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R bindings for the evalhyd utility
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'airGR' based Integrated Water Resource Management Model.
This R package works on top of on the 'airGR' package. It aims to model the catchment area with a semi-distributed model integrating human infrastructures and their management.
Topics: R packageUpdated -
Lecture notes on numerical modeling for treatment wetland for water pollution control
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HYCAR-Hydro / airGRgalaxy / airGRdatasets
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 InternationalR package. Hydro-Meteorological Catchments Datasets for the 'airGR' Galaxy
Topics: R packageUpdated -
archived 0Updatedarchived 0Updated
OhmPi is an open hardware resistivity meter to provide the scientific community with a robust and flexible tool for monitoring experiments. Documentation: https://reversaal.gitlab.irstea.page/OhmPi
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