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Created with Raphaël 2.2.025Jan19158723Dec226Nov2523191816121110628Oct232219171412872129Sep2825211816151410983131Aug30Jul292827242220171615230Jun2926252423181716151211815May1330Apr292722201918171587631Mar302726252423201918167643228Feb27261813121110730Jan24222120138718Dec17161110532129Nov2827262523222113731Oct3028252422211816420Sep1918111095431Jul2925171615121Jun19181712111097654329May2827232221201615141310976328Mar252221201918118754128Feb26252221201913121124Jan2214319Dec1413121065430Nov292827262321151413976[slides] fix adamont studies plot. add some plots for the slides.[contrasting] add plot to compare the size of confidence interval between the pointwise approach and the piecewise elevational-temporal approach. bootstrap level is set to 100[contrasting] implement bootstrap confidence interval both for pointwise stationary models and for elevation-temporal models. accelerate bootstraping with multiprocessing & storing of fitted functions only (storing the estimator was impossible).[contrasting] harmonize coherence plot & preliminary plot. add verification script for return levels.[contrasting] add coherence with elevation on the y axis[contrasting] decompose the coherence plot into 4 subplots.[contrasting] change reference altititudes. change cmap for the plots. change axis for the preliminary plots.[contrasting] plots modification after nico's commentsadd delta analysisadd angle for ribatet[contrasted] add massif_name_to_annual_total to abstract_study. add plot that compare side by side the total snowfall & maxima of snowfall.try to implement the method for the paper 2 on projected snowfall.add script to compute longitude and latitude for Ribatet.improve the script for Ribatet. add one method to abstract_study.pytwo new scripts. One for Nico. One for CMIP5.[contrasting] fix one plot for the paper 2[snow projection] add rank analysis & relative bias analysis[snow projection] improve rank & bias plots. remove dataset attribute for[snow projection] improve drastically the loading time for the based on a simple conversion to numpy array.[contrasting v2] fix one condition. keep all one fold fit, with at least one valid (and not one non stationary model). change xlabel for in[contrasting v2] improve a lot of all my plots (i save both a transparent version in svg & a non transparent in png).[contrasting v2] all studies. Lower a bit the text for some massif. files are by default generated in svg from now on.add scenario rcp85_extended and how to handle it.add mean bias plot. add assert for bissectile years. add fix for the max year of some rcp scenarioadd altitude argument to adamont studies. refactor a bit. add time series display for adamont seriesadd comparison with scm. add massif_name_to_daily_time_series to abstract_study.pyImprove adamont snowfall. for managing different scenarios & gcm_rcm_couplesAdd Study For DateFirstSnowfall, and try to apply my latest code on it[contrasting] final plots before sending the v1[contrasting] improve plots. last version of the plot for the v1. improve the size of the label. improve also the process to get the legend for coherence plot[contrasting] improve plots. add comma to the name of the models. change altitude to elevation in several plots.[contrasting] improve plots for the first version of the paper.[contrasting] add shoe plot. improve many plots.[contrasting] improve coherence plot & trend histogram[contrasting] for from now we use fevd fit method & fit on series with more than 90% of non zero maxima. improve coherence plot[contrasting] add general test for refactor a bit[contrasting] fix for computing the confidence interval. improve coherence curve. remove sensitivity checks in one fold fit. add significant percentages for histograms of models selected. deactivate some tests for speed purpose[contrasting] add dataset with last maxima removed. add add qqplots[contrasting] add remove top maxima from dataset[contrasting] add xlabel, remove 300m from the lower altitude group. add condition that we consider only altitude for which the massif has less than 10% of non zero annual maxima. return period is changed to 100.