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Package has moved to https://gitlab.com/pytools4dart/pytools4dart
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Python bindings for the evalhyd utility
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MAGE est un logiciel de simulation monodimensionnelle d'écoulement en rivière en régime transitoire. Son domaine d'application privilégié est la simulation des crues et des zones inondées. Les équations utilisées sont les équations de Saint-Venant.
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Command line interface for the evalhyd utility
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The Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) extension for Deep Learning. Enable the use of TensorFlow models on Remote Sensing images. Provides OTB applications for patches sampling, model training, model inference, hybrid models, and so on.
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Convert DMP OPIDOR's maDMP data model into a metadata record in the geonetwork server
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Scripts pour la préparation de la base de donnée (entraînement) pour la classification d'occupation du sol (Occitanie) et pour son évaluation (pixel/objet)
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Demo ; simple interactive tool to show the probability of occurence of k floods with a return period superior to T in N years. It also displays the addition from 0 to k, i.e. the probability of k such floods at most.
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A python framework to analyze data about large scale land acquisition extracted from the Land Matrix database from a network analysis perspective.