Commit d561771f authored by Daniel Falster's avatar Daniel Falster
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+0 -9
......@@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ rm(list = ls())
<<<<<<< HEAD
dir.create("../../output/process/Spain", recursive=TRUE,showWarnings=FALSE)
dir.create("../../output/process/Spain", recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
>>>>>>> Makefile for data processing
######################### READ DATA read individuals tree data
data.spain <- read.table("../../data/raw/Spain/Tree_data_SFI_aug13_alldata.txt",
......@@ -25,12 +21,7 @@ res.quant.boot <- t(sapply(levels(factor(data.spain[["SP_code"]])), FUN = f.quan
data.max.height <- data.frame(sp = rownames(res.quant.boot), Max.height.mean = res.quant.boot[,
1], = res.quant.boot[, 2], Max.height.nobs = res.quant.boot[, 3], stringsAsFactors =FALSE)
<<<<<<< HEAD
write.csv(data.max.height, file = "../../output/process/Spain/data.max.height.csv") ## I was planning to save processed data in that folder
write.csv(data.max.height, file = "../../output/process/Spain/max.height.csv") ## I was planning to save processed data in that folder
>>>>>>> Makefile for data processing
################################## FORMAT INDIVIDUAL TREE DATA
data.spain$G <- data.spain[["adbh"]] ## diameter growth in mm per year
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