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French Hydrological Signature Analysis. The project enables to retrieve different hydrological signatures and compare it with landscape attributes. Landscape attributes are retrieved from spatial analysis of different geo(morpho)logical controls.
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Tutoriel "sur mesure" pour HyPoPo :
rappel des bases de Python ; MatPlotLib par étapes et par l'exemple : objets de mpl ; figures simples, chroniques, avec plusieurs vignettes, cartes ; les légendes... tutographie modules utiles au dvlptUpdated -
Scripts pour la préparation de la base de donnée (entraînement) pour la classification d'occupation du sol (Occitanie) et pour son évaluation (pixel/objet)
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Decoupes Remy / H-TFIDF_extract_tweets_for_sentiment_analysis
CeCILL-B Free Software License AgreementFollow up covid19-tweets-mood-tetis with some extract for sentiment analysis !
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DEMO : Interactive tool for teaching. It generates maximum annual discharges from a Gumbel distribution to demonstrate the variability of floods, and fits an estimated Gumbel distribution. The sample can be increased at will.
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Scenes is a helper to use collections of VHRS images (e.g. Spot-6/7)
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The method calculates the water balance. This information makes it possible to intervene usefully in the water supply of the palm tree. It is thus possible to assess the quantity of water available to the palm tree in relation to its needs.
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OhmPi is an open hardware resistivity meter to provide the scientific community with a robust and flexible tool for monitoring experiments. Documentation: https://reversaal.gitlab.irstea.page/OhmPi
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Projet de notebooks conteneurisés avec des services permettant la visualisation et l'accès aux rasters en format Cloud Optimized Geotiff.
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