- 03 Mar, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[projection snowfall] improve one_fold_fit_merge.py. improve interval for the sensitivity plot. Add is_temperature_interval and is_shift_interval to define the intervals.
- 26 Feb, 2021 3 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
[refactor] fix issue. the temporal covariate is the the anomaly of temperature smoothed with a spline
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 25 Feb, 2021 7 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
[refactor] rename folders for one/two fold fit. move the code for the anomaly into temperature_covariate.py
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
[refactor] move altitudes_studies.py. create trend test folder inside extreme_trend. deactivate one test for param_function that was crashing globally for unknown reason (but locally the test is working).
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 24 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[projections] add visualizer_for_sensitivity.py based on visualizer_for_projection_ensemble.py. add temperature_to_year.py file. Fix max abs recurrent issue (when it was equal to zero). add one test for one fold fit, that was that due to a scale parameter that was close to zero, and was causing instabilities in the nllh value. This is fixed by changing the check for implausible in one fold fit, and by saying that if the scale parameter is close to zero then the parameter is undefined.
- 19 Feb, 2021 2 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 18 Feb, 2021 2 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
[projections] add AnomalyTemperatureTemporalCovariate and test. and anomaly computation for cmip5 global temperatures
Le Roux Erwan authored
integrate DatasetForClimateModels into altitude_studies.py
- 17 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 16 Feb, 2021 3 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
[projections] in an adamont_studies.py study can have different year_min and year max. Refactor adamont_gcm_rcm_couples.py. Add rcp_extended 2.6 et 4.5. Fix erroneous data for some couple for the scenario 8.5. Add main_data.py.
- 12 Feb, 2021 2 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 09 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[projections] add test_massif_names_adamont_v2 to check that all massifs are the same than for SAFRAN 2020. add assertion to check to the year_min and year_max for each scenario. compute bias in the mean maxima at the masssif level
- 08 Feb, 2021 2 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
generalize the usage of "get_gcm_rcm_couple_adamont_to_full_name"
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 03 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] add gap between study. and add safran 2019 from max files. add main_comparison_histo.py
- 02 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 06 Nov, 2020 2 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting v2] improve a lot of all my plots (i save both a transparent version in svg & a non transparent in png).
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting v2] download_adamont.py all studies. Lower a bit the text for some massif. files are by default generated in svg from now on. change group -> range. remove the elevation 3900 from the high-elevation range.
- 28 Oct, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 19 Oct, 2020 2 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 02 Oct, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] add general test for test_gev_spatio_temporal_polynomial_extremes_mle.py. refactor a bit
- 01 Oct, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] fix test_gev_spatio_temporal_polynomial_extremes_mle.py for computing the confidence interval. improve coherence curve. remove sensitivity checks in one fold fit. add significant percentages for histograms of models selected. deactivate some tests for speed purpose
- 29 Sep, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 28 Sep, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 25 Sep, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] add histogram for model repartition & evolution of trends. improve preliminary_analysis.py
- 21 Sep, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 18 Sep, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] improve pointwise_gev_study_visualizer.py with a linear regression against the altitude. modify the _maxima_gev depending on the fit method
- 08 Sep, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored