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MAGE est un logiciel de simulation monodimensionnelle d'écoulement en rivière en régime transitoire. Son domaine d'application privilégié est la simulation des crues et des zones inondées. Les équations utilisées sont les équations de Saint-Venant.
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Python bindings for the evalhyd utility
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Command line interface for the evalhyd utility
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This project aims to compare several EBS tools in terms of spatio-temporal and thematic aspects
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This interactive tool estimates the backwater curve in a chanel with an imposed level downstream. Two sliders modify the roughness (expressed as a Strickler coefficient = 1/Manning coefficient) and delta_h, computation step. french legend
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Python library dedicated to LSPIV studies. Contains several modules to extract, arrange and display data from Fudaa-LSPIV projects. Works carried on image-based methods for surface velocity determination will also be integrated in this lib
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pour regrouper ici toutes les infos, surtout celles qui sont difficiles à trouver (attention, les fonctions évoluent ! ! )
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Projet de notebooks conteneurisés avec des services permettant la visualisation et l'accès aux rasters en format Cloud Optimized Geotiff.
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The Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) extension for Deep Learning. Enable the use of TensorFlow models on Remote Sensing images. Provides OTB applications for patches sampling, model training, model inference, hybrid models, and so on.
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