_site_details.JSON 2.07 KB
Newer Older
		"name": "John Caspersen",
		"email": "john.caspersen@utoronto.ca",
 		"affiliation": "Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, Canada"
  	"agreement": "Census data from Canadian provinces provided by John Caspersen and Quebec data provided by the MERN through a data use agremenet with G. Kunstler and Irstea. Data can not be shared with other parties",
 	"dataset": {
	"name": "Candaian Provincial Forest Inventory Dataset",
 	"country": "Canada",
 	"climate": "humid temperate in eastern Canada and near the great lakes, semiarid in the prairie provinces, marine temperate on the west coast, and subarctic in the north",
 	"vegetation type": "temperate forests in the great lakes region and on the east and west coasts, boreal or Taiga in the north",
 	"latitude":  "41-83.5 deg N",
 	"longitude": "52.7-141 deg W",
 	"minimum tree size": "Varies from province to province. According to the provincial documentation, the minimum varies from 1 to 9 cm (depending on the province), but recorded values in some provinces are lower (e.g. 0.1 cm)",
 	"history": "Varies from province to province: we only included data collected after 1980.",
 	"field methodology": "There is no national standard yet (though there will be soon), so each province uses a different sampling method. Most provinces use circular plots, usually about 400 m2 in area, but plot size can vary both within and between provinces. The measurement interval is usually 5-15 years, but ranges from 1 to 28 years.",
 	"trait information": ""
 	"references": ["",
			"contents":"Tree table with two measurements"},
			"contents":"Lookup table for Ecoregion code used in Canadian trees table which is the same as US FIA data."},
			"contents":"Lookup table for Canadian species codes, which are the same US FIA species codes, except for species whose code is greater than 9000 (these species do not occur in the FIA database)"}