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VGEST is software developped in Pascal which serve to calculate water volume limits to be respected in reservoirs set up in parallel on a hydrographic network, to allow the best future satisfaction of a common downstream management objective.
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Publication des metadonnées d'api-platform.
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R package for grabbing data from Seine Grands Lacs web site (https://seinegrandslacs.fr/fr/quatre-lacs-reservoirs-au-coeur-dun-bassin) and store them on a Thingsboard IoT platform (https://thingsboard.io/).
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Package R regroupant les données et analyses de la modélisation des usages sur le bassin versant de la Seine dans le cadre du projet IN-WOP.
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R package wrapping the jalhyd library
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The Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) extension for Deep Learning. Enable the use of TensorFlow models on Remote Sensing images. Provides OTB applications for patches sampling, model training, model inference, hybrid models, and so on.
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