JaLHyd : Javascript Library For Hydraulics
All the things to know for developping the library
The library needs nodeJS installed and the following node packages installed globally: typescript, karma, tslint. This can be done from the command line:
npm install -g typescript
Then, you can install the necessary packages of the library:
npm install
To compile the typescript code
npm run build
To compile the typescript unit tests
npm run buildspec
To generate locally installable package
npm run package
To compile and test code with jasmine
npm jasmine
To compile and test code with karma
npm karma
To flag suspicious language usage
npm run lint
UML visualisation
The tsviz package can be used for drawing class diagram of the current code.
To install tsviz: npm install -g tsviz
There's currently a bug on debian like distribution due to a wrong declaration of graphviz path in the code: https://github.com/joaompneves/tsviz/issues/5
To work around, you can create a link to the good path: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/dot /usr/local/bin/dot
To draw the diagram: npm run viz