Commit b0131941 authored by Le Roux Erwan's avatar Le Roux Erwan
Browse files

[contrasting] add time derivative for the linear models. add

parent 7021cc33
No related merge requests found
Showing with 84 additions and 20 deletions
+84 -20
......@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ def plot_against_altitude(altitudes, ax, massif_id, massif_name, values):
colors = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS)
colors[-3:-1] = [] # remove gray and olive
color = colors[massif_id % 8]
ax.plot(altitudes, values, color=color, linewidth=2, label=massif_name, linestyle=linestyle)
massif_name_str = ' '.join(massif_name.split('_'))
ax.plot(altitudes, values, color=color, linewidth=2, label=massif_name_str, linestyle=linestyle)
def load_plot(cmap, graduation, label, massif_name_to_value, altitude, fit_method, add_x_label=True):
import numpy as np
class AbstractOneAxisParamFunction(object):
def __init__(self, dim: int, coordinates: np.ndarray):
self.dim = dim
self.t_min = coordinates[:, dim].min()
self.t_max = coordinates[:, dim].max()
def get_param_value(self, coordinate: np.ndarray, assert_range=True) -> float:
t = coordinate[self.dim]
if assert_range:
assert self.t_min <= t <= self.t_max, '{} is out of bounds ({}, {})'.format(t, self.t_min, self.t_max)
return self._get_param_value(t)
def _get_param_value(self, t) -> float:
raise NotImplementedError
class LinearOneAxisParamFunction(AbstractOneAxisParamFunction):
def __init__(self, dim: int, coordinates: np.ndarray, coef: float = 0.01):
super().__init__(dim, coordinates)
self.coef = coef
def _get_param_value(self, t) -> float:
return t * self.coef
class QuadraticOneAxisParamFunction(AbstractOneAxisParamFunction):
def __init__(self, dim: int, coordinates: np.ndarray, coef1: float = 0.01, coef2: float = 0.01):
super().__init__(dim, coordinates)
self.coef1 = coef1
self.coef2 = coef2
def _get_param_value(self, t) -> float:
return np.power(t, 2) * self.coef2 + t * self.coef1
from typing import List
import numpy as np
from extreme_fit.function.param_function.linear_coef import LinearCoef
from extreme_fit.function.param_function.one_axis_param_function import LinearOneAxisParamFunction
from extreme_fit.function.param_function.spline_coef import SplineCoef
......@@ -22,20 +23,8 @@ class ConstantParamFunction(AbstractParamFunction):
def get_param_value(self, coordinate: np.ndarray) -> float:
return self.constant
class LinearOneAxisParamFunction(AbstractParamFunction):
def __init__(self, dim: int, coordinates: np.ndarray, coef: float = 0.01):
self.dim = dim
self.t_min = coordinates[:, dim].min()
self.t_max = coordinates[:, dim].max()
self.coef = coef
def get_param_value(self, coordinate: np.ndarray) -> float:
t = coordinate[self.dim]
assert self.t_min <= t <= self.t_max, '{} is out of bounds ({}, {})'.format(t, self.t_min, self.t_max)
return t * self.coef
def get_first_derivative_param_value(self, coordinate: np.ndarray, dim: int) -> float:
return 0
class LinearParamFunction(AbstractParamFunction):
......@@ -48,14 +37,20 @@ class LinearParamFunction(AbstractParamFunction):
param_function = LinearOneAxisParamFunction(dim=dim, coordinates=coordinates,
self.dim_to_linear_one_axis_param_function = dict(zip(dims, self.linear_one_axis_param_functions))
def get_param_value(self, coordinate: np.ndarray) -> float:
# Add the intercept and the value with respect to each axis
gev_param_value = self.linear_coef.intercept
for linear_one_axis_param_function in self.linear_one_axis_param_functions:
gev_param_value += linear_one_axis_param_function.get_param_value(coordinate)
gev_param_value += linear_one_axis_param_function.get_param_value(coordinate, self.OUT_OF_BOUNDS_ASSERT)
return gev_param_value
def get_first_derivative_param_value(self, coordinate: np.ndarray, dim: int) -> float:
return self.dim_to_linear_one_axis_param_function[dim].coef
class SplineParamFunction(AbstractParamFunction):
