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'airGR' based Integrated Water Resource Management Model.
This R package works on top of on the 'airGR' package. It aims to model the catchment area with a semi-distributed model integrating human infrastructures and their management.
Topics: R packageUpdated -
MAGE est un logiciel de simulation monodimensionnelle d'écoulement en rivière en régime transitoire. Son domaine d'application privilégié est la simulation des crues et des zones inondées. Les équations utilisées sont les équations de Saint-Venant.
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Simulation du transport de polluant et de sédiments fins en suspension (MES) dans un écoulement 1D. Ce code est couplé (couplage en cascade sans rétroaction) avec MAGE
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R package. Teaching Hydrological Modelling with the GR Rainfall-Runoff Models ('Shiny' Interface Included)
Topics: R packageUpdated -
R package providing functions for forest analysis using airborne laser scanning (lidar remote sensing) data. R package lidaRtRee has moved to https://forgemia.inra.fr/lidar/lidaRtRee Documentation and tutorials are on https://lidar.pages.mia.inra.fr/lidaRtRee/
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Tutorials for forest analysis with airborne laser scanning (lidar) remote sensing. Tree detection and segmentation, field plot co-registration, forest parameters and habitat metrics mapping, forest gaps and edges detection. lidaRtRee_tutorials are now integrated as vignettes of the R package lidaRtRee. Documentation and tutorials are on https://lidar.pages.mia.inra.fr/lidaRtRee/
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OhmPi is an open hardware resistivity meter to provide the scientific community with a robust and flexible tool for monitoring experiments. THIS REPOSITORY IS A READ-ONLY MIRROR OF https://gitlab.com/ohmpi/ohmpi
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Shiny app to select French catchments based on hydro-climatic and morphological criteria
Topics: Shiny appUpdated -
pdf2blocs merge the resultS of two others softwares pdftotext and pdftohtml. The pdf conversion was optimized to translate the Plant Health Alert Bulletin into html files. This project is part of the d2kab project.
Topics: text extract...Updated