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Importance and effectiveness of correction methods for spatial sampling bias in species with sex-specific habitat preference
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Debugging components for Angular, using PrimeNG.
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Experiments conducted with STR (https://gitlab.irstea.fr/jacques.fize/str-python).
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R scripts to connect R software with Cormas platform.
running simulations visualize and analyse resultsUpdated -
Tutorials for forest analysis with airborne laser scanning (lidar) remote sensing. Tree detection and segmentation, field plot co-registration, forest parameters and habitat metrics mapping, forest gaps and edges detection. lidaRtRee_tutorials are now integrated as vignettes of the R package lidaRtRee. Documentation and tutorials are on https://lidar.pages.mia.inra.fr/lidaRtRee/
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Collect tweets for H2020 MOOD project
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Codes didactiques pour manipuler les notions de période de retour des crues, avec texte explicatif sur le wiki. Ces codes ont servi à illustrer le billet de blog "La « crue centennale » prise la main dans le sac !" de l'association EauDyssée, à destination du grand public. Le développement se poursuit en parallèle en anglais (projet "bag of floods").
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Geosud QGis plugin to convert DN images into TOA
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Sample that demonstrate how to locally load json data (from Vino project) and plot it using plotly lib.
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Ansible project to deploy the adatalake
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Off-hand Object User Interface generates automatically graphical forms from a Java Object using introspection.
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