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Mathias Chouet authored27e9dfe6
import { CalculatorType } from "../compute-node";
import { Nub } from "../nub";
import { ParamCalculability, ParamDefinition } from "../param/param-definition";
import { IParamDefinitionIterator, ParamsEquation, ParamsEquationArrayIterator } from "../param/params-equation";
import { Props } from "../props";
import { Session } from "../session";
import { ParallelStructure } from "../structure/parallel_structure";
import { StructureTriangularTruncWeirFree } from "../structure/structure_triangular_trunc_weir";
import { Result } from "../util/result";
import { CloisonAval, ParallelStructureParams } from "./cloison_aval";
import { Cloisons } from "./cloisons";
import { PabParams } from "./pab_params";
export { PabParams };
export class Pab extends Nub {
* paramètres castés au bon type
get prms(): PabParams {
return this._prms as PabParams;
* enfants castés au bon type
get children(): Cloisons[] {
return this._children as Cloisons[];
* Last wall at downstream
private _downWall: CloisonAval;
constructor(prms: PabParams, downWall: CloisonAval, dbg: boolean = false) {
super(prms, dbg);
this.downWall = downWall;
this._calcType = CalculatorType.Pab;
public get downWall() {
return this._downWall;
public set downWall(dw: CloisonAval) {
this._downWall = dw;
if (dw) { // might be undefined
dw.parent = this; // important
// postprocessing
* Add Cloisons to the PAB from a cloison model
* @param cloisonModel Cloison model parametrised as first upstream basin
* @param n Number of walls (or falls) of the PAB (Number of basin = n - 1)
public addCloisonsFromModel(cloisonModel: Cloisons , n: number) {
// Fix some parameters of the upstream cloison (= Wall + basin)
const DH: number = cloisonModel.prms.DH.currentValue;
const ZRMB: number = this.prms.Z1.currentValue - cloisonModel.prms.PB.currentValue - DH;
const ZRAM: number = ZRMB + DH / 2;
// Generate an image of the object for multiplication
const serialisedCloisonModel = cloisonModel.serialise();
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const cl: Cloisons = Session.getInstance().unserialiseSingleNub(serialisedCloisonModel).nub as Cloisons;
const p = cl.prms;
p.ZRMB.singleValue = ZRMB - i * DH;
p.ZRAM.singleValue = ZRAM - i * DH;
// Set Structure ZDVs
for (const st of cl.structures) {
if (st.isZDVcalculable) {
st.prms.ZDV.singleValue = (this.prms.Z1.currentValue - st.prms.h1.currentValue) - i * DH;
if (st.getParameter("ZT") !== undefined) {
const stTT = st as StructureTriangularTruncWeirFree;
stTT.prms.ZT.singleValue = stTT.prms.ZT.currentValue - i * DH;
if (i !== n - 1) {
// Add wall + basin = cloison
} else {
// The last wall is a CloisonAval (= Wall only, without basin)
this.downWall = new CloisonAval(new ParallelStructureParams(0, 0, 0));
this.downWall.structures = cl.structures;
* Calcul analytique
* @warning Should be called by this.Calc only for parameter initialisations
* @param sVarCalc Variable à calculer (Z1 uniquement)
public Equation(sVarCalc: string): Result {
const r: Result = new Result(0, this);
// Up to down course : discharge distribution and bottom elevation
if (this.children.length > 0) {
this.children[0].prms.Q.v = this.prms.Q.v;
let l: number = 0; // Lenght of the fishway and wall abscissas
for (let i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
let wall: CloisonAval | Cloisons;
if (i !== this.children.length - 1) {
wall = this.children[i + 1];
} else {
wall = this.downWall;
l += this.children[i].prms.LB.v;
// Set discharge for the next wall from the current basin
wall.prms.Q.v = this.children[i].prms.Q.v + this.children[i].prms.QA.v;
// Down to up course : water surface calculation
let Z: number = this.prms.Z2.v;
Z = this.calcCloisonZ1(this.downWall, Z);
this.downWall.result.extraResults.ZRAM =
this.children[this.children.length - 1].prms.ZRMB.v
- this.children[this.children.length - 1].prms.DH.v / 2;
this.downWall.result.extraResults.Q = this.downWall.prms.Q.v;
this.downWall.result.extraResults.x = l;
this.debug("Downstream wall");
