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Created with Raphaël 2.2.029May28272616Apr6Feb328Jan27262320191816141397527Dec20181623Nov21108720Oct131086543230Sep2928262524191816121037Aug27Jul26241526Jun23201913125228May262421142130Apr232216931Mar211915141326Feb21201975323Jan2217920Dec1918171119Nov18151412118654329Oct28252422212019181716151413127432126Sep2524201918191817161716151312111096543229Aug2827262524232019181716151312109854229Jul2726change writing of bugs file for jags 4change writing of bugs file for jags 3change writing of bugs file for jags 2change writing of bugs file for jagsfixe error in resampling with only one censusfix bugs in launch jagsnew launch jagsupdate jagsprogress on jagsnew R2m R2cnew version of paper and fixed launchfixe launchstart rev add japanprocess Multiinclude Mark comments and update ref format and author affiliationfixe bug stanversion of paper to send to Markupdate paperMulti launchstan launch bugs fixedfinish changes on figsprogress figure and process new results clusterwork on figureslaunch stanbugs fixed in launch two census typeadd error message for select one censuslmer ready to run multiple census 2lmer ready to run multiple censusfixed merge issuecensus 2commit changed censustry to solve issue with INLA adding info priorupdate figure of main paperprogress on figurenew figure based on Daniel commentsupdate stanfirst version of inla fitfix error multi4fix error multi3fix error multi2