manage Admin Express
Management of ADMIN EXPRESS database
ADMIN EXPRESS is a DB that describes the administrative organization for France. It is maintained by IGN. In 2022, its version is 3.1 and it is describes in ADMIN EXPRESS Version 3.1. Descriptif de contenu et de livraison (2021-11). There is 3 formats :
- ADMIN EXPRESS that is updated each month, more or less
- ADMIN EXPRESS COG that is maintained each year
- ADMIN EXPRESS COG CARTO that i a view of the later, designed for cartographic purpose (less details, limits of commune that fit contour of land...)
All formats can be downloaded from IGN or from data.cquest :
- gives the link to archive for IGN, but no clear access to older version. In fact, old versions are given in another DB [geofla]( gives)
- gives the link to archive without restriction in terms of date. Normally the archives have exactly the same name as for IGN.
Functions/dataset to be added
download_admin_express - description download the data from official repository (and data.cquest as it is by far more reliable...)
- adaptation of download.admin_express
- use new journal → add_journal_new (à renommer en add_journal)
- output archive in original version
adapt_admin_express - description format the data from official repository in aimed data based on scheme_admin_express_3_1
- adaptation of adapt.admin_express
- use new journal (add_log_info)
- output: archive in formatted version
- prise en compte de la proposition d'ajout de @maxime.modjeska #23 (comment 79361)
scheme_admin_express_3_1 - description global data to be used for formatting data
- verification of what has already be done
analyse_admin_express -
description some analyses to be performed after downloading and formatting. At least:
- new communes given
- old communes dismissed
- possible implication on a give scope (so-ii)
description some analyses to be performed after downloading and formatting. At least:
vignettes/admin_express - description presentation of the data
For each function/dataset. Please follow this procedure
creation of function
code of function -
documentation of function -
example for function -
test for function
creation of dataset
script for creation of "raw" data (if needed) -
storage of raw data in ascii format, normally in inst/extdata -
script in to maintain data in /data-raw -
documentation of data