Commit dc8e240b authored by Le Roux Erwan's avatar Le Roux Erwan
Browse files

add delta analysis

parent f5d7549e
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+75 -1
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.scm_models_data.abstract_study import AbstractStudy
from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.scm_models_data.safran.safran import SafranSnowfall1Day, SafranTemperature, \
from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.scm_models_data.visualization.main_study_visualizer import \
from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.scm_models_data.visualization.study_visualizer import StudyVisualizer
from projects.contrasting_trends_in_snow_loads.article2_snowfall_versus_time_and_altitude.snowfall_plot import \
def delta_graph(study_class, altitudes, maxima=True):
ax = plt.gca()
all_delta_point_for_regression = []
# colors = ['orange', 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow']
for altitude in altitudes:
delta_points = []
study = study_class(altitude=altitude) # type : AbstractStudy
study_temperature = SafranTemperature(altitude=altitude)
for massif_name in study.study_massif_names:
if maxima:
values = study.massif_name_to_annual_maxima[massif_name]
values = study.massif_name_to_annual_total[massif_name]
values_temperature = study_temperature.massif_name_to_annual_total[massif_name]
delta_point = (compute_delta(values_temperature, relative=False), compute_delta(values, relative=True))
# Plot part
x, y = list(zip(*delta_points))
ax.scatter(x, y, label='{}m'.format(altitude))
aggregation_str = 'maxima' if maxima else 'total'
ylabel = 'Delta for {} {}'.format(aggregation_str, STUDY_CLASS_TO_ABBREVIATION[study_class])
ax.set_xlabel('Delta mean Temperature')
# Plot linear regression
x_all, y_all = list(zip(*all_delta_point_for_regression))
a, b, r2_score = fit_linear_regression(x_all, y_all)
a = a[0]
x_plot = np.linspace(start=np.min(x_all), stop=np.max(x_all), num=100)
y_plot = a * x_plot + b
rounded_number = [str(np.round(e, 2)) for e in [a, b, r2_score]]
ax.plot(x_plot, y_plot, label='{} x + {} (R2 = {})'.format(*rounded_number))
visualizer = StudyVisualizer(study=study, show=False, save_to_file=True)
visualizer.plot_name = ylabel
# Show / Save plot
def compute_delta(values, relative=True):
index = 30
before, after = values[:index], values[index:]
mean_before, mean_after = np.mean(before), np.mean(after)
delta = mean_after - mean_before
if relative:
delta *= 100 / mean_before
return delta
if __name__ == '__main__':
fast = False
if fast is None:
altitudes = [900, 1800, 2700]
elif fast:
altitudes = [900]
altitudes = [300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 2700, 3000, 3300, 3600][:]
for study_class in [SafranSnowfall1Day, SafranPrecipitation1Day]:
for maxima in [True, False]:
delta_graph(study_class, altitudes, maxima=maxima)
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def get_month_to_maxima(massif_names, studies, years):
if __name__ == '__main__':
study_class = SafranSnowfall1Day
# 'Vercors'
norht_massif_names = ['Oisans', 'Grandes-Rousses', 'Haute-Maurienne', 'Vanoise',
'Maurienne', 'Belledonne', 'Chartreuse', 'Haute-Tarentaise',
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