Commit fad1d0d8 authored by Le Roux Erwan's avatar Le Roux Erwan
Browse files

[CONFIDENCE INTERVAL] in the non stationary case, only the normal method is...

[CONFIDENCE INTERVAL] in the non stationary case, only the normal method is defined. in the stationary, i managed to add test the "boot" method. But for the "proflik" method there was a crash in R related to the spline, that i did not resolve
parent 743308ab
No related merge requests found
Showing with 450 additions and 16 deletions
+450 -16
......@@ -62,16 +62,17 @@ def main_drawing():
(NonStationaryLocationAndScaleTemporalModel, 2017),
uncertainty_methods = [ConfidenceIntervalMethodFromExtremes.my_bayes, ConfidenceIntervalMethodFromExtremes.ci_bayes]
uncertainty_methods = [ConfidenceIntervalMethodFromExtremes.my_bayes,
show = True
if fast_plot:
show = True
model_class_and_last_year = model_class_and_last_year[:1]
altitudes = altitudes[2:4]
model_class_and_last_year = model_class_and_last_year[:2]
altitudes = altitudes[2:]
# altitudes = altitudes[:]
massif_names = massif_names[:2]
uncertainty_methods = uncertainty_methods[:1]
massif_names = massif_names[:3]
uncertainty_methods = uncertainty_methods[:2]
model_name_to_massif_name_to_ordered_return_level = {}
for model_class, last_year_for_the_data in model_class_and_last_year:
# Title : TODO
# Objective : TODO
# Created by: erwan
# Created on: 31/10/2019
ci.fevd.mle_fixed <- function (x, alpha = 0.05, type = c("return.level", "parameter"),
return.period = 100, which.par = 1, R = 502, method = c("normal",
"boot", "proflik"), xrange = NULL, nint = 20, verbose = FALSE,
tscale = FALSE, return.samples = FALSE, ...)
if (missing(method))
miss.meth <- TRUE
else miss.meth <- FALSE
method <- tolower(method)
method <- match.arg(method)
type <- tolower(type)
type <- match.arg(type)
theta.hat <- x$results$par
theta.names <- names(theta.hat)
np <- length(theta.hat)
if (type == "parameter" && missing(which.par))
which.par <- 1:np
if (any(theta.names == "log.scale")) {
id <- theta.names == "log.scale"
theta.hat[id] <- exp(theta.hat[id])
theta.names[id] <- "scale"
names(theta.hat) <- theta.names
const <- is.fixedfevd(x)
if (type == "return.level") <- paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis,
" return level", sep = "")
else if (type == "parameter") <- theta.names[which.par]
if (type == "return.level" && !const) {
return(ci.rl.ns.fevd.mle(x = x, alpha = alpha, return.period = return.period,
method = method, verbose = verbose, return.samples = return.samples,
if (type == "parameter")
p <- theta.hat[which.par]
else {
if (is.element(x$type, c("PP", "GP", "Beta", "Pareto",
lam <- mean(c(datagrabber(x)[, 1]) > x$threshold)
else lam <- 1
if (is.element(x$type, c("PP", "GEV", "Gumbel", "Weibull",
loc <- theta.hat["location"]
else loc <- 0
scale <- theta.hat["scale"]
if (!is.element(x$type, c("Gumbel", "Exponential")))
shape <- theta.hat["shape"]
else shape <- 0
if (x$type == "PP")
mod <- "GEV"
else mod <- x$type
p <- rlevd(period = return.period, loc = loc, scale = scale,
shape = shape, threshold = x$threshold, type = mod,
npy = x$npy, rate = lam)
if (verbose) {
cat("\n", "Preparing to calculate ", (1 - alpha) * 100,
"% CI for ", ifelse(type == "return.level", paste(return.period,
"-", x$period.basis, " return level", sep = ""),
paste(, " parameter", sep = "")), "\n")
cat("\n", "Model is ", ifelse(const, " fixed", " non-stationary."),
if (method == "normal")
cat("\n", "Using Normal Approximation Method.\n")
else if (method == "boot")
cat("\n", "Using Bootstrap Method.\n")
else if (method == "proflik")
cat("\n", "Using Profile Likelihood Method.\n")
if (method == "normal") { <- "Normal Approx."
