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Python bindings for the evalhyd utility
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Command line interface for the evalhyd utility
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OhmPi is an open hardware resistivity meter to provide the scientific community with a robust and flexible tool for monitoring experiments. THIS REPOSITORY IS A READ-ONLY MIRROR OF https://gitlab.com/ohmpi/ohmpi
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MAGE est un logiciel de simulation monodimensionnelle d'écoulement en rivière en régime transitoire. Son domaine d'application privilégié est la simulation des crues et des zones inondées. Les équations utilisées sont les équations de Saint-Venant.
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Package has moved to https://gitlab.com/pytools4dart/pytools4dart
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Agricultural frozen areas detection from Sentinel-1 SAR time series
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Scenes is a helper to use collections of VHRS images (e.g. Spot-6/7)
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Tranfered to https://gitlab.com/pytools4dart/generateds
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This RDF dataset contains the measurements generated by one of the meteorological stations that Irstea owns in its experimental farm at Montoldre. The dataset contains measurements collected from August 2018 up to day. This dataset is updated daily.
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An API to request uniformly Gazetteer like Geonames and others
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