Commit 3a075032 authored by Le Roux Erwan's avatar Le Roux Erwan
Browse files

[projections] add plot global temp. also centered the global temp on the...

[projections] add plot global temp. also centered the global temp on the winter year. and average on the past 30 years
parent 677d2ea8
No related merge requests found
Showing with 123 additions and 160 deletions
+123 -160
......@@ -34,6 +34,21 @@ gcm_rcm_couple_to_color = {
('ERAINT', 'ALADIN62'): 'deeppink'
gcm_to_color = {
'CNRM-CM5': 'red',
'MPI-ESM-LR': 'blue',
'HadGEM2-ES': 'green',
'EC-EARTH': 'violet',
'IPSL-CM5A-MR': 'orange',
'NorESM1-M': 'yellow',
def get_year_min_and_year_max_used_to_compute_quantile(gcm):
if gcm == 'HadGEM2-ES':
......@@ -15,6 +15,18 @@ class AdamontScenario(Enum):
adamont_scenarios_real = [AdamontScenario.histo, AdamontScenario.rcp26, AdamontScenario.rcp45, AdamontScenario.rcp85]
def get_linestyle_from_scenario(adamont_scenario):
assert isinstance(adamont_scenario, AdamontScenario)
if adamont_scenario is AdamontScenario.rcp26:
return 'dashed'
elif adamont_scenario is AdamontScenario.rcp45:
return 'dashdot'
elif adamont_scenario is AdamontScenario.rcp85:
return 'dotted'
return 'solid'
def get_year_min_and_year_max_from_scenario(adamont_scenario, gcm_rcm_couple):
assert isinstance(adamont_scenario, AdamontScenario)
year_min = get_year_min(adamont_scenario, gcm_rcm_couple)
......@@ -24,13 +24,22 @@ def get_scenario_name(scenario):
return str(scenario).split('.')[-1]
def year_to_global_mean_temp(gcm, scenario):
def year_to_global_mean_temp(gcm, scenario, year_min=None, year_max=None, rolling=None):
d = OrderedDict()
years, global_mean_temps = years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min, year_max, rolling=rolling)
for year, global_mean_temp in zip(years, global_mean_temps):
d[year] = global_mean_temp
return d
def years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min=None, year_max=None, rolling=None):
# Compute everything
ensemble_member = 'r{}i1p1'.format(gcm_to_rnumber[gcm])
scenario_name = get_scenario_name(scenario)
# Standards
mean_annual_column_name = 'Annual mean'
rolling_mean_annual_column_name = 'Rolling annual mean for window={}'.format(rolling)
filename = 'global_tas_Amon_{}_{}_{}'.format(gcm, scenario_name, ensemble_member)
dat_filepath = op.join(GLOBALTEMP_DATA_PATH, filename + '.dat')
txt_filepath = op.join(GLOBALTEMP_DATA_PATH, filename + '.txt')
......@@ -40,27 +49,48 @@ def year_to_global_mean_temp(gcm, scenario):
download_dat(dat_filepath, txt_filepath)
# Transform nc file into csv file
if not op.exists(csv_filepath):
dat_to_csv(csv_filepath, txt_filepath, mean_annual_column_name)
dat_to_csv(csv_filepath, txt_filepath, mean_annual_column_name, rolling_mean_annual_column_name, rolling=rolling)
# Load csv file
df = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath, index_col=0)
d = OrderedDict(df[mean_annual_column_name])
print(gcm, scenario_name, np.mean(list(d.values())))
return d
if year_min is None:
year_min = df.index[0]
if year_max is None:
year_max = df.index[-1]
df = df.loc[year_min:year_max]
years = list(df.index)
assert years[0] >= year_min
assert years[-1] <= year_max
if rolling:
global_mean_temp = list(df[rolling_mean_annual_column_name])
global_mean_temp = list(df[mean_annual_column_name])
return years, global_mean_temp
def dat_to_csv(csv_filepath, txt_filepath, mean_annual_column_name):
def dat_to_csv(csv_filepath, txt_filepath, mean_annual_column_name, rolling_mean_annual_column_name, rolling=None):
d = OrderedDict()
with open(txt_filepath, 'r') as f:
for i, l in enumerate(f):
year, l = l[:8], l[8:]
year, l = int(l[:5]), l[8:]
month_temp = [float(f) for f in l.split()]
assert len(month_temp) == 12
d[year] = list(month_temp)