z.alpha <- qnorm(alpha/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
cov.theta <- parcov.fevd(x)
if (is.null(cov.theta))
stop("ci: Sorry, unable to calculate the parameter covariance matrix. Maybe try a different method.")
var.theta <- diag(cov.theta)
if (any(var.theta < 0))
stop("ci: negative Std. Err. estimates obtained. Not trusting any of them.")
if (type == "parameter") {
se.theta <- sqrt(var.theta)
if (tscale) {
if (!const && !is.element("scale", theta.names) &&
!is.element("shape", theta.names) && !all(x$threshold ==
x$threshold[1])) {
stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
if (!is.element(x$type, c("GP", "Beta", "Pareto")))
stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
theta.hat["scale"] <- theta.hat["scale"] - theta.hat["shape"] *
theta.names[theta.names == "scale"] <- "tscale"
if (!any(theta.names[which.par] == "tscale"))
stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
names(theta.hat) <- theta.names
p <- theta.hat[which.par]
d <- rbind(1, -x$threshold)
names(se.theta) <- theta.names
se.theta["tscale"] <- sqrt(t(d) %*% cov.theta %*%
else se.theta <- sqrt(var.theta)[which.par]
se.theta <- se.theta[which.par] <- theta.names[which.par]
else if (type == "return.level") {
grads <- rlgrad.fevd(x, period = return.period)
grads <- t(grads)
if (is.element(x$type, c("GP", "Beta", "Pareto",
"Exponential"))) {
if (x$type == "Exponential")
cov.theta <- diag(c(lam * (1 - lam)/x$n, var.theta))
else cov.theta <- rbind(c(lam * (1 - lam)/x$n,
0, 0), cbind(0, cov.theta))
else lam <- 1
var.theta <- t(grads) %*% cov.theta %*% grads
else stop("ci: invalid type argument. Must be return.level or parameter.")
if (length(p) > 1) {
if (type == "return.level")
se.theta <- sqrt(diag(var.theta))
out <- cbind(p - z.alpha * se.theta, p, p + z.alpha *
rownames(out) <-
conf.level <- paste(round((1 - alpha) * 100, digits = 2),
"%", sep = "")
colnames(out) <- c(paste(conf.level, " lower CI",
sep = ""), "Estimate", paste(conf.level, " upper CI",
sep = ""))
attr(out, "") <- x$call
attr(out, "method") <-
attr(out, "conf.level") <- (1 - alpha) * 100
class(out) <- "ci"
else out <- c(p - z.alpha * sqrt(var.theta[which.par]),
p, p + z.alpha * sqrt(var.theta[which.par]))
else if (method == "boot") { <- "Parametric Bootstrap"
if (verbose)
cat("\n", "Simulating data from fitted model. Size = ",
R, "\n")
if (const) {
if (is.null(x$blocks)) {
Z <- rextRemes(x, n = R * x$n)
Z <- matrix(Z, x$n, R)
else {
Z <- rextRemes(x, n = round(R * x$npy * x$blocks$nBlocks))
Z <- matrix(Z, round(x$npy * x$blocks$nBlocks),
else Z <- rextRemes(x, n = R)
if (verbose)
cat("\n", "Simulated data found.\n")
y <- datagrabber(x, response = FALSE)
if (is.element(x$type, c("PP", "GP", "Exponential", "Beta",
"Pareto"))) {
x2 <- datagrabber(x, = FALSE)
eid <- x2 > x$threshold
Z2 <- matrix(x$threshold, x$n, R)
Z2[eid, ] <- Z[eid, ]
Z <- Z2
lam <- mean(eid)
else {
eid <- !logical(x$n)
lam <- 1
ipar <- list()
if (any(is.element(c("location", "mu0"), theta.names))) {
if (is.element("location", theta.names))
ipar$location <- theta.hat["location"]
else {
id <- substring(theta.names, 1, 2) == "mu"
ipar$location <- theta.hat[id]
if (is.element("scale", theta.names))
ipar$scale <- theta.hat["scale"]
else {
if (!x$par.models$log.scale)
