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsPE = InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]
NParam = NParamMod, ### number of model parameter
Param = ParamMod, ### parameter set
NStates = NStatesMod, ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart = RunOptions$IniStates[1:NStatesMod], ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputsMod)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputsMod, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputsMod)), ### output series [mm or mm/d]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), NStatesMod) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] <- ifelse(RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] < 0, 0, RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L]) ### remove negative values except for the ExpStore location
idNStates <- seq_len(NStates*NLayers) %% NStates
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J, InputsModel = InputsModel, IsHyst = IsHyst,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = NULL,
UH2 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:40) + (7+20)],
GCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 1]],
eTGCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 2]],
GthrCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 3]],
GlocmaxCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 0]],
verbose = FALSE)
if (inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige") & "Precip" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
RESULTS$Outputs[, which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR[IndOutputsMod] == "Precip")] <-
## OutputsModel generation
RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
NParam <- 8;
FortranOutputsCemaNeige <- c("Pliq","Psol","SnowPack","ThermalState","Gratio","PotMelt","Melt","PliqAndMelt", "Temp");
FortranOutputsMod <- c("PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1",
"Rout", "Exch", "AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QRExp", "Exp", "QD", "Qsim");
if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"daily" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'daily' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"CemaNeige" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'CemaNeige' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"RunOptions" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'RunOptions' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"CemaNeige" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'CemaNeige' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector(Param) | !is.numeric(Param)){ stop("Param must be a numeric vector \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!!=NParam){ stop(paste("Param must be a vector of length ",NParam," and contain no NA \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
Param <- as.double(Param);
Param_X1X3X6_threshold <- 1e-2
Param_X4_threshold <- 0.5
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X3X6_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3X6_threshold, Param_X1X3X6_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X3X6_threshold
RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param) {
## Initialization of variables
IsHyst <- inherits(RunOptions, "hysteresis")
NParamCN <- RunOptions$FeatFUN_MOD$NbParam - 6L
NStates <- 4L
.ArgumentsCheckGR(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param)
Param <- as.double(Param)
Param_X1X3X6_threshold <- 1e-2
Param_X4_threshold <- 0.5
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X3X6_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3X6_threshold, Param_X1X3X6_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X3X6_threshold
if (Param[3L] < Param_X1X3X6_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[3] (X3: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X3 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3X6_threshold, Param_X1X3X6_threshold))
Param[3L] <- Param_X1X3X6_threshold
if (Param[4L] < Param_X4_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[4] (X4: unit hydrograph time constant [d]) < %.2f\n X4 set to %.2f", Param_X4_threshold, Param_X4_threshold))
Param[4L] <- Param_X4_threshold
if (Param[6L] < Param_X1X3X6_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[6] (X6: coefficient for emptying exponential store [mm]) < %.2f\n X6 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3X6_threshold, Param_X1X3X6_threshold))
Param[6L] <- Param_X1X3X6_threshold
## Input data preparation
if (identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, 0L)) {
RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run)
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries
ParamCemaNeige <- Param[(length(Param) - 1 - 2 * as.integer(IsHyst)):length(Param)]
NParamMod <- as.integer(length(Param) - (2 + 2 * as.integer(IsHyst)))
ParamMod <- Param[1:NParamMod]
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip)
NStatesMod <- as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates) - NStates * NLayers)
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
## CemaNeige________________________________________________________________________________
if (inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige")) {
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN))
} else {
IndOutputsCemaNeige <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
CemaNeigeLayers <- list()
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL
NameCemaNeigeLayers <- "CemaNeigeLayers"
## Call CemaNeige Fortran_________________________
for (iLayer in 1:NLayers) {
if (!IsHyst) {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20 + 40) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers)]
} else {
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7 + 20 + 40) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers, iLayer+2*NLayers, iLayer+3*NLayers)]