d[int(year)] = list(month_temp)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d)
df = df.transpose()
df.columns = list(calendar.month_abbr)[1:]
df[mean_annual_column_name] = df.mean(axis=1)
df_temp_until_july = df.iloc[1:, :7]
assert len(df_temp_until_july.columns) == 7
df_temp_after_august = df.iloc[:-1, 7:]
assert len(df_temp_after_august.columns) == 5
l = df_temp_until_july.sum(axis=1).values + df_temp_after_august.sum(axis=1).values
l /= 12
l = [np.nan] + list(l)
assert len(l) == len(df.index)
df[mean_annual_column_name] = l
# Computing the rolling
if rolling is not None:
df[rolling_mean_annual_column_name] = df[mean_annual_column_name].rolling(window=rolling).mean()
......@@ -85,10 +115,17 @@ def main_test_cmip5_loader():
for scenario in adamont_scenarios_real[1:]:
for gcm in get_gcm_list(adamont_version=2)[:]:
print(gcm, scenario)
year_to_global_temp = year_to_global_mean_temp(gcm, scenario)
years, temps = years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario)
def test_rolling():
df = pd.DataFrame([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
df2 = df.rolling(window=3).mean()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# main_example()
# test_rolling()
import os.path as op
import pandas as pd
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import cdsapi
import numpy as np
from netCDF4._netCDF4 import Dataset, OrderedDict
from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.adamont_data.adamont_gcm_rcm_couples import gcm_to_rnumber, get_gcm_list
from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.adamont_data.adamont_scenario import get_year_min_and_year_max_from_scenario, \
AdamontScenario, adamont_scenarios_real
from extreme_data.utils import DATA_PATH
GLOBALTEMP_DATA_PATH = op.join(DATA_PATH, 'CMIP5_global_temp')
def get_scenario_name(scenario):
if scenario is AdamontScenario.histo:
return 'historical'
return str(scenario).split('.')[-1]
def get_year_min_and_year_max_for_global_temp(scenario):
if scenario is AdamontScenario.histo:
return 1951, 2005
return 2006, 2100
def get_periods(gcm, scenario):
if scenario is AdamontScenario.histo:
if gcm == 'EC-EARTH':
return ['195001-201212']
return ['185001-200512']
if gcm == 'CNRM-CM5':
return []
return ['200601-210012']
def year_to_global_mean_temp(gcm, scenario):
# Compute everything
periods = get_periods(gcm, scenario)
ensemble_member = 'r{}i1p1'.format(gcm_to_rnumber[gcm])
scenario_name = get_scenario_name(scenario)
year_min, year_max = get_year_min_and_year_max_for_global_temp(scenario)
# Standards
mean_annual_column_name = 'Annual mean'
zip_filepath = op.join(GLOBALTEMP_DATA_PATH, '')
# Create a csv file for each period
for period in periods:
filename = 'tas_Amon_{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(gcm, scenario_name, ensemble_member, period)
nc_filepath = op.join(GLOBALTEMP_DATA_PATH, filename + '.nc')
csv_filepath = op.join(GLOBALTEMP_DATA_PATH, filename + '.csv')
# Download if needed
if not op.exists(nc_filepath):
download_nc(ensemble_member, gcm, period, scenario_name, zip_filepath)
# Transform nc file into csv file
if not op.exists(csv_filepath):
nc_to_csv(csv_filepath, mean_annual_column_name, nc_filepath, year_max, year_min)
# Concatenate all csv together into a single summary_csv_filepath
# Load csv file
df = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath, index_col=0)
d = OrderedDict(df[mean_annual_column_name])
print(gcm, scenario_name, np.mean(list(d.values())))
return d
def nc_to_csv(csv_filepath, mean_annual_column_name, nc_filepath, year_max, year_min):
dataset = Dataset(nc_filepath)
tas_list = np.array(dataset.variables['tas'])
tas_list = np.mean(tas_list, axis=1)
tas_list = np.mean(tas_list, axis=1)
# 'days since 1850-1-1 00:00:00'
time_list = np.array(dataset.variables['time'])
