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  • v18.11
You can move around the graph by using the arrow keys.
Created with Raphaël 2.2.023Jan151411Dec105428Nov221513516Oct1525Sep241312111065423Aug221724Jul232016109228Jun191814135Apr28Mar2726Minor docker changes.dockerdockerTypo in Dockerfile comment.Updated the Dockerfile to reduce size.mastermasterSave space by removing doc and tests from librairies.demo : chaillou onlyAdded Dockerfile.PCAmdsUIfirst test on ACP_plotDownload_plotDownload_plotRevert "plot size button"Revert "download the last plot"download the last plotplot size buttonsize limit : 30MBUpdate git clone'Shiny server Installation' in README.mdv18.11v18.11NArm=FALSE dans tableGlomadd shiny-server.confAdd LICENSEMerge branch 'master' of de bord dans la table agglomerate_taxaeffet de bord dans la table agglomerate_taxatable optionsglomTableglomTableMerge branch 'master' into glomTablebenchmarkMerge branch 'master' of branch 'master' of branch 'master' of perf.Radd perf.RacpScriptscriptscripttreeScriptnetworkBScript + heatmapScriptrichnessBScriptrarefactionCurveScriptrework richnessAScriptrework clustScriptrework histFocusScriptrework histScriptrichnessAScript