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Dorchies David authored
Refs #3
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/fdt_valid.R
\title{Monthly time sheet validation}
fdt_valid(session, date_validation)
\item{session}{a \link[rvest:session]{rvest::session} provided by \link{login} or \link{jump_to_mon_calendrier} functions}
\item{date_validation}{a \link{character} representing a date during the month to validate in format "\%Y-\%m-\%d"}
the return of the \link[httr:POST]{httr::POST} function
Returns an error if the time sheet is not ready for validation.
session <- login("pnom", "my_password")
fdt_valid(session, "15/04/2021")