• Grelot Frederic's avatar
    catnat, population, clc · 9dbbbaeb
    Grelot Frederic authored
    - catnat dataset remplace gaspar dataset
    	- passage en array pour garder les types d'aléa
    - estimate_catnat_freq incluse dans la librairie
    - population dataset pour la population
    - clc_color dataset pour les couleurs et label de clc
    - map_so_ii inclus population, gère les légendes pour les thèmes
    - dossier script hors librairie por garder la trace des mises à jour des données (doit aller dand floodam.data)
    0 errors :heavy_check_mark: | 0 warnings :heavy_check_mark: | 1 note :heavy_multiplication_x:
    Mais la note concerne le temps...
map_so_ii.r 5.60 KiB
#' @title Plot a thematic map of so-ii
#' @details 
#' hazard must be chosen in c("inondation", "submersion", "nappe").
#' @param dataset sf objectf, data to be plotted
#' @param dataset_legend list of parameters to be passed to legend
#' @param theme character, choice for the theme (if any)
#' @param bar logical, should a bar be plotted for the dataset
#' @param path character, the name of the file to save the plot
#' @param legend_theme logical, should a legend be plotted for the theme
#' @param year character, the year chosen for some themes (catnat, population)
#' @param hazard character, type of hazard chosen (if any). See details.
#' @param ...  some parameters that will be used by plot (from sf)
#' @return Nothing useful.
#' @export
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @author Frédéric Grelot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # To be added (soon)
#' }
map_so_ii = function(
    dataset_legend = NULL,
    theme = "clc",
    bar = TRUE,
    path = NULL,
    legend_theme = FALSE,
) {
    if (!is.null(path)) {
            EXPR = tolower(tools::file_ext(path)),
            "pdf" = grDevices::pdf(path),
            "png" = grDevices::png(path),
            stop(sprintf("%s not recognized", tolower(tools::file_ext(path))))
    ## Init map
    graphics::par(mai = c(.65, .60, .50, .15))
    plot(geau::so_ii_limit, axes = TRUE)
    if ("clc" %in% theme) {
            border = NA,
            col = geau::so_ii_clc[["color"]],
            add = TRUE
        theme_legend = list(
            title = "CLC (2018)",
            legend = geau::clc_color[["label_fr"]],
            x = "topright",
            cex = .8,
            bg = "white",
            inset = 0.01,
            fill = geau::clc_color[["color"]]
) } if ("population" %in% theme) { if (missing(year)) { year = utils::tail(sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_population)), 1) } population_palette = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5) color = matrix( scales::cscale( geau::so_ii_population, population_palette, trans = scales::log_trans()), nrow = nrow(geau::so_ii_population), dimnames = dimnames(geau::so_ii_population) ) border = "grey80" plot( geau::so_ii_commune[["geometry"]], border = border, col = color[ , year], add = TRUE ) value_legend = c(100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 250000) color_legend = scales::cscale( c(range(geau::so_ii_population), value_legend), population_palette, trans = scales::log_trans() )[-(1:2)] text_legend = formatC( as.integer(value_legend), big.mark = " " ) theme_legend = list( title = sprintf("Population %s", year), legend = rep("", length(text_legend)), x = "topright", cex = .8, bg = "white", inset = 0.01, fill = color_legend, border = border, text.width = graphics::strwidth(utils::tail(text_legend, 1)) ) } if ("catnat" %in% theme) { border = NA color = NA if (!missing(year)) { border = "grey80" if (missing(hazard)) { hazard = dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]] } else { hazard = intersect( hazard, dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]] ) if (length(hazard) == 0) { hazard = dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]] } } catnat = apply( geau::so_ii_catnat[, as.character(year), hazard, drop = FALSE], 1:2, sum )
color = ifelse( catnat > 0, scales::alpha("grey80", .5), NA ) theme_legend = list( title = sprintf("Cat-Nat %s", year), legend = c("Sans d\u00e9claration", "Avec d\u00e9claration"), x = "topright", cex = .8, bg = "white", inset = 0.01, fill = unique(color), border = border ) } plot( geau::so_ii_commune[["geometry"]], border = border, col = color, add = TRUE ) } plot(dataset[["geometry"]], add = TRUE, ...) plot(geau::so_ii_limit, lwd = 2, add = TRUE) if (bar == TRUE) { terra::sbar( 10, c(3.55, 43.47), type = "bar", below = "km", label = c(0, 5, 10), cex = .8 ) } if (!is.null(dataset_legend)) { dataset_legend = c( x = "bottomright", cex = .8, bg = "white", inset = 0.01, dataset_legend) do.call(graphics::legend, dataset_legend) } if (legend_theme == TRUE && exists("theme_legend")) { temp = do.call(graphics::legend, theme_legend) if (exists("text_legend")) { graphics::text( x = temp[["rect"]][["left"]] + temp[["rect"]][["w"]], y = temp[["text"]][["y"]], labels = text_legend, pos = 2 ) } } return(invisible(NULL)) }