Commit 674b1852 authored by David Nortes Martínez's avatar David Nortes Martínez
Browse files

Treatment for the hydrographic network dataset

Showing with 26 additions and 0 deletions
+26 -0
# code to prepare `so_ii_hydro` dataset goes here
selection = c("gid", "CdOH", "TopoOH")
version = current_version("data-common/so-ii/topage",
pattern = "^[0-9]")
so_ii_hydro = sf::st_read(file.path(version, "cours-eau-so-ii.shp"))[selection]
so_ii_hydro = sf::st_transform(so_ii_hydro, sf::st_crs(geau::so_ii_limit))
classif_hydro = read.csv2(
current_version("data-common/so-ii/topage", pattern = "courseau"),
colClasses = "character",
row.names = 1
so_ii_hydro = merge(
so_ii_hydro, classif_hydro,
by.x = selection,
by.y = c("id_1", "id_2", "cours_eau")
# updating datasets
# actual = setwd(file.path(system.file(package = "geau"), ".."))
actual = setwd("geau")
usethis::use_data(so_ii_hydro, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
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