if (Param[3L] < Param_X1X3X6_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[3] (X3: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X3 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3X6_threshold, Param_X1X3X6_threshold))
Param[3L] <- Param_X1X3X6_threshold
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_cemaneige", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsFracSolidPrecip = InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of fraction of solid precipitation [0-1]
InputsTemp = InputsModel$LayerTemp[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of air mean temperature [degC]
MeanAnSolidPrecip = RunOptions$MeanAnSolidPrecip[iLayer], ### value of annual mean solid precip [mm/y]
NParam = as.integer(NParamCN), ### number of model parameters = 2 or 4
Param = as.double(ParamCemaNeige), ### parameter set
NStates = as.integer(NStates), ### number of state variables used for model initialising = 4
StateStart = StateStartCemaNeige, ### state variables used when the model run starts
IsHyst = as.integer(IsHyst), ### use of hysteresis
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputsCemaNeige, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### output series [mm, mm/d or degC]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), as.integer(NStates)) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
## Data storage
CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]] <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2, i])
names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) <- RunOptions$FortranOutputs$CN[IndOutputsCemaNeige]
IndPliqAndMelt <- which(names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) == "PliqAndMelt")
if (iLayer == 1) {
CatchMeltAndPliq <- RESULTS$Outputs[, IndPliqAndMelt] / NLayers
if (Param[4L] < Param_X4_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[4] (X4: unit hydrograph time constant [d]) < %.2f\n X4 set to %.2f", Param_X4_threshold, Param_X4_threshold))
Param[4L] <- Param_X4_threshold
if (Param[6L] < Param_X1X3X6_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[6] (X6: coefficient for emptying exponential store [mm]) < %.2f\n X6 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3X6_threshold, Param_X1X3X6_threshold))
Param[6L] <- Param_X1X3X6_threshold
if(identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,as.integer(0))){ RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL; }
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run);
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries;
ParamCemaNeige <- Param[(length(Param)-1):length(Param)];
NParamMod <- as.integer(length(Param)-2);
ParamMod <- Param[1:NParamMod];
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip);
NStatesMod <- as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates)-2*NLayers);
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
if("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ IndOutputsCemaNeige <- as.integer(1:length(FortranOutputsCemaNeige));
} else { IndOutputsCemaNeige <- which(FortranOutputsCemaNeige %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim); }
CemaNeigeLayers <- list(); CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL; NameCemaNeigeLayers <- "CemaNeigeLayers";
for(iLayer in 1:NLayers){
StateStartCemaNeige <- RunOptions$IniStates[(7+20+40) + c(iLayer, iLayer+NLayers)]
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_CemaNeige",PACKAGE="airGR",
LInputs=LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip=InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsFracSolidPrecip=InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of fraction of solid precipitation [0-1]
InputsTemp=InputsModel$LayerTemp[[iLayer]][IndPeriod1], ### input series of air mean temperature [degC]
MeanAnSolidPrecip=RunOptions$MeanAnSolidPrecip[iLayer], ### value of annual mean solid precip [mm/y]
NParam=as.integer(2), ### number of model parameter = 2
Param=ParamCemaNeige, ### parameter set
NStates=as.integer(2), ### number of state variables used for model initialising = 2
StateStart=StateStartCemaNeige, ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs=as.integer(length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs=IndOutputsCemaNeige, ### indices of output series
Outputs=matrix(as.double(-999.999),nrow=LInputSeries,ncol=length(IndOutputsCemaNeige)), ### output series [mm]
StateEnd=rep(as.double(-999.999),as.integer(2)) ### state variables at the end of the model run (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
RESULTS$Outputs[ round(RESULTS$Outputs ,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
RESULTS$StateEnd[round(RESULTS$StateEnd,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]] <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]);
names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) <- FortranOutputsCemaNeige[IndOutputsCemaNeige];
IndPliqAndMelt <- which(names(CemaNeigeLayers[[iLayer]]) == "PliqAndMelt");
if(iLayer==1){ CatchMeltAndPliq <- RESULTS$Outputs[,IndPliqAndMelt]/NLayers; }
if(iLayer >1){ CatchMeltAndPliq <- CatchMeltAndPliq + RESULTS$Outputs[,IndPliqAndMelt]/NLayers; }
if(ExportStateEnd){ CemaNeigeStateEnd <- c(CemaNeigeStateEnd,RESULTS$StateEnd); }
} ###ENDFOR_iLayer
names(CemaNeigeLayers) <- paste("Layer",formatC(1:NLayers,width=2,flag="0"),sep="");
} ###ENDIF_RunSnowModule
CemaNeigeLayers <- list(); CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL; NameCemaNeigeLayers <- NULL;
CatchMeltAndPliq <- InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1]; }
if("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ IndOutputsMod <- as.integer(1:length(FortranOutputsMod));
} else { IndOutputsMod <- which(FortranOutputsMod %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim); }
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1] * ParamMod[1] ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2] * ParamMod[3] ### routing store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[3] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[3] ### exponential store level (mm)
if (iLayer > 1) {
CatchMeltAndPliq <- CatchMeltAndPliq + RESULTS$Outputs[, IndPliqAndMelt] / NLayers
