Commit 22bf3be5 authored by Daniel Falster's avatar Daniel Falster
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var,units,Description sp,, the species code used in other tables Latin_name,,the latin name of the species Leaf.N.mean,mg/g,Leaf Nitrogen per mass Seed.mass.mean,mg,seed mass SLA.mean,mm2/mg,specific leaf area Wood.density.mean,mg/mm3,wood density,,,,,,,, Leaf.N.exp,, Seed.mass.exp,, SLA.exp,, Wood.density.exp,, Leaf.N.genus,, Seed.mass.genus,, SLA.genus,, Wood.density.genus,, Leaf.N.nobs,, Seed.mass.nobs,, SLA.nobs,, Wood.density.nobs,, Max.height.mean,,"from NFI data I compute the 99% quantile in m and the same columns with ,sd, instead of ,mean, with either the mean sd within species if species mean or the mean sd with genus if genus mean because no species data a dummy variable with true or false if genus mean",,
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var,Description, a unique identifier of observqtion (if multiple observation for a same tree), a unique identifier of each tree sp, the species code, cluster, plot, the plot code ecocode, the ecoregion code (trying to merge similar ecoregion to have ecoregion with enough observation per ecoregion) D, diameter growth in cm G, the diameter growth rate in mm / yr. dead, a dummy variable 0 alive 1 dead year, the number of year for the growth measurement htot, the height of the individual (m) for the data base for which it is availble to compute max height per species Lon, Longitude of the plot in WGS84 Lat, Latitude of teh plots in WGS84 perc.dead, the percentage of dead computed on each plot to exlude plot with perturbation (equal 1 for plot with known perturbation) weights, the weigths of teh tree to have an estimation of basal area per m^2 (so 1/(m^2)) census, the name of the year of the census 1
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