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Created with Raphaël 2.2.05Jan27Dec20181623Nov21108720Oct131086543230Sep2928262524191816121037Aug27Jul26241526Jun23201913125228May262421142130Apr232216931Mar211915141326Feb21201975323Jan2217920Dec1918171119Nov18151412118654329Oct28252422212019181716151413127432126Sep2524201918191817161716151312111096543229Aug2827262524232019181716151312109854229Jul2726change .cpp nameBuild text from csv fileRework equations and textstart plot in Rfirst draft of paper doneprocess new outputfixed error multi traits 3fixed error multi traits 2fixed error multi traitsadavance paperoutput alllaunch for allminor problem output 2minor problem outputoutput changed 2output changedchange launchclean R/analysisprogress on methods for paper and fixe issue in traits stdoutput all with sp.namemodification of processing of outputlaunch with new datafix bugs in GLOBALadd Paracou heightstart new figuresupdated output functionmerge.bionmes for last estimsave sd and mean used in scaling to do prediction fix bug4save sd and mean used in scaling to do prediction fix bug3save sd and mean used in scaling to do prediction fix bug2save sd and mean used in scaling to do prediction fix bugsave sd and mean used in scaling to do predictionmodification of launch lmeroutput process bug fixedchanges to process lmer output to inlude bolker test of convergencedplyr error when no competitor solvedfix issue with CWM.absdplyr final versiontest.dplyrtest.dplyrfixed issue with dplyrfixed bug in new version for tropicla plots