for (let i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Initialisations for current cloison
const cl: Cloisons = this.children[i];
// Calculation of upstream water elevation
cl.prms.PB.v = Z - cl.prms.ZRMB.v;
Z = this.calcCloisonZ1(cl, Z);
// Add extraresults: mean depth in pool and discharge
cl.result.extraResults.YMOY = cl.prms.PB.v;
cl.result.extraResults.Q = cl.prms.Q.v;
cl.result.extraResults.QA = cl.prms.QA.v;
l -= cl.prms.LB.v;
cl.result.extraResults.x = l;
this.debug("Bassin n°" + i);
r.vCalc = Z;
return r;
* Returns an iterator over :
* - own parameters (this._prms)
* - children parameters (this._children[*]._prms)
* Special treatment for PAB's downwall
public get parameterIterator(): IParamDefinitionIterator {
const prms: ParamsEquation[] = [];
if (this._children) {
Nub.concatPrms(prms, this.childrenPrms);
if (this.downWall) {
Nub.concatPrms(prms, this.downWall.childrenPrms);
return new ParamsEquationArrayIterator(prms);
* Returns an object representation of the Nub's current state
* @param extra extra key-value pairs, for ex. calculator title in GUI
public objectRepresentation(extra?: object) {
// regular serialization
const ret: any = super.objectRepresentation(extra);
// downwall
ret.downWall = this.downWall.objectRepresentation();
return ret;
* Fills the current Nub with parameter values, provided an object representation
* @param obj object representation of a Nub content (parameters)
* @returns the calculated parameter found, if any - used by child Nub to notify
* its parent of the calculated parameter to set
public loadObjectRepresentation(obj: any): { p: ParamDefinition, hasErrors: boolean } {
// return value
const ret: { p: ParamDefinition, hasErrors: boolean } = super.loadObjectRepresentation(obj);
// load downwall if any
if (obj.downWall) {
// create the Nub
const dw = Session.getInstance().createNub(new Props(obj.downWall.props), this) as CloisonAval;
// try to keep the original ID
if (! Session.getInstance().uidAlreadyUsed(obj.downWall.uid)) {
const childRet = dw.loadObjectRepresentation(obj.downWall);
// add downWall to parent
this.downWall = dw;
// forward errors
if (childRet.hasErrors) {
ret.hasErrors = true;
return ret;
* Adds a new empty resultElement to the current Result object, so that
* computation result is stored into it, via set currentResult(); does
* the same for all children and downWall
public initNewResultElement() {
* paramétrage de la calculabilité des paramètres
protected setParametersCalculability() {
this.prms.Z1.calculability = ParamCalculability.EQUATION;
this.prms.Z2.calculability = ParamCalculability.FREE;
this.prms.Q.calculability = ParamCalculability.DICHO;
* Remove Calculability of DH for not updating Z2 during calculation; adjust
* visibility for PAB display and serialisation
* @param child Cloison newly added to the PAB
protected adjustChildParameters(child: Cloisons) {
child.prms.DH.calculability = ParamCalculability.NONE;
child.prms.QA.visible = true;
child.prms.ZRAM.visible = true;
child.prms.ZRMB.visible = true;
child.prms.Q.visible = false;
child.prms.Z1.visible = false;
child.prms.PB.visible = false;
child.prms.DH.visible = false;
for (const st of child.structures) {
if (st.prms.h1.visible) {
// Set parameter visibility for ZDV and h1 in PAB context
st.prms.ZDV.visible = true;
st.prms.h1.visible = false;
* Remove visibility of downwall hydraulic parameters, for serialisation
* @param dw
protected adjustDownwallParameters(dw: CloisonAval) {
dw.prms.Q.visible = false;
dw.prms.Z1.visible = false;
dw.prms.Z2.visible = false;
private calcCloisonZ1(cl: CloisonAval | Cloisons, Z: number): number {
// Initialisations for current cloison
cl.prms.Z2.v = Z;
// Calculation of upstream water elevation
cl.Calc("Z1", Z + 0.1);
// Fall on this wall
cl.result.extraResults.DH = cl.result.vCalc - cl.prms.Z2.v;
// Return Update elevation for next pool
return cl.result.vCalc;
private dbgWall(cl: ParallelStructure) {
let s: string = "";
for (const p of cl.prms) {
s += p.symbol + " = " + p.v + "; ";
for (const c of cl.getChildren()) {
s = "";
for (const p of c.prms) {
if (p.visible) {
s += "*";
s += p.symbol + " = " + p.v + "; ";