id <- substring(theta.names, 1, 3) == "sig"
else id <- substring(theta.names, 1, 3) == "phi"
ipar$scale <- theta.hat[id]
if (!is.element(x$type, c("Gumbel", "Exponential"))) {
if (is.element("shape", theta.names))
ipar$shape <- theta.hat["shape"]
else {
id <- substring(theta.names, 1, 2) == "xi"
ipar$shape <- theta.hat[id]
bfun <- function(z, x, y, p, ipar, eid, rate) {
pm <- x$par.models
if (is.null(y))
fit <- fevd(x = z, threshold = x$threshold, = pm$location, = pm$scale, = pm$shape,
use.phi = pm$log.scale, type = x$type, method = x$method,
initial = ipar, span = x$span, time.units = x$time.units,
period.basis = x$period.basis, optim.args = x$optim.args,
priorFun = x$priorFun, priorParams = x$priorParams,
verbose = FALSE)
else fit <- fevd(x = z, data = y, threshold = x$threshold, = pm$location, = pm$scale, = pm$shape, use.phi = pm$log.scale,
type = x$type, method = x$method, initial = ipar,
span = x$span, time.units = x$time.units, period.basis = x$period.basis,
optim.args = x$optim.args, priorFun = x$priorFun,
priorParams = x$priorParams, verbose = FALSE)
fit$ <- y
res <- distill(fit, cov = FALSE)
if (verbose)
cat("\n", "Fitting model to simulated data sets (this may take a while!).")
if (type == "parameter") {
sam <- apply(Z, 2, bfun, x = x, y = y, ipar = ipar)
if (tscale) {
if (!const && !is.element("scale", theta.names) &&
!is.element("shape", theta.names))
stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
if (!is.element(x$type, c("GP", "Beta", "Pareto")))
stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
sam["scale", ] <- sam["scale", ] - sam["shape",
] * x$threshold
theta.hat["scale"] <- theta.hat["scale"] - theta.hat["shape"] *
theta.names[theta.names == "scale"] <- "tscale"
rownames(sam) <- theta.names
names(theta.hat) <- theta.names
sam <- sam[which.par, ]
if (return.samples)
else if (type == "return.level") {
pars <- apply(Z, 2, bfun, x = x, y = y, ipar = ipar)[1:np,
th.est <- numeric(3)
if (is.element(x$type, c("PP", "GEV", "Gumbel", "Weibull",
"Frechet"))) {
loc <- pars["location", ]
th.est[1] <- theta.hat["location"]
else loc <- rep(0, R)
scale <- pars["scale", ]
th.est[2] <- theta.hat["scale"]
if (!is.element(x$type, c("Gumbel", "Exponential"))) {
shape <- pars["shape", ]
th.est[3] <- theta.hat["shape"]
else {
shape <- rep(1e-10, R)
th.est[3] <- 1e-08
if (return.samples)
out <- t(pars)
th <- rbind(loc, scale, shape)
rlfun <- function(theta, p, u, type, npy, rate) rlevd(period = p,
loc = theta[1], scale = theta[2], shape = theta[3],
threshold = u, type = type, npy = npy, rate = rate)
if (x$type == "PP")
mod <- "GEV"
else mod <- x$type
sam <- apply(th, 2, rlfun, p = return.period, u = x$threshold,
type = mod, npy = x$npy, rate = lam)
if (is.matrix(sam))
rownames(sam) <- paste(rownames(sam), "-", x$period.basis,
sep = "")
else <- paste(return.period, "-", x$period.basis,
sep = "")
if (return.samples) {
if (is.matrix(sam))
out <- cbind(pars, t(sam))
else {
onames <- colnames(out)
out <- cbind(out, sam)
colnames(out) <- c(onames,
theta.hat <- rlevd(period = return.period, loc = th.est[1],
scale = th.est[2], shape = th.est[3], threshold = x$threshold,
type = x$type, npy = x$npy, rate = lam)
else stop("ci: invalid type argument. Must be return.level or parameter.")
