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R package. Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling
Topics: R packageUpdated -
'airGR' based Integrated Water Resource Management Model.
This R package works on top of on the 'airGR' package. It aims to model the catchment area with a semi-distributed model integrating human infrastructures and their management.
Topics: R packageUpdated -
Utils for RS data objects manipulation (extents, etc.)
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reversaal / Open Treatment Wetland - data exchange format initiative
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0The "OpenTW: data exchange format initiative" aims at sharing and promoting a standardized format for data exchange among the treatment wetland community.
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archived 0Updated
This project aims to compare several EBS tools in terms of spatio-temporal and thematic aspects
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Demo app to draw marbles from a bag as an analogy to discovering this year's flood return period. Series of draws allow to comment on the probability to be flooded in a given period of N years, and comment on flood variability.
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Projet de notebooks conteneurisés avec des services permettant la visualisation et l'accès aux rasters en format Cloud Optimized Geotiff.
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