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Created with Raphaël 2.2.026Jan2320191816141397527Dec20181623Nov21108720Oct131086543230Sep2928262524191816121037Aug27Jul26241526Jun23201913125228May262421142130Apr232216931Mar211915141326Feb21201975323Jan2217920Dec1918171119Nov18151412118654329Oct28252422212019181716151413127432126Sep2524201918191817161716151312111096543229Aug2827262524232019181716151312109854229Jul2726fixed merge issuecensus 2commit changed censustry to solve issue with INLA adding info priorupdate figure of main paperprogress on figurenew figure based on Daniel commentsupdate stanfirst version of inla fitfix error multi4fix error multi3fix error multi2fix error multistart inlafix error in multi traitsMerge branch 'master' of process data multiFurther edits on methodsFix errors in csl styleinclude Daniel comments on methodsMerge branch 'master' of .cpp nameBuild text from csv fileRework equations and textstart plot in Rfirst draft of paper doneprocess new outputfixed error multi traits 3fixed error multi traits 2fixed error multi traitsadavance paperoutput alllaunch for allminor problem output 2minor problem outputoutput changed 2output changedchange launchclean R/analysisprogress on methods for paper and fixe issue in traits std