An error occurred while loading the file. Please try again.
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] display individual model fitted with all data (300-4800). Display only the best non-stationary model if it passes the Anderson fit test.
#' Extract chunks from Rmd files (knitr::purl) and source them
#' @param fileRmd Rmd file to
#' @param tmpFolder Folder storing the script containing extracted chunks
#' @param force.eval Force execution of chunks with parameter eval=FALSE
RunRmdChunks <- function(fileRmd,
tmpFolder = "../tmp",
force.eval = TRUE,
chunkIgnore = getChunkIgnore()) {
dir.create(tmpFolder, showWarnings = FALSE)
output <- file.path(tmpFolder,
gsub("\\.Rmd", "\\.R", basename(fileRmd), = TRUE))
knitr::purl(fileRmd, output = output, quiet = TRUE)
sTxt <- readLines(output)
if (force.eval) {
sectionLines <- grep("^## ----", sTxt)
chunkIgnore <- chunkIgnore[[basename(fileRmd)]]
if (!is.null(chunkIgnore)) {
regexChunk <- sprintf("(?!(%s))", paste(chunkIgnore, collapse = "|"))
} else {
regexChunk <- ""
chunksEvalStart <- grep(paste0("^## ----", regexChunk, ".*eval=F"), sTxt,, perl = TRUE)
if (length(chunksEvalStart) > 0) {
if (sectionLines[length(sectionLines)] == chunksEvalStart[length(chunksEvalStart)]) {
lastEvalStart <- length(chunksEvalStart) - 1
} else {
lastEvalStart <- length(chunksEvalStart)
# Search for end lines of eval=F chunks
chunksEvalEnd <- sectionLines[sapply(chunksEvalStart[1:lastEvalStart], function(x) {which(sectionLines == x)}) + 1] - 1
if (lastEvalStart) {
# Add last line if last chunk is eval=FALSE
chunksEvalEnd <- c(chunksEvalEnd, length(sTxt))
chunksEvalStart <- chunksEvalStart + 1 # Chunks begin one line after the section comment
for (i in 1:length(chunksEvalStart)) {
# Remove comments on eval=F chunk lines
sTxt[chunksEvalStart[i]:chunksEvalEnd[i]] <- gsub(pattern = "^## ",
replace = "",
x = sTxt[chunksEvalStart[i]:chunksEvalEnd[i]])
# Remove line of code displaying data
removeFromGrep <- function(pattern, x) {
i <- grep(pattern, x)
if (length(i) > 0) {
x <- x[-i]
sTxt <- removeFromGrep("^summary\\(.*\\)$", sTxt)
sTxt <- removeFromGrep("^str\\(.*\\)$", sTxt)
# Switch echo off for some functions
sTxt <- gsub("trace\\s?=\\s?[0-9]+", "trace = 0", sTxt)
# Add parameters to example calls
exLines <- grep("^example\\(.*\\)", sTxt)
sTxt[exLines] <- paste0(substr(sTxt[exLines], 1, nchar(sTxt[exLines]) - 1), ", echo = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ask = FALSE)")
# Remove question "Hit <Return> to see next plot"
sTxt <- c("par(ask=F)", sTxt)
# Write the transformed script
writeLines(sTxt, output)
# Silently run the chunks
invisible(capture.output(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(source(output))), type = "output"))
#' Extract chunks from vignette and source them
#' @param vignette Name of the vignette
#' @param tmpFolder Folder storing the script containing extracted chunks
#' @param force.eval Force execution of chunks with parameter eval=FALSE
#' @return TRUE if succeed.
RunVignetteChunks <- function(vignette,
tmpFolder = "../tmp",
force.eval = TRUE) {
if (file.exists(sprintf("../../vignettes/%s.Rmd", vignette))) {
# testthat context in development environnement
RunRmdChunks(sprintf("../../vignettes/%s.Rmd", vignette),
tmpFolder = tmpFolder,
force.eval =force.eval,
chunkIgnore = getChunkIgnore("../../.vignettechunkignore"))
} else if (file.exists(sprintf("vignettes/%s.Rmd", vignette))) {
# context in direct run in development environnement
RunRmdChunks(sprintf("vignettes/%s.Rmd", vignette),
tmpFolder = tmpFolder,
force.eval =force.eval,
chunkIgnore = getChunkIgnore(".vignettechunkignore"))
} else {
# R CMD check context in package environnement
RunRmdChunks(system.file(sprintf("doc/%s.Rmd", vignette), package = "airGR"),
tmpFolder = tmpFolder,
force.eval =force.eval,
chunkIgnore = getChunkIgnore(".vignettechunkignore"))
#' Test if conversion from Q in mm per day into Q in L/s is good in BasinObs
#' @param BasinObs A dataframe containing columns Qmm and Qls
#' @param BasinArea Area of the basin in km2
#' @param tolerance See ?all.equal
#' @return
TestQmmQlsConversion <- function(BasinObs, BasinArea, tolerance = 1E-7) {
Conversion <- BasinArea * 1000^2 / 1000 * 1000 # km2 -> m2, mm -> m and m3 -> L
Conversion <- Conversion / 86400 # Day -> seconds
notNA <- which(!$Qmm))
expect_equal(BasinObs$Qmm[notNA] * Conversion, BasinObs$Qls[notNA], tolerance = tolerance)
#' Read vignettechunkignore file
#' @param chunkIgnoreFile path to the file
#' @return [list] with one item by vignette containing the chunk id to ignore
getChunkIgnore <- function(chunkIgnoreFile = "../../.vignettechunkignore") {
if (file.exists(chunkIgnoreFile)) {
message(".vignettechunkignore file found")
chunkIgnore <- read.table(file = chunkIgnoreFile,
sep = " ", header = FALSE,
col.names = c("vignette", "chunk"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
chunkIgnore <- lapply(setNames(nm = unique(chunkIgnore$vignette)), function(x) {
chunkIgnore$chunk[chunkIgnore$vignette == x]
} else {
message("No .vignettechunkignore file found")
chunkIgnore <- list()