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_GR6J",PACKAGE="airGR",
LInputs=LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip=CatchMeltAndPliq, ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsPE=InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]
NParam=NParamMod, ### number of model parameter
Param=ParamMod, ### parameter set
NStates=NStatesMod, ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart=RunOptions$IniStates[1:NStatesMod], ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs=as.integer(length(IndOutputsMod)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs=IndOutputsMod, ### indices of output series
Outputs=matrix(as.double(-999.999),nrow=LInputSeries,ncol=length(IndOutputsMod)), ### output series [mm]
StateEnd=rep(as.double(-999.999),NStatesMod) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[ round(RESULTS$Outputs ,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
RESULTS$StateEnd[round(RESULTS$StateEnd,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J, InputsModel = InputsModel,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[3L],
UH1 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:20)+7], UH2 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:40)+(7+20)],
GCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(2*NLayers)[seq_len(2*NLayers) %% 2 == 1]],
eTGCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(2*NLayers)[seq_len(2*NLayers) %% 2 == 0]],
verbose = FALSE)
if (ExportStateEnd) {
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- c(CemaNeigeStateEnd, RESULTS$StateEnd)
if(inherits(RunOptions,"CemaNeige")==TRUE & "Precip" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ RESULTS$Outputs[,which(FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod]=="Precip")] <- InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1]; }
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- c( lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(CemaNeigeLayers) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c(FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers); }
if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(CemaNeigeLayers) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers); }
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
OutputsModel <- c( lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c(FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers,"StateEnd"); }
if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputsMod[IndOutputsMod],NameCemaNeigeLayers,"StateEnd"); }
class(OutputsModel) <- c("OutputsModel","daily","GR","CemaNeige");
} ### ENDFOR iLayer
names(CemaNeigeLayers) <- sprintf("Layer%02i", seq_len(NLayers))
} ### ENDIF RunSnowModule
if (!inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige")) {
CemaNeigeLayers <- list()
CemaNeigeStateEnd <- NULL
NameCemaNeigeLayers <- NULL
CatchMeltAndPliq <- InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1]
## GR model______________________________________________________________________________________
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputsMod <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR))
} else {
IndOutputsMod <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
## Use of IniResLevels
if (!is.null(RunOptions$IniResLevels)) {
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1] * ParamMod[1] ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2] * ParamMod[3] ### routing store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[3] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[3] ### exponential store level (mm)
## Call GR model Fortan
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_gr6j", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = CatchMeltAndPliq, ### input series of total precipitation [mm/d]
InputsPE = InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]
NParam = NParamMod, ### number of model parameter
Param = ParamMod, ### parameter set
NStates = NStatesMod, ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart = RunOptions$IniStates[1:NStatesMod], ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputsMod)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputsMod, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputsMod)), ### output series [mm or mm/d]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), NStatesMod) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] <- ifelse(RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] < 0, 0, RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L]) ### remove negative values except for the ExpStore location
idNStates <- seq_len(NStates*NLayers) %% NStates
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J, InputsModel = InputsModel, IsHyst = IsHyst,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[3L],
UH1 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:20) + 7],
UH2 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:40) + (7+20)],
GCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 1]],
eTGCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 2]],
GthrCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 3]],
GlocmaxCemaNeigeLayers = CemaNeigeStateEnd[seq_len(NStates*NLayers)[idNStates == 0]],
verbose = FALSE)
if (inherits(RunOptions, "CemaNeige") & "Precip" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
RESULTS$Outputs[, which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR[IndOutputsMod] == "Precip")] <-
## OutputsModel generation
RunModel_GR1A <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
NParam <- 1;
FortranOutputs <- c("PotEvap","Precip","Qsim");
if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"yearly" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'yearly' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"RunOptions" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'RunOptions' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector(Param) | !is.numeric(Param)){ stop("Param must be a numeric vector \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!!=NParam){ stop(paste("Param must be a vector of length ",NParam," and contain no NA \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
