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Package has moved to https://gitlab.com/pytools4dart/pytools4dart
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Outils de construction de présentation reveal.js à partir de fichiers Markdown.
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Application web pour gérer son temps selon la méthode des pomodori, avec intégration Gitlab.
Topics: pomodoriUpdated -
Exemple d'utilisation d'openlayer pour l'affichage d'un geojson
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OhmPi is an open hardware resistivity meter to provide the scientific community with a robust and flexible tool for monitoring experiments. Documentation: https://reversaal.gitlab.irstea.page/OhmPi
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OhmPi is an open hardware resistivity meter to provide the scientific community with a robust and flexible tool for monitoring experiments. THIS REPOSITORY IS A READ-ONLY MIRROR OF https://gitlab.com/ohmpi/ohmpi
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Useful decorators and operators for ngx dev
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Debugging components for Angular, using PrimeNG.