Commit 45f55593 authored by Grelot Frederic's avatar Grelot Frederic :swimmer_tone5:
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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/current_version.r
\title{Find the current version of some data}
current_version(path, ...)
\item{path}{character path to a directory where to find data}
\item{...}{some extra parameters that will be passed to dir(path, ...)}
character path of the file corresponding the current version of the data
Find the current version of some data
# To be added (soon)
Frédéric Grelot
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/kable_units.R
% Please edit documentation in R/kable_units.r
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/map_so_ii.r
\title{Plot a thematic map of so-ii}
dataset_legend = NULL,
theme = "clc",
bar = TRUE,
path = NULL,
\item{dataset}{sf objectf, data to be plotted}
\item{dataset_legend}{list of parameters to be passed to legend}
\item{theme}{character, choice for the theme (if any)}
\item{bar}{logical, should a bar be plotted}
\item{path}{character, the name of the file to save the plot}
\item{...}{some parameters that will be used by plot (from sf)}
Nothing useful.
Plot a thematic map of so-ii
# To be added (soon)
Frédéric Grelot
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
\title{List of all collectivities included in so-ii}
sf data.frame 69 rows, 7 variables
\item{id}{id, from IGN ADMIN EXPRESS}
\item{commune}{character, official name of the commune}
\item{commune_majuscule}{character, official capitalized name of the commune}
\item{code}{character, INSEE code of the commune}
\{statut}{character, "statut" of the commune}
\{pop_yyy}{integer, official population of year yyyy in the commune}
\{epci}{characeter, INSEE ID of the EPCI of the commune}
A dataset containing the INSEE code of all local collectivities
included in so-ii
Basically this dataset is obtained as a selection from the layer
COMMUNE in ADMIN EXPRESS, more a renaming of variables.
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
\title{Spatial perimeter of so-ii}
sfc_POLYGON of length 1
sf data.frame 1337 rows, 2 variables
\item{clc_2018}{character, classification from CLC 2018}
\item{color}{character, default color to be used to plot so_ii_clc}
A dataset containing the perimeter of so-ii.
A dataset containing the Corine Land Cover information on so-ii.
Basically, this dataset is obtained as
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
\title{Local collectivities included in so-ii}
a vector of 69 INSEE code
A dataset containing the INSEE code of all local collectivities
(communes) included in so-ii
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