if (is.matrix(sam)) {
out <- apply(sam, 1, quantile, probs = c(alpha/2,
1 - alpha/2))
out.names <- rownames(out)
out <- rbind(out[1, ], theta.hat, out[2, ])
rownames(out) <- c(out.names[1], "Estimate", out.names[2])
colnames(out) <- rownames(sam)
out <- t(out)
attr(out, "") <- x$call
attr(out, "method") <-
attr(out, "conf.level") <- (1 - alpha) * 100
attr(out, "R") <- R
class(out) <- "ci"
else {
out <- quantile(sam, probs = c(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2))
out <- c(out[1], mean(sam), out[2])
attr(out, "R") <- R
if (verbose)
cat("\n", "Finished fitting model to simulated data.\n")
else if (method == "proflik") {
if (x$type == "PP" && !is.null(x$blocks))
stop("ci: cannot do profile likelihood with blocks.")
if (tscale)
stop("ci: invalid argument configurations.")
if (type == "parameter" && length(which.par) > 1)
stop("ci: can only do one parameter at a time with profile likelihood method.")
else if (type == "return.level" && length(return.period) >
stop("ci: can only do one return level at a time with profile likelihood method.") <- "Profile Likelihood"
if (verbose) {
if (x$type != "PP")
cat("\n", "Calculating profile likelihood. This may take a few moments.\n")
else cat("\n", "Calculating profile likelihood. This may take several moments.\n")
if (is.null(xrange)) {
hold2 <- c(ci(x, alpha = alpha, method = "normal",
type = type, return.period = return.period, which.par = which.par))[c(1,
if (!any(
xrange <- range(c(hold2, log2(hold2), 4 * hold2,
hold2 - 4 * hold2, hold2 + 4 * hold2), finite = TRUE)
else if (![2]))
xrange <- range(c(p - 2 * abs(log2(abs(p))),
hold2[2], 4 * hold2[2], -4 * hold2[2], log2(p)),
finite = TRUE)
else if (![1]))
xrange <- range(c(p - 2 * abs(log2(abs(p))),
hold2[1], 4 * hold2[1], -4 * hold2[1], log2(p)),
finite = TRUE)
else if (all(
xrange <- c(p - 2 * abs(log2(abs(p))), p + 2 *
if (verbose)
cat("\n", "Using a range of ", xrange[1], " to ",
xrange[2], "\n")
if (is.null(x$blocks)) {
if (!is.null(xrange))
hold <- profliker(x, type = type, xrange = xrange,
return.period = return.period, which.par = which.par,
nint = nint, plot = verbose, ...)
else hold <- profliker(x, type = type, return.period = return.period,
which.par = which.par, nint = nint, plot = verbose,
else stop("Sorry: profile likelihood with blocks is not supported.")
ma <- -x$results$value
crit <- ma - 0.5 * qchisq(1 - alpha, 1)
if (verbose) {
cat("\n", "Profile likelihood has been calculated. Now, trying to find where it crosses the critical value = ",
crit, "\n")
abline(h = crit, col = "blue")
crit2 <- ma - 0.5 * qchisq((1 - alpha) + abs(log2(1 -
alpha))/2, 1)
id <- hold > crit2
z <- seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], length = length(hold))
z <- z[id]
parlik <- hold[id]