Param <- as.double(Param);
if(identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,as.integer(0))){ RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL; }
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run);
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
if("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ IndOutputs <- as.integer(1:length(FortranOutputs));
} else { IndOutputs <- which(FortranOutputs %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim); }
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries;
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
BOOL_Fortran <- FALSE; if(BOOL_Fortran){
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_gr1a",PACKAGE="airGR",
LInputs=LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip=InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/y]
InputsPE=InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/y]
NParam=as.integer(length(Param)), ### number of model parameter
Param=Param, ### parameter set
NStates=as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates)), ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart=RunOptions$IniStates, ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs=as.integer(length(IndOutputs)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs=IndOutputs, ### indices of output series
Outputs=matrix(as.double(-999.999),nrow=LInputSeries,ncol=length(IndOutputs)), ### output series [mm]
StateEnd=rep(as.double(-999.999),length(RunOptions$IniStates)) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[ round(RESULTS$Outputs ,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
RESULTS$StateEnd[round(RESULTS$StateEnd,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
} else {
L <- length(IndPeriod1)
P0 <- InputsModel$Precip[ IndPeriod1][1:(L-1)]
P1 <- InputsModel$Precip[ IndPeriod1][2: L ]
E1 <- InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1][2: L ]
Q1 <- P1*(1.-1./(1.+((0.7*P1+0.3*P0)/Param[1]/E1)^2.0)^0.5)
PEQ <- rbind(c(NA,NA,NA),cbind(P1,E1,Q1))
Outputs <- PEQ[,IndOutputs]
if(is.vector(Outputs)){ Outputs <- cbind(Outputs); }
RESULTS <- list(NOutputs=length(IndOutputs),IndOutputs=IndOutputs,Outputs=Outputs,StatesEnd=NA)
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]);
names(OutputsModel) <- FortranOutputs[IndOutputs]; }
if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputs[IndOutputs]); }
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
OutputsModel <- c( lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c(FortranOutputs[IndOutputs],"StateEnd"); }
if((ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE) | "all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputs[IndOutputs],"StateEnd"); }
class(OutputsModel) <- c("OutputsModel","yearly","GR");
RunModel_GR1A <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param) {
.ArgumentsCheckGR(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param)
Param <- as.double(Param)
## Input data preparation
if (identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, 0L)) {
RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run)
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputs <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR))
} else {
IndOutputs <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
## Output data preparation
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
## Call GR model Fortan
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_gr1a", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/y]
InputsPE = InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/y]
NParam = as.integer(length(Param)), ### number of model parameter
Param = Param, ### parameter set
NStates = as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates)), ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart = RunOptions$IniStates, ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputs)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputs, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputs)), ### output series [mm/y]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), length(RunOptions$IniStates)) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
## OutputsModel generation
RunModel_GR2M <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
RunModel_GR2M <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param) {
NParam <- 2;
FortranOutputs <- c("PotEvap", "Precip", "AE", "Pn", "Perc", "PR", "Exch", "Prod", "Rout", "Qsim")
.ArgumentsCheckGR(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param)
if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"monthly" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'monthly' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"RunOptions" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'RunOptions' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector(Param) | !is.numeric(Param)){ stop("Param must be a numeric vector \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!!=NParam){ stop(paste("Param must be a vector of length ",NParam," and contain no NA \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
Param <- as.double(Param);
Param_X1X2_threshold <- 1e-2
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X2_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X2_threshold, Param_X1X2_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X2_threshold
if (Param[2L] < Param_X1X2_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[2] (X2: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X2 set to %.2f", Param_X1X2_threshold, Param_X1X2_threshold))
Param[2L] <- Param_X1X2_threshold
Param <- as.double(Param)
if(identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,as.integer(0))){ RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL; }
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run);
