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A python framework to analyze data about large scale land acquisition extracted from the Land Matrix database from a network analysis perspective.
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OhmPi is an open hardware resistivity meter to provide the scientific community with a robust and flexible tool for monitoring experiments. Documentation: https://reversaal.gitlab.irstea.page/OhmPi
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QGIS processing scripts for CIRAD-TETIS Land Monitoring tools.
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Geosud QGis plugin to convert DN images into TOA
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Multitransect Averaged Profile (MAP) is a tool wich permite to generate an averaged river cross section for an ADCP measurement with multiple transects.
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The MORINGA processing chain: land cover mapping from VHSR imagery and HR time series using OBIA
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Synthetic River toolkit is a Python library designed to extract, arrange and display data from synthetic river simulations. It aims to compare reference velocities from simulation to measurements. Compatibility with LSPyIV lib is proposed.
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Python library dedicated to LSPIV studies. Contains several modules to extract, arrange and display data from Fudaa-LSPIV projects. Works carried on image-based methods for surface velocity determination will also be integrated in this lib
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Tool to automatically extract multiple ADCP data with QRevInt analysis and OURSIN uncertainty.
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Codes didactiques pour manipuler les notions de période de retour des crues, avec texte explicatif sur le wiki. Ces codes ont servi à illustrer le billet de blog "La « crue centennale » prise la main dans le sac !" de l'association EauDyssée, à destination du grand public. Le développement se poursuit en parallèle en anglais (projet "bag of floods").
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pour regrouper ici toutes les infos, surtout celles qui sont difficiles à trouver (attention, les fonctions évoluent ! ! )
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