# smth <- spline(z, parlik, n = 200)
# ind <- smth$y > crit
# out <- range(smth$x[ind])
# if (verbose)
# abline(v = out, lty = 2, col = "darkblue", lwd = 2)
# out <- c(out[1], p, out[2])
# else stop("ci: invalid method argument.")
# conf.level <- paste(round((1 - alpha) * 100, digits = 2),
# "%", sep = "")
# names(out) <- c(paste(conf.level, " lower CI", sep = ""),
#, paste(conf.level, " upper CI", sep = ""))
# attr(out, "") <- x$call
# attr(out, "method") <-
# attr(out, "conf.level") <- (1 - alpha) * 100
# class(out) <- "ci"
# return(out)
......@@ -7,18 +7,19 @@ library(data.table)
# Sample from a GEV
N <- 50
loc = 0; scale = 1; shape <- 1
loc = 0; scale = 1; shape <- 0.1
x_gev <- rgev(N, loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape)
coord <- matrix(ncol=1, nrow = N)
colnames(coord) = c("T")
coord = data.frame(coord, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
res = fevd_fixed(x_gev, data=coord, method='MLE', verbose=TRUE, use.phi=FALSE)
# res = fevd_fixed(x_gev, data=coord, ~T, method='MLE', verbose=TRUE, use.phi=FALSE, time.units = "years", units = "years")
# print(res)
# res = fevd_fixed(x_gev, data=coord, ~T, method='MLE', verbose=FALSE, use.phi=FALSE)
# Some display for the results
# m = res$results
......@@ -31,10 +32,10 @@ print(res$results$par)
# Confidence interval staionary
method = "normal"
res_ci = ci(res, alpha = 0.05, type = c("return.level", "parameter"),
return.period = 50, method = method, xrange = NULL, nint = 20, verbose = FALSE,
tscale = FALSE)
method = "proflik"
res_ci = ci.fevd.mle(res, alpha = 0.05, type = c("return.level"),
return.period = 50, method = method, xrange = c(-200,200), nint = 10, R=502, verbose = TRUE,
tscale = FALSE, return.samples = FALSE)
# Bug to solve for the non stationary - the returned parameter do not match with the return level
......@@ -45,12 +46,12 @@ print(res_ci)
# print(r)
# param = findpars(res, qcov = v)
# print(param)
# res_ci = ci(res, alpha = 0.05, type = c("return.level", "parameter"),
# return.period = 50, method = "normal", xrange = NULL, nint = 20, verbose = FALSE,
# res_ci = ci(res, alpha = 0.05, type = c("return.level"),
# return.period = 50, method = "boot", xrange = NULL, nint = 20, verbose = FALSE,
# tscale = FALSE, return.samples = FALSE, qcov=v)
# print(res_ci)
......@@ -81,6 +81,25 @@ class TestConfidenceInterval(unittest.TestCase):
NonStationaryLocationAndScaleTemporalModel: (-15.17041284612494, 43.69511224410276, 102.56063733433047),
def test_ci_boot(self):
self.fit_method = TemporalMarginFitMethod.extremes_fevd_mle
self.ci_method = ConfidenceIntervalMethodFromExtremes.ci_boot
self.model_class_to_triplet= {
# I think the boostrapping works only in the stationary context
# In the arg of the function for the non stationary return level there is only the method "normal" available
StationaryTemporalModel: (10.260501562662334, 39.91206869180525, 120.3789497755127),
# Proflik seems to crash with the error
# def test_ci_proflik(self):
# self.fit_method = TemporalMarginFitMethod.extremes_fevd_mle
# self.ci_method = ConfidenceIntervalMethodFromExtremes.ci_proflik
# self.model_class_to_triplet= {
# # I think the profil likelihood works only in the stationary context
# # In the arg of the function for the non stationary return level there is only the method "normal" available
# StationaryTemporalModel: (-4.703945484843988, 30.482318639674023, 65.66858276419204),
# }
def tearDown(self) -> None:
for model_class, expected_triplet in self.model_class_to_triplet.items():
eurocode_ci = self.compute_eurocode_ci(model_class)
......@@ -113,6 +132,14 @@ class TestConfidenceIntervalModifiedCoordinates(TestConfidenceInterval):
self.model_class_to_triplet = {}
def test_ci_boot(self):
self.model_class_to_triplet = {}
# def test_ci_proflik(self):
# self.model_class_to_triplet = {}
# self.assertTrue(True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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