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Created with Raphaël 2.2.027Jul9Jun873112May10doc(fdt_add_events): correction titlemastermasterci: add check and pkgdown website generationrefactor: pkgdown ignorefeat: detection of time differences in a month and automatic edition of lacking timefix(fdt_is_editable): wrong detection of availability of "Envoyer en validation" buttonfeat: detection of time differences in a month and automatic edition of lacking timeMerge branch '6-change-openssl_conf-configuration-only-temporally' into 'master'Update login.R Merge branch '5-manage-error-141a318a-ssl-routines-tls_process_ske_dhe-dh-key-too-small' into 'master'fix: ssl tls key too small error on linuxMerge branch '4-missing-dependency-config' into 'master'Update DESCRIPTION Merge branch '3-validation-feuille-de-temps' into 'master'refactor: clean obsolete filefeat: validationdoc: update documentation for v0.1.0refactor: clean codedoc: update add_tempsdebug: try old fashion form post by getting cookies from the session (not working)feat: retriieving cookie from username/passwordInitial commit