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
if("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ IndOutputs <- as.integer(1:length(FortranOutputs));
} else { IndOutputs <- which(FortranOutputs %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim); }
Param_X1X2_threshold <- 1e-2
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X2_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X2_threshold, Param_X1X2_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X2_threshold
if (Param[2L] < Param_X1X2_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[2] (X2: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X2 set to %.2f", Param_X1X2_threshold, Param_X1X2_threshold))
Param[2L] <- Param_X1X2_threshold
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries;
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1]*Param[1]; ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2]*Param[2]; ### routing store level (mm)
## Input data preparation
if (identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, 0L)) {
RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run)
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputs <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR))
} else {
IndOutputs <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_GR2M",PACKAGE="airGR",
LInputs=LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip=InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/month]
InputsPE=InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/month]
NParam=as.integer(length(Param)), ### number of model parameter
Param=Param, ### parameter set
NStates=as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates)), ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart=RunOptions$IniStates, ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs=as.integer(length(IndOutputs)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs=IndOutputs, ### indices of output series
Outputs=matrix(as.double(-999.999),nrow=LInputSeries,ncol=length(IndOutputs)), ### output series [mm]
StateEnd=rep(as.double(-999.999),length(RunOptions$IniStates)) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs [round(RESULTS$Outputs ,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
RESULTS$StateEnd[round(RESULTS$StateEnd,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR2M, InputsModel = InputsModel,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = NULL,
GCemaNeigeLayers = NULL, eTGCemaNeigeLayers = NULL,
verbose = FALSE)
## Output data preparation
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]);
names(OutputsModel) <- FortranOutputs[IndOutputs]; }
if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputs[IndOutputs]); }
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
OutputsModel <- c( lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c(FortranOutputs[IndOutputs],"StateEnd"); }
if((ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE) | "all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputs[IndOutputs],"StateEnd"); }
## Use of IniResLevels
if (!is.null(RunOptions$IniResLevels)) {
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1] * Param[1] ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2] * Param[2] ### routing store level (mm)
class(OutputsModel) <- c("OutputsModel","monthly","GR");
## Call GR model Fortan
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_gr2m", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/month]
InputsPE = InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/month]
NParam = as.integer(length(Param)), ### number of model parameter
Param = Param, ### parameter set
NStates = as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates)), ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart = RunOptions$IniStates, ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputs)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputs, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputs)), ### output series [mm or mm/month]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), length(RunOptions$IniStates)) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR2M, InputsModel = InputsModel,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = NULL,
GCemaNeigeLayers = NULL, eTGCemaNeigeLayers = NULL,
verbose = FALSE)
## Output data preparation
## OutputsModel generation
RunModel_GR4H <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
RunModel_GR4H <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param) {
NParam <- 4;
FortranOutputs <- c("PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim");
.ArgumentsCheckGR(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param)
if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"hourly" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'hourly' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"RunOptions" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'RunOptions' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"GR" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector(Param) | !is.numeric(Param)){ stop("Param must be a numeric vector \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!!=NParam){ stop(paste("Param must be a vector of length ",NParam," and contain no NA \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
Param <- as.double(Param);
Param_X1X3_threshold <- 1e-2
Param_X4_threshold <- 0.5
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[3L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[3] (X3: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X3 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[3L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[4L] < Param_X4_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[4] (X4: unit hydrograph time constant [h]) < %.2f\n X4 set to %.2f", Param_X4_threshold, Param_X4_threshold))
Param[4L] <- Param_X4_threshold
Param <- as.double(Param)
if(identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,as.integer(0))){ RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL; }
