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Created with Raphaël 2.2.028Jun2726252423212019Rearranged code in the serve command.cobracobraEmbed the streaming server.Starting using cobra.Using logrus instead of an homebrew logger.Added a small test script.mastermasterUse spf13/viper to load the configuration.Log the process PID.Dev config update.Missing import.Typo.Some logger fixes.Fixed .gitignore.Fixed signal (non-)handling on Windows.Small enhancements of the log package.Working with NATS.Starting again, using NATS.Slowly refactoring the API.Added helpers to pass Loggers through context.Context.Starting to build a client.Working !More and more rework.Refactoring using line configuration.Working logger with fields.Log stub.Big refactoring.Properly end closing.Working on STDIO.Refactored the connection handler to use an event loop.Added dispatcher.Relay.Got rid of locks in dispatcher.First commit.