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#***************************************************************************************************************** ErrorCrit <- function(InputsCrit, OutputsModel, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
#' Function which computes an error criterion with the provided function.
#' @title Error criterion using the provided function ## ---------- Arguments check
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @seealso \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_NSE}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_KGE}} if (!inherits(InputsCrit, "InputsCrit")) {
#' @example tests/example_ErrorCrit.R stop("InputsCrit must be of class 'InputsCrit'")
#' @useDynLib airGR }
#' @encoding UTF-8 if (!inherits(OutputsModel, "OutputsModel")) {
#' @export stop("OutputsModel must be of class 'OutputsModel'")
#_FunctionInputs__________________________________________________________________________________________________ }
#' @param InputsCrit [object of class \emph{InputsCrit}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}} for details
#' @param OutputsModel [object of class \emph{OutputsModel}] see \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}} or \code{\link{RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J}} for details
#' @param FUN_CRIT [function] error criterion function (e.g. ErrorCrit_RMSE, ErrorCrit_NSE) ## ---------- Criterion computation
#' @param quiet (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#_FunctionOutputs_________________________________________________________________________________________________ ## ----- Single criterion
#' @return [list] list containing the function outputs, see \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}} or \code{\link{ErrorCrit_NSE}} for details if (inherits(InputsCrit, "Single")) {
#*****************************************************************************************************************' FUN_CRIT <-$FUN_CRIT)
ErrorCrit <- function(InputsCrit,OutputsModel,FUN_CRIT,quiet=FALSE){ OutputsCrit <- FUN_CRIT(InputsCrit = InputsCrit,
return( FUN_CRIT(InputsCrit,OutputsModel,quiet=quiet) ) OutputsModel = OutputsModel,
warnings = warnings,
verbose = verbose)
## ----- Multiple criteria or Composite criterion
if (inherits(InputsCrit, "Multi") | inherits(InputsCrit, "Compo")) {
listOutputsCrit <- lapply(InputsCrit, FUN = function(iInputsCrit) {
FUN_CRIT(InputsCrit = iInputsCrit,
OutputsModel = OutputsModel,
warnings = warnings,
verbose = verbose)
listValCrit <- sapply(listOutputsCrit, function(x) x[["CritValue"]])
listNameCrit <- sapply(listOutputsCrit, function(x) x[["CritName"]])
listweights <- unlist(lapply(InputsCrit, function(x) x[["Weights"]]))
listweights <- listweights / sum(listweights)
if (inherits(InputsCrit, "Compo")) {
CritValue <- sum(listValCrit * listweights)
OutputsCritCompo <- list(MultiCritValues = listValCrit,
MultiCritNames = listNameCrit,
MultiCritWeights = listweights)
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue = CritValue,
CritName = "Composite",
CritBestValue = +1,
Multiplier = -1,
Ind_notcomputed = NULL,
CritCompo = OutputsCritCompo,
MultiCrit = listOutputsCrit)
class(OutputsCrit) <- c("Compo", "ErrorCrit")
if (verbose) {
message("Crit. Composite = ", sprintf("%.4f", CritValue))
msgForm <- paste(sprintf("%.2f", listweights), listNameCrit, sep = " * ", collapse = ", ")
msgForm <- unlist(strsplit(msgForm, split = ","))
msgFormSep <- rep(c(",", ",", ",\n\t\t "), times = ceiling(length(msgForm)/3))[1:length(msgForm)]
msgForm <- paste(msgForm, msgFormSep, sep = "", collapse = "")
msgForm <- gsub("\\,\\\n\\\t\\\t $|\\,$", "", msgForm)
message("\tFormula: sum(", msgForm, ")\n")
} else {
OutputsCrit <- listOutputsCrit
class(OutputsCrit) <- c("Multi", "ErrorCrit")
} }
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#***************************************************************************************************************** ErrorCrit_NSE <- function(InputsCrit, OutputsModel, warnings = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
#' Function which computes an error criterion based on the NSE formula proposed by Nash & Sutcliffe (1970).
