- 10 Mar, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[projection snowfall] add preliminary analysis for the work on model with effect related to the GCM or RCM type.
- 26 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[refactor] fix issue. the temporal covariate is the the anomaly of temperature smoothed with a spline
- 25 Feb, 2021 3 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
[refactor] rename folders for one/two fold fit. move the code for the anomaly into temperature_covariate.py
Le Roux Erwan authored
[refactor] move altitudes_studies.py. create trend test folder inside extreme_trend. deactivate one test for param_function that was crashing globally for unknown reason (but locally the test is working).
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 24 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[projections] add visualizer_for_sensitivity.py based on visualizer_for_projection_ensemble.py. add temperature_to_year.py file. Fix max abs recurrent issue (when it was equal to zero). add one test for one fold fit, that was that due to a scale parameter that was close to zero, and was causing instabilities in the nllh value. This is fixed by changing the check for implausible in one fold fit, and by saying that if the scale parameter is close to zero then the parameter is undefined.
- 23 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 22 Feb, 2021 3 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
[projections] add box plot without significance. refactor a bit the str for the plots. add inquiry for the pattern 85 that we obtain for one couple
Le Roux Erwan authored
[projections] fix max abs issue for the plots. add temperature as temporal covariate for the visualizer (and for the plot manage the covariate before and the covariate after)
Le Roux Erwan authored
[projections] fix np.nan issue, by removing models with undedefined parameters for the coordinate of interest.
- 19 Feb, 2021 3 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 18 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 04 Feb, 2021 2 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
change alpha confidence uncertainty to 80% uncertainty interval when i run the main code. create 3 qqplots overlaid, one for each altitude. remove the exclusion of some bootstrap samples (in particular we remove the threshold equal to 2000)
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 01 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 15 Jan, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] implement bootstrap confidence interval both for pointwise stationary models and for elevation-temporal models. accelerate bootstraping with multiprocessing & storing of fitted functions only (storing the estimator was impossible).
- 07 Jan, 2021 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 23 Dec, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 12 Oct, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] improve plots. add comma to the name of the models. change altitude to elevation in several plots.
- 07 Oct, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 02 Oct, 2020 3 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] for preliminary_analysis.py from now we use fevd fit method & fit on series with more than 90% of non zero maxima. improve coherence plot
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] add general test for test_gev_spatio_temporal_polynomial_extremes_mle.py. refactor a bit
- 01 Oct, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] fix test_gev_spatio_temporal_polynomial_extremes_mle.py for computing the confidence interval. improve coherence curve. remove sensitivity checks in one fold fit. add significant percentages for histograms of models selected. deactivate some tests for speed purpose
- 29 Sep, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 28 Sep, 2020 2 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] add xlabel, remove 300m from the lower altitude group. add condition that we consider only altitude for which the massif has less than 10% of non zero annual maxima. return period is changed to 100.
- 25 Sep, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] add histogram for model repartition & evolution of trends. improve preliminary_analysis.py
- 21 Sep, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] consider also the stationary model for selection. consider a level of altitude only if at least 2 altitudes are present & the reference altitude is present.
- 15 Sep, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 14 Sep, 2020 2 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 31 Aug, 2020 2 commits
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] add temporal covariate argument to the margin model class, so that we could use the global temperature as covariate.
Le Roux Erwan authored
[contrasting] display individual model fitted with all data (300-4800). Display only the best non-stationary model if it passes the Anderson fit test.
- 30 Jul, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 29 Jul, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 28 Jul, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored
- 27 Jul, 2020 1 commit
Le Roux Erwan authored