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run);
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
if("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ IndOutputs <- as.integer(1:length(FortranOutputs));
} else { IndOutputs <- which(FortranOutputs %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim); }
Param_X1X3_threshold <- 1e-2
Param_X4_threshold <- 0.5
if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[1L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[3L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[3] (X3: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X3 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
Param[3L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
if (Param[4L] < Param_X4_threshold) {
warning(sprintf("Param[4] (X4: unit hydrograph time constant [h]) < %.2f\n X4 set to %.2f", Param_X4_threshold, Param_X4_threshold))
Param[4L] <- Param_X4_threshold
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries;
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1]*Param[1]; ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2]*Param[3]; ### routing store level (mm)
## Input data preparation
if (identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, 0L)) {
RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL
IndPeriod1 <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp, RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run)
LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
if ("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim) {
IndOutputs <- as.integer(1:length(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR))
} else {
IndOutputs <- which(RunOptions$FortranOutputs$GR %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim)
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_GR4H",PACKAGE="airGR",
LInputs=LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip=InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/h]
InputsPE=InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/h]
NParam=as.integer(length(Param)), ### number of model parameter
Param=Param, ### parameter set
NStates=as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates)), ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart=RunOptions$IniStates, ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs=as.integer(length(IndOutputs)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs=IndOutputs, ### indices of output series
Outputs=matrix(as.double(-999.999),nrow=LInputSeries,ncol=length(IndOutputs)), ### output series [mm]
StateEnd=rep(as.double(-999.999),length(RunOptions$IniStates)) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[ round(RESULTS$Outputs ,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
RESULTS$StateEnd[round(RESULTS$StateEnd,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4H, InputsModel = InputsModel,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = NULL,
UH1 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:(20*24))+7], UH2 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:(40*24))+(7+20*24)],
GCemaNeigeLayers = NULL, eTGCemaNeigeLayers = NULL,
verbose = FALSE)
## Output data preparation
IndPeriod2 <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries
ExportDatesR <- "DatesR" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]);
names(OutputsModel) <- FortranOutputs[IndOutputs]; }
if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputs[IndOutputs]); }
if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
OutputsModel <- c( lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c(FortranOutputs[IndOutputs],"StateEnd"); }
if((ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE) | "all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){
OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputs[IndOutputs],"StateEnd"); }
## Use of IniResLevels
if (!is.null(RunOptions$IniResLevels)) {
RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1] * Param[1] ### production store level (mm)
RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2] * Param[3] ### routing store level (mm)
class(OutputsModel) <- c("OutputsModel","hourly","GR");
## Call GR model Fortan
RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_gr4h", PACKAGE = "airGR",
## inputs
LInputs = LInputSeries, ### length of input and output series
InputsPrecip = InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1], ### input series of total precipitation [mm/h]
InputsPE = InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1], ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/h]
NParam = as.integer(length(Param)), ### number of model parameter
Param = Param, ### parameter set
NStates = as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates)), ### number of state variables used for model initialising
StateStart = RunOptions$IniStates, ### state variables used when the model run starts
NOutputs = as.integer(length(IndOutputs)), ### number of output series
IndOutputs = IndOutputs, ### indices of output series
## outputs
Outputs = matrix(as.double(-99e9), nrow = LInputSeries, ncol = length(IndOutputs)), ### output series [mm or mm/h]
StateEnd = rep(as.double(-99e9), length(RunOptions$IniStates)) ### state variables at the end of the model run
RESULTS$Outputs[RESULTS$Outputs <= -99e8] <- NA
RESULTS$StateEnd[RESULTS$StateEnd <= -99e8] <- NA
if (ExportStateEnd) {
RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] <- ifelse(RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] < 0, 0, RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L]) ### remove negative values except for the ExpStore location
RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4H, InputsModel = InputsModel,
ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = NULL,
UH1 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:(20*24)) + 7],
UH2 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:(40*24)) + (7+20*24)],
GCemaNeigeLayers = NULL, eTGCemaNeigeLayers = NULL,
verbose = FALSE)
## OutputsModel generation