#' In addition to the criterion value, the function outputs include a multiplier (-1 or +1) which allows
#' the use of the function for model calibration: the product CritValue*Multiplier is the criterion to be minimised
#' (e.g. Multiplier=+1 for RMSE, Multiplier=-1 for NSE).
#' @title Error criterion based on the NSE formula
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @references
#' Nash, J.E. and Sutcliffe, J.V. (1970),
#' River flow forecasting through conceptual models part 1.
#' A discussion of principles, Journal of Hydrology, 10(3), 282-290, doi:10.1016/0022-1694(70)90255-6. \cr
#' @seealso \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_KGE}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_KGE2}}
#' @examples ## see example of the ErrorCrit function
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @param InputsCrit [object of class \emph{InputsCrit}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}} for details
#' @param OutputsModel [object of class \emph{OutputsModel}] see \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}} or \code{\link{RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J}} for details
#' @param quiet (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#' @return [list] list containing the function outputs organised as follows:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \emph{$CritValue } \tab [numeric] value of the criterion \cr
#' \emph{$CritName } \tab [character] name of the criterion \cr
#' \emph{$CritBestValue } \tab [numeric] theoretical best criterion value \cr
#' \emph{$Multiplier } \tab [numeric] integer indicating whether the criterion is indeed an error (+1) or an efficiency (-1) \cr
#' \emph{$Ind_notcomputed} \tab [numeric] indices of the time-steps where InputsCrit$BoolCrit=FALSE or no data is available \cr
#' }
ErrorCrit_NSE <- function(InputsCrit,OutputsModel,quiet=FALSE){
## Arguments check
if (!inherits(OutputsModel, "OutputsModel")) {
stop("'OutputsModel' must be of class 'OutputsModel'")
##Arguments_check________________________________ EC <- .ErrorCrit(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, Crit = "NSE", OutputsModel = OutputsModel, warnings = warnings)
if(inherits(InputsCrit,"InputsCrit")==FALSE){ stop("InputsCrit must be of class 'InputsCrit' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"OutputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("OutputsModel must be of class 'OutputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
CritValue <- NA
##Initialisation_________________________________ if (EC$CritCompute) {
CritName <- NA; ## ErrorCrit
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="" ){ CritName <- "NSE[Q]" ; } Emod <- sum((EC$VarSim[!EC$TS_ignore] - EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore])^2)
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ CritName <- "NSE[sqrt(Q)]"; } Eref <- sum((EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore] - mean(EC$VarObs[!EC$TS_ignore]))^2)
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ CritName <- "NSE[log(Q)]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ CritName <- "NSE[1/Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sort"){ CritName <- "NSE[sort(Q)]"; }
CritValue <- NA;
CritBestValue <- +1;
Multiplier <- -1; ### must be equal to -1 or +1 only
if (Emod == 0 & Eref == 0) {
Crit <- 0
} else {
Crit <- (1 - Emod / Eref)
if (is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)) {
CritValue <- Crit
##Data_preparation_______________________________ ## Verbose
VarObs <- InputsCrit$Qobs ; VarObs[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA; if (verbose) {
VarSim <- OutputsModel$Qsim; VarSim[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA; message(sprintf("Crit. %s = %.4f", EC$CritName, CritValue))
##Data_transformation }
if("Ind_zeroes" %in% names(InputsCrit) & "epsilon" %in% names(InputsCrit)){ if(length(InputsCrit$Ind_zeroes)>0){ }
VarObs <- VarObs + InputsCrit$epsilon;
VarSim <- VarSim + InputsCrit$epsilon;
