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Created with Raphaël 2.2.021Feb201975323Jan2217920Dec1918171119Nov18151412118654329Oct28252422212019181716151413127432126Sep2524201918191817161716151312111096543229Aug2827262524232019181716151312109854229Jul2726start write lmer all data modelglobal format and functoin to remove growth outlierglobal formatadded evergreen and angio plus global standardizationstart to get angio-conif D EVadded model with no log BAminor change in function for outputchanged to estimate with un std data plus advance on processing dataprocess glmer and lmer adn new residual plotschange in figuressurvival and growth model with lme4Makefile updated for reportaccept Daniel edits to the reportGeneral editting of textGeneral editting of textRemove italics on multi-letter terms in quations.Clean extra white space at EOLprogress report first version3report progress startednew Luquillo datanew processing and testtalk esaresults of JapanFix error in JSON file: Replace double quotes with single quotesfixed issue in - find trait R scriptnew lmer model to runlmer code for Tf effect on max growth as wellfirst new figuresprogress in ploting resultsformat tree data japanfixe errorspecies name fixed in Spain Sweden Swiss and growth negative fixed BCIstarted to analyse output lmer for figscwm and focal species plot by climatemoved to test functionfunction to process output of lmermakefile2 deletedminor changes Mbaiki traits scriptlmer for cluster