assert len(time_list) == len(tas_list)
start = datetime(year=1850, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
date_list = [start + timedelta(days=time) for time in time_list]
winter_year_list = [date.year if date.month < 8 else date.year + 1 for date in date_list]
winter_year_to_tas_list = {winter_year: [] for winter_year in range(year_min, year_max + 1)}
for winter_year, tas in zip(winter_year_list, tas_list):
if year_min <= winter_year <= year_max:
# we have monthly values
for tas_list in winter_year_to_tas_list.values():
assert len(tas_list) == 12
winter_year_to_mean_tas = OrderedDict()
for winter_year, t in winter_year_to_tas_list.items():
winter_year_to_mean_tas[winter_year] = np.mean(t)
s = pd.Series(winter_year_to_mean_tas)
df = pd.DataFrame({mean_annual_column_name: s})
def download_nc(ensemble_member, gcm, period, scenario_name, zip_filepath):
gcm_lower = '_'.join(gcm.lower().split('-'))
c = cdsapi.Client()
'ensemble_member': ensemble_member,
'format': 'zip',
'experiment': scenario_name,
'variable': '2m_temperature',
'model': gcm_lower,
'period': period,
# unzip and delete
request_list = [
'unzip {} -d {}'.format(zip_filepath, op.dirname(zip_filepath)),
'rm {}'.format(zip_filepath)
for request in request_list:
print(request), shell=True)
def main_example():
scenario = AdamontScenario.histo
gcm = 'EC-EARTH'
year_to_global_mean_temp(gcm, scenario)
def main_test_cmip5_loader():
for scenario in adamont_scenarios_real[:1]:
for gcm in get_gcm_list(adamont_version=2)[:]:
if gcm != 'CNRM-CM5':
print(gcm, scenario)
year_to_global_temp = year_to_global_mean_temp(gcm, scenario)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# main_example()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.adamont_data.adamont_gcm_rcm_couples import get_gcm_list, gcm_to_color
from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.adamont_data.adamont_scenario import get_linestyle_from_scenario, \
adamont_scenarios_real, AdamontScenario, scenario_to_str
from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.adamont_data.cmip5.climate_explorer_cimp5 import year_to_global_mean_temp, \
def main_plot_temperature():
rolling = 30
ax = plt.gca()
for gcm in get_gcm_list(adamont_version=2)[:]:
# Plot the historical part in solid line (this part is the same between the different scenarios)
linestyle = get_linestyle_from_scenario(AdamontScenario.histo)
plot_temperature_for_rcp_gcm(ax, gcm, AdamontScenario.rcp45, year_min=1951, year_max=2005, linestyle=linestyle,
label=gcm, rolling=rolling)
for scenario in adamont_scenarios_real[1:]:
plot_temperature_for_rcp_gcm(ax, gcm, scenario, year_min=2005, year_max=2100, rolling=rolling)
ax2 = ax.twinx()
legend_elements = [
Line2D([0], [0], color='k', lw=1, label=scenario_to_str(s),
linestyle=get_linestyle_from_scenario(s)) for s in adamont_scenarios_real
ax2.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc='upper center')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
add_str = ' averaged on the last {} years'.format(rolling) if rolling is not None else ''
ax.set_ylabel('Global mean Temperature{} (K)\n'
'mean is taken on the year centered on the winter'.format(add_str))
def plot_temperature_for_rcp_gcm(ax, gcm, scenario, year_min, year_max, linestyle=None, label=None, rolling=None):
years, global_mean_temp = years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min=year_min, year_max=year_max, rolling=rolling)
color = gcm_to_color[gcm]
if linestyle is None:
linestyle = get_linestyle_from_scenario(scenario)
ax.plot(years, global_mean_temp, linestyle=linestyle, color=color, label=label)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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