} }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ VarObs <- sqrt(VarObs); VarSim <- sqrt(VarSim); }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ VarObs <- log(VarObs) ; VarSim <- log(VarSim) ; VarSim[VarSim < -1E100] <- NA; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ VarObs <- 1/VarObs ; VarSim <- 1/VarSim ; VarSim[abs(VarSim) > 1E+100] <- NA; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sort"){ VarObs <- sort(VarObs); VarSim <- sort(VarSim); }
TS_ignore <- !is.finite(VarObs) | !is.finite(VarSim) | !InputsCrit$BoolCrit ;
Ind_TS_ignore <- which(TS_ignore); if(length(Ind_TS_ignore)==0){ Ind_TS_ignore <- NULL; }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)==0){ OutputsCrit <- list(NA); names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue"); return(OutputsCrit); }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"hourly" )){ WarningTS <- 365; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"daily" )){ WarningTS <- 365; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"monthly")){ WarningTS <- 12; }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"yearly" )){ WarningTS <- 3; }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)<WarningTS & !quiet){ warning(paste("\t criterion computed on less than ",WarningTS," time-steps \n",sep="")); }
meanVarObs <- mean(VarObs[!TS_ignore]);
meanVarSim <- mean(VarSim[!TS_ignore]);
##ErrorCrit______________________________________ ## Output
Emod <- sum((VarSim[!TS_ignore]-VarObs[!TS_ignore])^2); OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue = CritValue,
Eref <- sum((VarObs[!TS_ignore]-mean(VarObs[!TS_ignore]))^2); CritName = EC$CritName,
if(Emod==0 & Eref==0){ Crit <- 0; } else { Crit <- (1-Emod/Eref); } CritBestValue = EC$CritBestValue,
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ CritValue <- Crit; } Multiplier = EC$Multiplier,
Ind_notcomputed = EC$Ind_TS_ignore)
class(OutputsCrit) <- c("NSE", "ErrorCrit")
##Output_________________________________________ return(OutputsCrit)
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue,CritName,CritBestValue,Multiplier,Ind_TS_ignore);
names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue","CritName","CritBestValue","Multiplier","Ind_notcomputed");
} }
class(ErrorCrit_NSE) <- c("FUN_CRIT", class(ErrorCrit_NSE))
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Imax <- function(InputsModel,
TestedValues = seq(from = 0.1, to = 3, by = 0.1)) {
## ---------- check arguments
## InputsModel
if (!inherits(InputsModel, "InputsModel")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'InputsModel'")
if (!inherits(InputsModel, "hourly")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'hourly'")
## IndPeriod_Run
if (!is.vector(IndPeriod_Run)) {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' must be a vector of numeric values")
if (!inherits(IndPeriod_Run, "integer")) {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' must be of type integer")
if (!identical(as.integer(IndPeriod_Run), IndPeriod_Run[1]:IndPeriod_Run[length(IndPeriod_Run)])) {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' must be a continuous sequence of integers")
## TestedValues
if (!(is.numeric(TestedValues))) {
stop("'TestedValues' must be 'numeric'")
## ---------- hourly inputs aggregation
## aggregate data at the daily time step
daily_data <- SeriesAggreg(InputsModel[IndPeriod_Run], Format = "%Y%m%d")
## ---------- calculate interception
## calculate total interception of daily GR models on the period
cum_daily <- sum(pmin(daily_data$Precip, daily_data$PotEvap))
if (anyNA(cum_daily)) {
stop("'IndPeriod_Run' must be set to select 24 hours by day")
## calculate total interception of the GR5H interception store on the period
## and compute difference with daily values
differences <- array(NA, c(length(TestedValues)))
for (Imax in TestedValues) {
C0 <- 0
cum_hourly <- 0
for (i in IndPeriod_Run) {
Ec <- min(InputsModel$PotEvap[i], InputsModel$Precip[i] + C0)
Pth <- max(0, InputsModel$Precip[i] - (Imax-C0) - Ec)
C0 <- C0 + InputsModel$Precip[i] - Ec - Pth
cum_hourly <- cum_hourly + Ec
differences[which(Imax == TestedValues)] <- abs(cum_hourly - cum_daily)
## return the Imax value that minimises the difference
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