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
import matplotlib as mpl
from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.scm_models_data.safran.safran import SafranSnowfall1Day
from projects.contrasting_trends_in_snow_loads.snowfall_versus_time_and_altitude.snowfall_plot import plot_snowfall_mean
from projects.contrasting_trends_in_snow_loads.snowfall_versus_time_and_altitude.snowfall_plot import \
plot_snowfall_mean, plot_snowfall_time_derivative_mean
from projects.contrasting_trends_in_snow_loads.snowfall_versus_time_and_altitude.study_visualizer_for_mean_values import \
from projects.contrasting_trends_in_snow_loads.snowfall_versus_time_and_altitude.validation_plot import validation_plot
......@@ -71,8 +72,9 @@ def intermediate_result(altitudes, massif_names=None,
_ = compute_minimized_aic(visualizer)
# Plots
# validation_plot(altitude_to_visualizer)
# plot_snowfall_mean(altitude_to_visualizer)
def major_result():
......@@ -20,6 +20,30 @@ def fit_linear_regression(x, y):
return a, b, r2_score
def plot_snowfall_time_derivative_mean(altitude_to_visualizer: Dict[int, StudyVisualizerForMeanValues]):
visualizer = list(altitude_to_visualizer.values())[0]
# Plot the curve for the evolution of the mean
massif_name_to_a, massif_name_to_b, massif_name_to_r2_score = plot_mean(altitude_to_visualizer, derivative=True)
# Augmentation every km
massif_name_to_augmentation_every_km = {m: a * 1000 for m, a in massif_name_to_a.items()}
label='Augmentation of time derivative of mean annual maxima for every km of elevation ()',
# Value at 2000 m
massif_name_to_mean_at_2000 = {m: a * 2000 + massif_name_to_b[m] for m, a in massif_name_to_a.items()}
visualizer.plot_abstract_fast(massif_name_to_mean_at_2000, label='Time derivative of mean annual maxima of at 2000 m ()',
# Altitude for the change of dynamic
massif_name_to_altitude_change_dynamic = {m: - massif_name_to_b[m] / a for m, a in massif_name_to_a.items()}
# Keep only those that are in a reasonable range
massif_name_to_altitude_change_dynamic = {m: d for m, d in massif_name_to_altitude_change_dynamic.items()
if 0 < d < 3000}
visualizer.plot_abstract_fast(massif_name_to_altitude_change_dynamic, label='Altitude for the change of dynamic ()',
add_x_label=False, graduation=500)
# R2 score
visualizer.plot_abstract_fast(massif_name_to_r2_score, label='r2', graduation=0.1, add_x_label=False)
def plot_snowfall_mean(altitude_to_visualizer: Dict[int, StudyVisualizerForMeanValues]):
visualizer = list(altitude_to_visualizer.values())[0]
# Plot the curve for the evolution of the mean
......@@ -60,6 +84,8 @@ def plot_mean(altitude_to_visualizer: Dict[int, StudyVisualizerForMeanValues], d
values = [t.mean_value(year=year) for t in trend_tests]
massif_name_to_linear_regression_result[massif_name] = fit_linear_regression(altitudes_massif, values)
plot_values_against_altitudes(ax, altitudes_massif, massif_id, massif_name, moment, study, values, visualizer)
ax.legend(prop={'size': 7}, ncol=3)
visualizer.show_or_save_to_file(dpi=500, add_classic_title=False)
return [{m: t[i][0] if i == 0 else t[i]
......@@ -76,4 +102,4 @@ def plot_values_against_altitudes(ax, altitudes, massif_id, massif_name, moment,
# ax.set_ylim([lim_down, lim_up])
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=13)
visualizer.plot_name = plot_name
visualizer.show_or_save_to_file(dpi=500, add_classic_title=False)
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ def validation_plot(altitude_to_visualizer: Dict[int, StudyVisualizerForMeanValu
# Shoe plot with respect to the altitude.
plot_shoe_relative_differences_distribution(altitude_to_relative_differences, altitudes)
study_visualizer.show_or_save_to_file(add_classic_title=False, dpi=500)
def plot_shoe_relative_differences_distribution(altitude_to_relative_differences, altitudes):
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